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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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hi i like the profile but is there a way to only buy stacks of 20 i set max buyout for flowers on 15g but it also buy stacks of 5

i set buyout price on 15g but it also buy stacks for alot more like 75 g

<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
-<If IgnoreCanRun="True" Condition="(int)Me.Gold >= (int)Settings["BuyOut Threshold"]"><BuyItemFromAhAction ItemID="72234" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" BuyAdditively="False" Amount="500" MaxBuyout="15g0s0c" ItemListType="Item"/></If>

I'm pretty sure the MaxBuyout price setting is per unit, so if it buys a stack you're telling it to spend up to 300g. If you want to get it for no more than 15g per stack you'd need to have 0g75s0c.

I may be wrong but I don't believe the IgnoreStackSizeBelow setting works with the BuyItemFromAhAction action, but you set the Amount you'd like to buy, so as-long as you reach that amount does it really matter if it buys in stacks or not?

Like, four stacks of 20 items 80 items.. 80 stacks of one, is still 80 items..?
I'm pretty sure the MaxBuyout price setting is per unit, so if it buys a stack you're telling it to spend up to 300g. If you want to get it for no more than 15g per stack you'd need to have 0g75s0c.

I may be wrong but I don't believe the IgnoreStackSizeBelow setting works with the BuyItemFromAhAction action, but you set the Amount you'd like to buy, so as-long as you reach that amount does it really matter if it buys in stacks or not?

Like, four stacks of 20 items 80 items.. 80 stacks of one, is still 80 items..?

you absolute right there mate changed it to unit price like 0.75 and then its working like charm
I'm confused about something..

The ahbuddy can deposit unsolld/sellable items in guildbank? correct? but can it withdraw them again to sell them later?


I have 12"X" gems in AH already, but I receive 20 more by mail. but seen my max of that gem is 20 on the AH, it will only post 8 more. So what happens to the rest of them?
I'm confused about something..

The ahbuddy can deposit unsolld/sellable items in guildbank? correct? but can it withdraw them again to sell them later?


I have 12"X" gems in AH already, but I receive 20 more by mail. but seen my max of that gem is 20 on the AH, it will only post 8 more. So what happens to the rest of them?

In the stock-standard AHBuddy.xml you can change a few settings to get it to deposit and withdraw uncut gems to and from your personal or guild bank.

For guild bank:
<Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="DepositUncutGemsGB" Summary="Deposits Pandarian uncut gems to the guild bank" Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
<Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="WithdrawUncutGemsGB" Summary="Withdraws Pandarian uncut gems from the guild bank (Requires Datastore WoW Addon)." Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="True" />
You'd just need to change the DefaultValue to True.

You could also modify/add bits to the file and have the same sort of thing to deal with specific cut gems.

Otherwise it'll post up to your amount set per item, the rest will stay in your bags. So if you had say uncut Vermilion Onyx set to sell 20 at a time and you only had eight on your AHBuddy toon, then it would list those eight (provided you're not listing stack sizes larger than eight, i.e. listing one per auction) and then you mailed another stack of 20 to that toon, it'd check the mailbox and pull them out and post another 12 to the AH leaving eight again in your bags.

Does that help?
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Still need to edit all prices self?

At the moment yes. But there are a few people who have 'systems' to do it for you, a couple are paid and a couple are quite rubbish. I'm also currently working on one, mainly for my own use that I may invite a few people to use provided there are no realm conflict.

(I'm not rushing it though as I'm also at home looking after a 12 week old baby, which obviously takes priority. But when I get spare time I'm getting it done.)
Does anyone know how I can hard code a path from mailbox to AH and vice versa? The one this profile uses is quite obvious.
Any way to send several item IDs via C.O.D? for me only checks for first ID and when bags are empty keeps trying to send that ID.
seems i am too dumb for this stuff O.o

can i ask some questions?

i just need the ahbuddy.xml and nothing else, right?
edit a price on the sell item section is not enough, right?

I would just need a very simple profile that posts the ~5 usual mats (ghost iron/herbs) for 19,90 min-price and ~39,90 buyout. thats all.

my bot has sold some cooking stuff for 0 Cent :)
Hey having problems with 1 enchant only all other ones work (Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery)

PB 1.541: Selling Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery for 0g0s0c. Competition is at 90g98s30c

<!--Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="74722" MinBuyout="30g0s0c" MaxBuyout="120g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="2" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

I've tried to reload AHbuddy, Exit and Restart HB, Reinstall PB, Reinstall HB
sorry if this been covered ( checked almost last 20 pages ) but i can't make it sell Flasks by syacks of 1, it does post a full stack for 20g each (400 total ), I did change MinBuyout="50g0s0c" MaxBuyout="120g0s0c" and StackSize="1" but its not working ( yes i did restart HB and saved the file ) is there any other change i should make? thanks for the great work! It work great on all other stuff but flasks and shoulder enchs. Cheers
seems i am too dumb for this stuff O.o

can i ask some questions?

i just need the ahbuddy.xml and nothing else, right?
edit a price on the sell item section is not enough, right?

I would just need a very simple profile that posts the ~5 usual mats (ghost iron/herbs) for 19,90 min-price and ~39,90 buyout. thats all.

my bot has sold some cooking stuff for 0 Cent :)

Quite simply open the AHBuddy.XML in an advanced text editor like EditPlus or Notepadd++ (you can just use notepad but its not as nice) then search for the item you're after using Ctrl+F, you'll come to the part of the file with all of the "SellItemOnAhAction" at the start of the lines. Then just set the settings for each item you want to sell. For example, Golden Lotus. I want to sell ten at a time in stacks of one for a minimum price of 130g and max price of 500g. So I find the line and set those figures / options.

<!--Golden Lotus-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72238" MinBuyout="130g0s0c" MaxBuyout="500g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="10" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

You can see there I've set these:
MinBuyout="130g0s0c" - The minimum price.
MaxBuyout="500g0s0c" - The maximum price, or 'fall-back price'. Only posted at this price when there is no competition.
StackSize="1" - The size of stacks to post.
Amount="10" - The amount of stacks to post.

Repeat for each different item you want to sell.


Hey having problems with 1 enchant only all other ones work (Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery)

PB 1.541: Selling Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery for 0g0s0c. Competition is at 90g98s30c

<!--Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="74722" MinBuyout="30g0s0c" MaxBuyout="120g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="2" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

I've tried to reload AHbuddy, Exit and Restart HB, Reinstall PB, Reinstall HB

The only thing I can think here is that you have the itemid listed in a previous line that gets called by the file first, try doing a search through your file for 74722 (the itemid) and just make sure it only shows up in one SellItemOnAhAction line.


sorry if this been covered ( checked almost last 20 pages ) but i can't make it sell Flasks by syacks of 1, it does post a full stack for 20g each (400 total ), I did change MinBuyout="50g0s0c" MaxBuyout="120g0s0c" and StackSize="1" but its not working ( yes i did restart HB and saved the file ) is there any other change i should make? thanks for the great work! It work great on all other stuff but flasks and shoulder enchs. Cheers

Is your UseCategory set to true by chance? If not, can you post a sample line that you're using to sell the flasks?
I'm wondering if it's profitable for the AHbuddy to undercut auctions? I just lost 500 gold in 30 mins just by cancelling auctions and reselling them, then just does it again.. I mean.. don't I get more profit without undercutting?
The only thing I can think here is that you have the itemid listed in a previous line that gets called by the file first, try doing a search through your file for 74722 (the itemid) and just make sure it only shows up in one SellItemOnAhAction line.

Ty for the reply, i found the issue.

<!--Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="74722" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="2" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

The correct ID for Elemental Force is 74725

My guess would be when i changed Amount from 5 to 2, that it changed the ID too
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I'm wondering if it's profitable for the AHbuddy to undercut auctions? I just lost 500 gold in 30 mins just by cancelling auctions and reselling them, then just does it again.. I mean.. don't I get more profit without undercutting?

This depends a lot on what you're selling, and how busy your server is in regards to other people/bots posting that item. Changes from server-to-server. But 500g in 30 minutes either means you're selling bit ticket items or hundreds/thousands of items?

In AH charges (deposit 12hr) 0.15 * vendor value to list an item and if the item sells the AH takes a 5% cut of the price. So, say for example I'm selling scroll enchants, they vendor for 10s each which would make the deposit 1s50c. Now I set my AHBuddy up so the the MinBuyout is the price of mats to craft this scroll, plus 20x listing fee, plus how much profit I want to make (min 5% profit), plus the AH cut of that added up.

Mats: 55g
20x Deposit: 0g30s0c
Desired profit margin of 5%: 55g30s0cc * 1.05 = 58g6s5c
AH cut buffer, another 5%: 58g6s5c * 1.05 = 60g96s35c

Makes my MinBuyout 60g96s35c for this scroll.

Now I've already covered 20 re-lists for that item, which I wouldn't usually hit. But if say I did for some reason go past that mark of 20 re-lists I'd have to have another 204 times before it became unprofitable. And that's only if it was undercutting yet still above my MinBuyout, and with one item following this rule it still takes about two minutes for a full list / check / cancel / get mail / re-list so if it did that 224 times that's (2*224)/60=7.46 hours of re-listing.

So to loose 500g in 30 minutes... I have to assume you don't have it set-up very well?
Or have something wrong?
Or are targetting the AH for 'quick' profit/sales?
Would it be possible to integrate withdrawing from guild vault?
In my case, there are much things to sell at the AH.
Would it be possible to integrate withdrawing from guild vault?
In my case, there are much things to sell at the AH.

Yes. There is already the ability to withdraw Ore, Herbs, Enchanting Mats, Uncut Gems and leather from Guild Banks.

<Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="WithdrawOreGB" Summary="Withdraws Pandarian Ore from the guild bank (Requires Datastore WoW Addon)." Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="True" />
  <Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="WithdrawHerbsGB" Summary="Withdraws Pandarian herbs from the guild bank (Requires Datastore WoW Addon)." Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="True" />
  <Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="WithdrawEnchantingMatsGB" Summary="Withdraws Pandarian enchanting materials from the guild bank (Requires Datastore WoW Addon)." Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="True" />
  <Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="WithdrawUncutGemsGB" Summary="Withdraws Pandarian uncut gems from the guild bank (Requires Datastore WoW Addon)." Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="True" />
  <Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="WithdrawLeatherGB" Summary="Withdraws Pandarian leather from the guild bank (Requires Datastore WoW Addon)." Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="True" />

If set to true these call the SubRoutines assigned to each:
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="GetOre">

You could also add your own settings near the top of the file to call your own/added SubRoutines to withdraw other items, shouldn't be too hard just copy one of the settings lines and change it to suit, cloth for example could be..
<Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="WithdrawClothGB" Summary="Withdraws Cloth from the guild bank (Requires Datastore WoW Addon)." Category="Guild Bank" Global="False" Hidden="True" />

Which could call the SubRoutine further down the file:
<SubRoutine SubRoutineName="GetCloth">
    <If Condition="((bool)Settings[&quot;WithdrawClothGB&quot;]) &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="True">
      <!--Windwool Cloth-->
      <If Condition="InbagCount(72988) &lt; 100 &amp;&amp; InGBankCount (72988) &gt;= 1 &amp;&amp; !Me.NormalBagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="False">
        <CustomAction Code="Log (Colors.Crimson,&quot;AHBuddy: &quot;,Colors.BlanchedAlmond,&quot;Withdrawing Windwool Cloth from the guild bank.&quot;);" />
        <GetItemfromBankAction Withdraw="Amount" Bank="Guild" GetItemfromBankType="SpecificItem" ItemID="72988" Amount="200" AutoFindBank="True" WithdrawAdditively="False" />

And so on.. Copy/pasting/editing items to suit within that SubRoutine.

Note: I haven't tested that code, as I don't believe anyone should work for free. But I hope it helps at least put you on the right track or somewhat answer your question.
I was thinking Back to when I used this one AH Bot and it would use Auctioneer to scan and get its Data on prices is there any way that you coiuld set this up for something along the lines of that i mean so it could buy out things set that are like 75% of norm sell price and below cause to get thing working well it takes hrs to set up and then ontop of that you end up losing gold cause it buys anything thats is under your set buy out even if it is smaller stacks that are over priced the AHbot the PB comes with scans and gets info to undercut ppl on the ah so wouldnt there be a way to do the reverse for buying just saying?
Is your UseCategory set to true by chance? If not, can you post a sample line that you're using to sell the flasks?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the help but i was just editing the wrong xml, after i found the right one i got all fixed thanks!
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