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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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Having got my 1st set of chars to 90 via botting, I have now turned my attention more to AH botting, and am playing around with this and other AH tools.

As part of this process, I'm attempting to develop a spreadsheet that updates my latest realm prices from wowuction and The Undermine journal, then runs through various logic to generate buying and posting strings to import into AH buddy.

It's not massively sophisticated (i.e. no auto generation of a fresh AH buddy xml, just the creation of the strings you need to cut and paste in manually, I'm no programmer) but I want a model that allows for some dynamic pricing in the same way that TSM can, based on realm realm median data. So I've dusted off my excel skills and given it a stab that way, and if others wish to collaborate, we could perhaps automate it a little better.

It's very beta at this stage, but the basics of creating demand based buying and selling groups is in place. I wouldn't mind sharing it with a couple of people to test the logic a little, firstly to start giving a little back to the community, instead of just lurking, and secondly to test the logic.

The base spreadsheet data import uses this a useful import process by Stede, a gold blogger I discovered via the Consortium forums. Find the process and related instructions at:
Late Nite With Stede: UPDATED! Stede's Spreadsheeting Sandbox - Now with BOTH Wowuction & TUJ data!
if you are interested.

PM me if you have some experience with excel and are interested in having a look at the very beta version of my spreadsheet.

TLDR: Working on spreadsheet to import dynamic realm prices and related buying/selling prices into AH buddy.

Also, if anyone knows of a way to import Region based pricing from wowuction, I'd be very interested, I can see the string in my wowuction.lua file, but it's just a set of numbers, no easy way to convert to a *.csv, With this I would be able to strengthen the logic even further to avoid those peskies who post boar meat at 2000g a stack to trick people (and processes) into thinking they're a bargain at 1g each.
I have been the latest releases a lot and I can say that they are A LOT slower than the old releases. They take an "unwanted" pause after cancelling stuff, before they do to the mailbox.

So now I am back using one of your old release (in which you still hadn't split the "cancelling" part; I mean that I only had to add prices to Buy/Sell and there was no Cancel part at the end)
Try removing items from cancelfromah subroutine that you don't sell, the pause is probably it checking each item to cancel.
Is the Undermine price data base project still going or it's frozen?

I am very curious about this aswell :D

Are you guys referring to my post on the previous page? Or something else. If it's referring to my post, I invited people with some experience of excel to help me with testing, but I've only had 1 PM so far, and that was from someone with pretty poor English and no reference to their excel experience, so I haven't followed up with them.

In terms of the project, yes it's still ongoing, I've got it all up and running for my server, but the import of buying and selling datastrings into AH buddy is still manual. Testing is ongoing.

EDIT: From reading back the last 20 pages I can see now that you guys are referring to Zakanthor's plan's to incorporate some form of Undermine Journal pricing into AH Bot itself, something I'd also love to see. I'll keep my little project going for now though, if anyone with some excel/programming knowledge wants a sneak peak, just send me a PM.
A wiered thing is that i choose the profile to buy Ores from the AH for a MaxBuyout price of 40g - nothing more, but it keep buying ores that is even more expensive, ores that cost like 99g???
A wiered thing is that i choose the profile to buy Ores from the AH for a MaxBuyout price of 40g - nothing more, but it keep buying ores that is even more expensive, ores that cost like 99g???
The prices are the individual price for the item.
Oh wow....

PB 1.637: Selling Goldlotus for 0g0s0c. Competition is at 39g75s0c

It just posted 124 gold lotus for FREE

not sure if i like this....
Stupid question... Why not grab prices from Auctioneer scans?

Everybody should have it installed, it definitely stores the data SOMEWHERE and it's always the right data for your server.... no need for huge 'api' projekts
Hi, Zakanator, thanks for this excellent profile!

I got a painful question: Is there a way to post an item to AH ignoring <Random enchantment> of that item?

For example, "Jade Epaulets" ItemID="14921" on AH costs:
<Jade Epaulets ... of Dodge> - 1000 gold
<Jade Epaulets ... of Stamina> - 500 gold

How to ignore all of this <Random enchantments> and sell my <Jade Epaulets of the Boar> for 499 gold?

P.S. Sorry for my english, it's not my primary language.
Does this one will check the minimum price in AH and then it will undercut it or it will just rely on the maxbuyout price? First time will use it.
Is it possible to set somehow a buyout price automatically?
I mean set the undercut price as a BO price so it wont do it like this:

PB 1.641: Selling Champion's Vermilion Onyx for 0g0s0c. Competition is at 11g62s99c
Hi, Zakanator, thanks for this excellent profile!

I got a painful question: Is there a way to post an item to AH ignoring <Random enchantment> of that item?

For example, "Jade Epaulets" ItemID="14921" on AH costs:
<Jade Epaulets ... of Dodge> - 1000 gold
<Jade Epaulets ... of Stamina> - 500 gold

How to ignore all of this <Random enchantments> and sell my <Jade Epaulets of the Boar> for 499 gold?

P.S. Sorry for my english, it's not my primary language.
It will already ignore the random suffix since it's not part of the item id.
Is it possible to close the auction house after posting the items, I think it continoeusly searching the auction house.
It will already ignore the random suffix since it's not part of the item id.

Hey, Zakanator, thanks for the fast reply!

I still got this problem.

Competition is beetwen one kind of Random enchantment.
e.g. <Jade Epaulets of the Boar> competes only with <Jade Epaulets of the Boar>, but not with <Jade Epaulets ... of Dodge>.

Did you ever tested any items with random suffixes on AH?
I try to understand is it an error in my profile or it's a plain profile's work.

P.S. Is't normal that items posts on AH with rounding prices?
e.g. in profile MaxBuyout="4999g99s99c", but in AH price is 5000g.
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