@Thandurius1: I've started "playing" the AH, and have yet to see what profit I can make. I enabled AHBuddy to buy underpriced cloth, gems, ores and so on. The underpriced percentage is now 50%, so every item priced <50% average price is bought by me. And I have to say, that's still a lot! It spend 10K in 10 minutes doing that, resulting in full bags.
You need to find a nice match between buying cheap auctions and posting them, as it defaults buying all underpriced mats (<50% in my case) and only posting 5 stacks at a time max.
Also, I can see someone is competing with me because every run I do (10-15 minutes) my gems are undercut and are cancelled. AHBuddy reports them for 1 copper less, and 15 minutes later I am undercut again (probably by 1 copper too lol). It's important to not AFK this one and go through the settings with care.