2014-04-17 07:46:11,402 [Main Bot Thread] INFO UseWaypointTag (null) - Using Waypoint. Number:2
2014-04-17 07:46:14,360 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
2014-04-17 07:46:14,374 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f91cd50a-2265-4f23-8e49-8a53c522b18a
2014-04-17 07:46:18,316 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] bbdef0d3-cad5-452a-ae05-9ad14d132e76
2014-04-17 07:46:18,520 [Main Bot Thread] INFO LogMessageTag (null) - Swiggity swooty, we're roaming for that booty...
2014-04-17 07:46:18,782 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
2014-04-17 07:46:18,798 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:46:18,813 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:46:18,814 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
2014-04-17 07:46:18,814 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
2014-04-17 07:46:18,821 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3f5de406-06fc-47e2-96cc-4ad9ec7612fd
2014-04-17 07:46:18,845 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
2014-04-17 07:46:18,852 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:46:18,858 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:46:31,628 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:46:31,629 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:46:32,935 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:46:32,938 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:46:40,863 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:46:40,865 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:46:52,010 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:46:52,014 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:46:59,030 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:46:59,035 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:47:05,759 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:47:05,763 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
2014-04-17 07:47:06,859 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
2014-04-17 07:47:06,862 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!