It means you were on a kill quest in southern highlands and the objective wasn't found by the path we have set up. Only thing that would help more is the location of the objective monster if you actually went and found him. Fail safe is a trinity explore so its possible that it killed him anyway. But it shouldn't get that far.
On the Moon Clan Bounty my bot is clearing level one then once it enters level two it ports back to town and tries to start the bounty over again. It never completes it I left it running for a hour just to check. Here is what it says before town portaling out
[Trinity] TrinityExploreDungeon Started
[Trinity] Found exitNameHash -1187439573!
ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
[Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
Loaded profile Clear the Clan of the Moon Cave (344547)
Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:50 Combat:True KillRadius:31
[Trinity] TrinityTownPortal started - clearing area, waitTime=2500, startHealth=522820
[Trinity] Town Portal timer finished
Using Waypoint. Number:13
This Profile used to work like a charm but for some reason now it is not realizing that it has completed the objective. (running the act 4 profile by the way) Is there any way to fix this? it runs around the same zone for hours now.
This Profile used to work like a charm but for some reason now it is not realizing that it has completed the objective. (running the act 4 profile by the way) Is there any way to fix this? it runs around the same zone for hours now.
Using most current updated DB + Trinity. It's been flawless.Is it recommended to use previous version of DB Beta + Plugins? Or will all the current updates work?
Some objectives always spawn at 1 of X possible locations. We should gather the coordinates of those locations and have the bot visit them in order of frequency (or other ingame signs?!). Having this information we could just speed up bounty runs a lot since we do not have to explore first.
F.ex. ACT 4 High Heavens. The bot always wants to explore the area where the entrance in story mode lies first. Doesn't make much sense to me?
Also it would be nice to rush to target locations and then check if you need to kill some more mobs then kill the mobs and go to next bounty/town.
Currently it is exploring and fighting to the target location which is very very time consuming.
Once these profiles are somewhat stable and afkable it would be very nice to do some fine tuning on them with the methods I mentioned above and maybe other methods I do not know of.
Another Idea is make these profiles ready for public games.
This would mean:
- As the one who restarts the games, do not leave party (or simply just be passive and do not restart)
- Check whether there is a free bounty if not go help another one. Don't port with map but with the flag.
- Accept/Decline Boss Requests triggered by coplayers
- And all of the above speed up methods with some more human behavior so that no one sees you acting like a bot (or just group up w/ other botters and splitfarm afk)
Maybe a developer can say something about this?
It seems that I cant even open Demonbuddy's setting-> bot page anymore. anyone having the same issue?
item red and not repairing also..