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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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I haven't tested AHBuddy with 5.4 yet, but those issues will be related to professionbuddy. There will most likely be bugs with professionbuddy and you'll just have to wait for highvoltz to update it.

PB had another update and AHBuddy is working fine again.
Anyone can use AH bot in 5.4 patch ??? I tried everything to get worked but HB every time crashed when trying to load ah profil .(maybe problem is even in ProfessionBuddy)
When setting a price for your individual items in settings, you are setting the price for the stack or for the individual item? Herbs for example, I have it set to sell stacks of 20, so do i put the 20 stack price or the individual herb price? Wanted to make sure while im editing these prices. Thanks :D
Is there anyway to make it have an actual Buyout Price and not a Starting Price. I don't want to sit around and wait for bids.
Where and what should i change to buy all ghost iron ores from the ah which are less than 70g each stack?
I see only questions here and no answers?

When setting a price for your individual items in settings, you are setting the price for the stack or for the individual item? Herbs for example, I have it set to sell stacks of 20, so do i put the 20 stack price or the individual herb price? Wanted to make sure while im editing these prices. Thanks :D
It's the individual price, per item, not per stack.

Is there anyway to make it have an actual Buyout Price and not a Starting Price. I don't want to sit around and wait for bids.
The MinBid Price is at 100% by default of the buyout price. The setting is: BidPrecent="100"

Is there a way to make it check the GB/PB for the items from the sell list that are not on the AH atm and post them?
Atm it's just refreshing missing quantities, but what if someone buys out all of item X - then the bot does not replenish it.
hi, i started using this profile and faced with the little problem: i have a lot of items in my mail box (sell glyph) and each time AHbuddy go to AH he doing undercut.

can he doing undercut in beginning and after posting all items from mail?
hi, i started using this profile and faced with the little problem: i have a lot of items in my mail box (sell glyph) and each time AHbuddy go to AH he doing undercut.

can he doing undercut in beginning and after posting all items from mail?
Yep... I was expecting to happen something like this to me as well.
If you are selling too many different items and your inv goes full before getting all the items from the mail.
And if someone else is running AHBuddy as well - you are going to post the same items over nad over again, undercutting each other with 1 copper, without actually be able to get all your items on the AH - because you are rotating X amount of items per run AH-Mail-Undercut, while the total amount of items you post are more.

Only solution I see is tu run glyphs for warrior from character X, glyphs for Mage from character Y, etc.
Hope that workaround helps.
Is there a way to make it check the GB/PB for the items from the sell list that are not on the AH atm and post them?
Atm it's just refreshing missing quantities, but what if someone buys out all of item X - then the bot does not replenish it.
It only supports glyphs, ore, herbs and I think enchanting and cooking materials. It will check the amount of each item on the AH and in your bags to see if it needs to deposit extra items or withdraw more items.
hi, i started using this profile and faced with the little problem: i have a lot of items in my mail box (sell glyph) and each time AHbuddy go to AH he doing undercut.

can he doing undercut in beginning and after posting all items from mail?
Yep... I was expecting to happen something like this to me as well.
If you are selling too many different items and your inv goes full before getting all the items from the mail.
And if someone else is running AHBuddy as well - you are going to post the same items over nad over again, undercutting each other with 1 copper, without actually be able to get all your items on the AH - because you are rotating X amount of items per run AH-Mail-Undercut, while the total amount of items you post are more.

Only solution I see is tu run glyphs for warrior from character X, glyphs for Mage from character Y, etc.
Hope that workaround helps.
I was testing it with pretty much all glyphs on one toon. I had it use the guild bank to help store extra glyphs and withdraw when auctions sold and didn't have any problems with bag storage.
Hi, I downloaded this wonderful profile a couple of days ago and tried a couple of times. It simply worked great! Today I tried again, but I saw it was acting oddly: the bot started to post items without buyout price and with minimum price of 0g0s0c! Luckily I got it on time and cancelled all the auctions, then I ran it again to see what was exactly the problem and it did it again!
I came here to understand why and I saw how to configure the price manually (which I didn't the first time) and saw that in the xml file every item's price was set to 0g0s0c! I didn't download the profile manually, I set it with TortoiseSVN. Is there a reason why this happened? the bot doesn't set the prices itself in some ways? To set each price manually is really a huge job (pretty much the reason why I use the bot: to avoid boring jobs! ;))! T_T
Attached is the last log, I stopped the bot to avoid it from posting any more items at useless prices :(

View attachment 8260 2013-09-23 20.52.txt
Hi, I downloaded this wonderful profile a couple of days ago and tried a couple of times. It simply worked great! Today I tried again, but I saw it was acting oddly: the bot started to post items without buyout price and with minimum price of 0g0s0c! Luckily I got it on time and cancelled all the auctions, then I ran it again to see what was exactly the problem and it did it again!
I came here to understand why and I saw how to configure the price manually (which I didn't the first time) and saw that in the xml file every item's price was set to 0g0s0c! I didn't download the profile manually, I set it with TortoiseSVN. Is there a reason why this happened? the bot doesn't set the prices itself in some ways? To set each price manually is really a huge job (pretty much the reason why I use the bot: to avoid boring jobs! ;))! T_T
Attached is the last log, I stopped the bot to avoid it from posting any more items at useless prices :(

View attachment 104876
I highly recommend you to read the first post.
It's important.
As there is written with BIG RED LATTERS:
The default price is zero for all items and need to be changed.

Open the .xml with notepad ++ and REPLACE ALL that says MinBuyout="0g0s0c" with MinBuyout="0g0s1c" and then replace all MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" with MaxBuyout="999g0s0c" and problem solved.
But I manually edit the min and max buyout of all the items that I got so if there are too low priced items - the wont post.
And if there are no items posted on the A of certain type I will post them with reasonable price, not 999g for stack of copper ore.

I got a question:
I am editing the HB because I encounter a few problems.
1. Firstly - when it cancels the auctions I may receive too many items that can not be received in one batch of mails and what happens is that the bot runs to the GB and get's items that are missing in his inventory and in the AH, but are actually in the mailbox.
I tried to make it like this:
<WHILE Condition="(HasNewMail || MailCount&gt; 0) &amp;&amp; (bool)Settings[&quot;Check Mail&quot;] &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<CustomAction Code="Log (Colors.Crimson,&quot;AHBuddy: &quot;,Colors.BlanchedAlmond,&quot;Checking for new mail.&quot;);" />
<GetMailAction GetMailType="AllItems" ItemID="0" CheckNewMail="True" MinFreeBagSlots="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" />
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="PostToAH" />
Sadly, it didn't work.

2. Also if the items on the AH are under the minbuyout value I would like them to be posted on the minbuyout price. Meaning on the undercut check items with the minbuyout shouldn't be canceled. It doesn't do that and on top if there are items that are not posted the bot's inventory get's stacked up with items that it wont post.

3. FIX: I've added <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="MoveToGbank" /> every time before <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="WithdrawBank" /> otherwise it was spamming "Err: Can't find Bank" or something like this quite often.
Couple of questions just to confirm:
<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72234" MaxBuyout="100g0s0c" Amount="500" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />

The MaxBuyout is per item, so I should probably change it to MaxBuyout="2g0s0c" for example, is that correct ? Along side the Amount option is counting how many you have total in your bags and bank ?

<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72234" MinBuyout="0g0s1c" MaxBuyout="100g0s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="10" BidPrecent="98" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

An here the MinBuyout is still per item, which I should say is MinBuyout="2g20s0c", and put the MaxBuyout to something high enough, but still reasonable, like say MaxBuyout="4g0s0c". Just need to confirm this, cause I was going through the replies in this thread, and I felt some of them were a little misleading. Thanks in advance.
Yes, the price is per item.
Min buyout - set it to the min that you are willing to sell your stuff at. So if someone sells them for way less you will post them at the min. After someone buys the cheaper ones they will get to you.
Maxbuyout - set it to a reasonable really profitable price that you would like your stuff to be sold at. That value isu sed if there's no competition on the market - no one sells that kind of item. Or if someone sells it but for too high price that pretty much no one is going to buy it for. So you will post your item at that max price, which is reasonable and people would buy at it instead of just decide to go farm themself for that item.
Working pretty fine, and thanks for this awesome work.

Got a question, In my opinion the checking mail part is pretty slow, I dont know why but the char is waiting at the mailbox for like 1min, even when all mail are grabbed.
Is it normal? Any advice?
If your problem is that he is waiting 1 minute more than he is supposed to.. you have no problem.
My bot doesn't fucking gets all the mail, now that's a problem.

What happens with you when you got over 100 mails?
Does he get 50, posts on AH, gets back to the mail or ?
Got banned within 3 days when running my AHbot. I think I pissed one guy off really bad cus he mailed me like a thousand mining picks to my toon to mess it up and then messaged me that he was gonna do everything he can to get me banned. This happened 2 days ago I think and today I was banned. Only ran it for 3 days total. I wouldnt surprise me if he called Blizz demanding to ban me right away cus he was rly pissed.

Anyone got advice on how to counter this? I cant rly lose an acc every 3 days, would get to expensive. If I would be able to run for atleast a week I would be happy with that.
Well... IMO It was your fault.
I am using it for ... 10 days or so now.
Don't have any issues other than not happy with the features of the bot - canceling undercut auctions, that are already posted at min price - so no point to re list them, and similar other issues.

I suppose that you left the bot AFK 24/7 constantly undercuting others. What I do is to load up to my banker ones every 1-2 hours for 15 mins - just to re list the things that are sold and under cut, I don't lave him posting 24/7.
If someone actually noticed that you are undercuting him 24/7 most probably if he is doing it as well - he is a botter as well.

I can easily say who are botting AH by leaving my bot for 1 hour. Ones the bot finishes it's circle - check mail, check for under cuts, check mail, post, start all over again - the guy that undercuts me again and again - he uses AH bot, obv.
Don't be that guy.
Well... IMO It was your fault.
I am using it for ... 10 days or so now.
Don't have any issues other than not happy with the features of the bot - canceling undercut auctions, that are already posted at min price - so no point to re list them, and similar other issues.

I suppose that you left the bot AFK 24/7 constantly undercuting others. What I do is to load up to my banker ones every 1-2 hours for 15 mins - just to re list the things that are sold and under cut, I don't lave him posting 24/7.
If someone actually noticed that you are undercuting him 24/7 most probably if he is doing it as well - he is a botter as well.

I can easily say who are botting AH by leaving my bot for 1 hour. Ones the bot finishes it's circle - check mail, check for under cuts, check mail, post, start all over again - the guy that undercuts me again and again - he uses AH bot, obv.
Don't be that guy.

Im not saying that it was anyones fault but mine (or actually its those fukkers that report me). I had it on for about 12 hours a day and had it off during the night. Last time I botted I was able to run for three months without a ban. Did it exactly like I do now. So I was very surprised that it happened so quick now.

So what you are suggesting is that I run it for 15 minutes or so and then turn it off for 1-2 hours. And then repeat. I am a little worried that I wont be able to sell enough but I will try it out.
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