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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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Hey. Are you going to repair the fact that if he undercuts only full stacks and single pieces are cheaper he cancels auctions and makes it once again, and again and again. ?
Try changing IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" to 1
I just did an update and replaced it all to IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1". I'll change it back once I have a look at adding undercut options individually.
hi guys, i used this bot and found a problem.
Price per 1 item, 100g. My competitor puts 10 item's in 1 stack per 500g. Bot say me, Skipping Onyx since lowest buyout 50g is below my MinBuyout 60g. I need ignore stack size above 1 item. I found only ignore stack size below =(
My sell code
<SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="76669" MinBuyout="60g0s0c" MaxBuyout="300g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeAbove="1" Amount="2" BidPrecent="97" UndercutPrecent="0.07" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
hi guys, i used this bot and found a problem.
Price per 1 item, 100g. My competitor puts 10 item's in 1 stack per 500g. Bot say me, Skipping Onyx since lowest buyout 50g is below my MinBuyout 60g. I need ignore stack size above 1 item. I found only ignore stack size below =(
There is no option for ignoring stacks above. Since items are listed by default on the auction house by price, his items will be listed first and most people would buy whatever is listed first, unless they wanted to buy in stacks. Which is then what ignore stack size below is used for.
Yes, bot are posted not corrected price =(. it uses the price of the stack and divides it into quantity of item's and at this price post on auction.


Price per 1 item [Onyx] 125g
Сompetitor posted [Onyx]x10 per 1 stack, by price 500g

Bot check it and calculate 500/10=50g, and send me message Skipping Onyx since lowest buyout:50g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:60g0s0c
Yes, bot are posted not corrected price =(. it uses the price of the stack and divides it into quantity of item's and at this price post on auction
The bot only checks the indvidual price and since the individual price is 50g and below your minbuyout of 60g it's gonna skip it
I didn't ask a question that is better, I asked a question how to solve this problem. How I understand it, it is impossible?
tell me how to add the items for sale such as
Великое начертание клыка тигра - Greater Tiger Fang Inscription 83006
в прошлый раз я пытался добавить новый товар и конечно у меня ничего не получилось, но позже решил все таки переименовать уже существующие но не нужные мне и всё получилось. через блокнот очень быстро и удобно. сделал, сохранил, закрыл. Огромное спасибо за профиль надеюсь он принесёт мне прибыль которой я смогу с вами поделится.
Hello Zakanator,

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for such a brilliant profile and again thank you for not charging us for it :) .

I am interested in a paid version that would scan the AH and generate statistics and automatically adjust the prices. Similar to the addon Market-watcher

Hello Zakanator,

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for such a brilliant profile and again thank you for not charging us for it :) .

I am interested in a paid version that would scan the AH and generate statistics and automatically adjust the prices. Similar to the addon Market-watcher

Already been working on something to get the prices automatically, just been waiting on the new patch to see which servers auction houses get combined with connected realms.
Perhaps some tool to interact with auctioneer or TSM would be great. Like super guild invite and the plugin pimp my guild. I don't want my bot to cancel the few auctions I have I want it to scan for normal prices for items buyout cheaply posted items and repost for a higher amount.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
I have updated HB for 5.4 and started using AHBuddy, but it no longer seems to be scanning the AH, just posting 3 at my MAX buyout, and when started again it posts another 3 not realising there are 3 already on the AH.
Is this "normal" since the patch and an AHBuddy update is required?
I have updated HB for 5.4 and started using AHBuddy, but it no longer seems to be scanning the AH, just posting 3 at my MAX buyout, and when started again it posts another 3 not realising there are 3 already on the AH.
Is this "normal" since the patch and an AHBuddy update is required?
I haven't tested AHBuddy with 5.4 yet, but those issues will be related to professionbuddy. There will most likely be bugs with professionbuddy and you'll just have to wait for highvoltz to update it.
Ok, PB did update itself after i started HB. maybe there was something in that update that affected it.
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