Just Curious: Has anyone had a Ring of Royal Grandeur drop from the act 4 cache? Going nuts trying to get this damn thing.
i got one but shity roll
Just Curious: Has anyone had a Ring of Royal Grandeur drop from the act 4 cache? Going nuts trying to get this damn thing.
Ive followed ur guide but 7zip fucks up for me :S + cant find the correct EZUpdater.xml it doenst exist in my case.
atm my bot just LAGS alot and teleports to the same teleport bounty, then to town, then back to bounty
i know you do it for free, just annoying no madder how hard i try it always screws up. Wasted alot of hours, of something that should be simple as F![]()
So your sayin theres a chance.....
Looking for RROG too, got about 20 caches, 0 legs..... so sad.
I know your trying to help me but, Im Srsly handicapped at this computer stuff, and im loosing my temper atm. Ill try, Is it possible for you to make a youtube guide for us the retarded people one day, doing all what needs to be done in correct order, WOULD BE GREATLY appriciated. I think im gonna have to give up I have no clue what im doing, and everytime i try my game fucks / chrashes and generally pisses me off![]()
see if my guide helps you
<If condition="CurrentWorldId == 82502">
<WaitTimer questId="312429" stepId="2" waitTime="1000" />
<AWTrinityExploreDungeon bountyQuestSNO="344547" bountyStep="4" questId="312429" stepId="2" boxTolerance="0.18" boxSize="20" until="ObjectFound" actorId="176038" ignoreMarkers="False">
<MoveToActor questId="312429" stepId="2" x="814" y="1242" z="0" actorId="176038" destinationWorldId="82511" isPortal="True" interactRange="20" />
<WaitTimer questId="72095" stepId="11" waitTime="1000" />
So your sayin theres a chance.....
plz elaborate im here to helpCant find or get half the stuff you mentioned to work .. :s i am rly trying but everything ends in f4ilure
act 4 is diffrent because here u can get horadric cache from act 1,2,3,5 - so chance to get this ring is lower than in act 1![]()
The bot should have timed out due to gold inactivity because of trinity. Weird that it didn't.
Would you be able to help me with teamspeak assistance its hard to explain when you dont know half the stuff im reading / finding / fucking up![]()
in mostly act1 issue.
in tags awtrinityexploredungeon with condition until=exitfound maybe if you change that to objectfound with actor id and then next line is using movetoactor with actorid and isportal=true. it will click the portal instead of tp loop. I tested with:
Code:<If condition="CurrentWorldId == 82502"> <WaitTimer questId="312429" stepId="2" waitTime="1000" /> <AWTrinityExploreDungeon bountyQuestSNO="344547" bountyStep="4" questId="312429" stepId="2" boxTolerance="0.18" boxSize="20" until="ObjectFound" actorId="176038" ignoreMarkers="False"> </AWTrinityExploreDungeon> <MoveToActor questId="312429" stepId="2" x="814" y="1242" z="0" actorId="176038" destinationWorldId="82511" isPortal="True" interactRange="20" /> <WaitTimer questId="72095" stepId="11" waitTime="1000" /> </If>