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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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Are you sure though? I removed honorbuddy and all other files related. Downloaded everything from scratch and reconfigured them.
And all other botbases are running fine :(
Framelock is turned on by default with a fresh install of hb and no one else is reporting major issues like DCing with framelock on. So the support section will hopefully be able to help you.
Framelock is turned on by default with a fresh install of hb and no one else is reporting major issues like DCing with framelock on. So the support section will hopefully be able to help you.

Thats odd. You mean the checkbox for "Use framelock" under General when you click "Settings & Tools" right? That one has always been unchecked by default on my HB installations.
I'm very thankfull for your help though! I'm going to investigate further and try to fix it, then I will report back :)
Just tried using Framelock on one of the questing bots. TPS=30
No isses with over 100 fps avg.

The freezing is ONLY occuring with Professionbuddy/AHBuddy. I've tried TPS=15/30/60 with the same result. Every time he hits the mailbox wow freezes. With framelock off it works, but very slowly because of low FPS. Again this is only happening with Professionbuddy/AHBuddy
Just tried using Framelock on one of the questing bots. TPS=30
No isses with over 100 fps avg.

The freezing is ONLY occuring with Professionbuddy/AHBuddy. I've tried TPS=15/30/60 with the same result. Every time he hits the mailbox wow freezes. With framelock off it works, but very slowly because of low FPS. Again this is only happening with Professionbuddy/AHBuddy
I was able to reproduce the lagging at the mailbox. I turned on TSM (all of it) addon. Without it, I have no issue. It might be TSM Mailing module?
/edit: NVM. It's lagging everywhere now, only get 12fps. I'm going to turn of TSM again to see if it improves.
/edit2: Turning off TSM completely still got me lagging as hell. 12 fps, HB uses 25% CPU. After a while it disappears and runs normal again. No idea what changed. It comes back too, all of a sudden. Funny thing is; when I'm lagging and I stop HB, the lagging goes on... it stops when I shut down HB completely. So, PB or AHBuddy injects something that keeps the WOW process very busy.
I was able to reproduce the lagging at the mailbox. I turned on TSM (all of it) addon. Without it, I have no issue. It might be TSM Mailing module?
/edit: NVM. It's lagging everywhere now, only get 12fps. I'm going to turn of TSM again to see if it improves.
/edit2: Turning off TSM completely still got me lagging as hell. 12 fps, HB uses 25% CPU. After a while it disappears and runs normal again. No idea what changed.

I guess you have the same problem as me then. I also use TSM. But I have turned it off completely when botting
I am not able to reproduce any fps lag with AHBuddy, I only get wow freezing for a second which is caused by professionbuddy and framelock and if you want that fixed post on the professionbuddy thread. Wait until a stable HB version is released and see if you still have lag.
This one of the best AH tools i ever come around , im still learning how to use it though , one question how to configure it to search for specific gemz only to buy without going through all gems to shorten the search time ?
i tried to delete the lines of the gems i didnt want to search for from "Scanning auctions for Pandarian Gems to buy" but didnt work .
This one of the best AH tools i ever come around , im still learning how to use it though , one question how to configure it to search for specific gemz only to buy without going through all gems to shorten the search time ?
i tried to delete the lines of the gems i didnt want to search for from "Scanning auctions for Pandarian Gems to buy" but didnt work .
This is how you're supposed to do it. Delete the gems you don't want to buy from the profile, save the file and restart hb.

How do I make it withdraw gems from GB to a certain amount, and keep a certain amount posted to AH ?


How do I make it withdraw gems from GB to a certain amount, and keep a certain amount posted to AH ?

Gems aren't in the list of items for withdrawing yet, i'll try and add gems and enchants for the next update.
Sorted, now posting gems :)

Can I use my updated profile with the "template" feature on the website to update prices?
Hi there,

I believe WithdrawAdditively="False" should be WithdrawAdditively="True", as in the amount you're already calculating now many *additional* ones it needs to withdraw.

For example:

<If Condition="(InbagCount(43533) + OnAhCount(43533)) &lt; 5 &amp;&amp; InGBankCount (43533) &gt;= 1">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="Amount" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="0" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="43533" Amount="(5) - (InbagCount(43533) + OnAhCount(43533))" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="False"/>

Say I have 3 in my bags and 1 on the AH. So 4 in total, and there are plenty in the GBank. This will goto the bank and try to take out 1 more. Calling GetItemfromBankAction with WithdrawAdditively="False" will make it try and bring my total in bag count to 1 or more, which it already is, so it does nothing, aside from keep running to the GBank and back.

Setting WithdrawAdditively="True" ensures it trys to take out the correct amount as calculated.

The relevant code inside GetItemfromBankAction.cs is:

if (WithdrawAdditively)
                                items.Add(itemID, Withdraw == DepositWithdrawAmount.All ? int.MaxValue : Amount);
                                items.Add(itemID, Amount - Util.GetCarriedItemCount(itemID));

(GetCarriedItemCount doesn't check DataStore, and just looks in bags, so it can't be shortcutted that way either)

Hope this helps!
Hi there,

I believe WithdrawAdditively="False" should be WithdrawAdditively="True", as in the amount you're already calculating now many *additional* ones it needs to withdraw.

For example:

<If Condition="(InbagCount(43533) + OnAhCount(43533)) < 5 && InGBankCount (43533) >= 1">
<GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="Amount" Bank="Guild" MinFreeBagSlots="0" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="43533" Amount="(5) - (InbagCount(43533) + OnAhCount(43533))" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="False"/>

Say I have 3 in my bags and 1 on the AH. So 4 in total, and there are plenty in the GBank. This will goto the bank and try to take out 1 more. Calling GetItemfromBankAction with WithdrawAdditively="False" will make it try and bring my total in bag count to 1 or more, which it already is, so it does nothing, aside from keep running to the GBank and back.

Setting WithdrawAdditively="True" ensures it trys to take out the correct amount as calculated.

The relevant code inside GetItemfromBankAction.cs is:

if (WithdrawAdditively)
                                items.Add(itemID, Withdraw == DepositWithdrawAmount.All ? int.MaxValue : Amount);
                                items.Add(itemID, Amount - Util.GetCarriedItemCount(itemID));

(GetCarriedItemCount doesn't check DataStore, and just looks in bags, so it can't be shortcutted that way either)

Hope this helps!
I've already changed WithdrawAdditively to true for the next update and added more items to the list of withdrawing from either bank, but good spotting :). Hopefully I can release a new update today or tomorrow, that will have some other changes.
Maybe you aren't allowed to answer this but, what's the difference between this one and salesbot? Any safer or better structure etc?
Maybe you aren't allowed to answer this but, what's the difference between this one and salesbot? Any safer or better structure etc?
I've never used salesman, so I can't tell you what the differences are. I'm sure there's lots of people that have tried both extensively and can give some information.
SVN update:
Added DataStore + required modules
Added gem, enchants and leather to bank withdrawal/deposit
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_48_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="42902" MinBuyout="20g1s0c" MaxBuyout="333g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="99" UndercutPrecent="0.01" AutoFindAh="True" PostPartialStacks="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="True" />


I want to post 5 stack of 1 glyph :(

how to do? thx!
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_48_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="42902" MinBuyout="20g1s0c" MaxBuyout="333g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="99" UndercutPrecent="0.01" AutoFindAh="True" PostPartialStacks="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="True" />


I want to post 5 stack of 1 glyph :(

how to do? thx!
That will post 5 stacks of 1.
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