hi i like the profile but is there a way to only buy stacks of 20 i set max buyout for flowers on 15g but it also buy stacks of 5
i set buyout price on 15g but it also buy stacks for alot more like 75 g
<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
-<If IgnoreCanRun="True" Condition="(int)Me.Gold >= (int)Settings["BuyOut Threshold"]"><BuyItemFromAhAction ItemID="72234" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" BuyAdditively="False" Amount="500" MaxBuyout="15g0s0c" ItemListType="Item"/></If>
I'm pretty sure the MaxBuyout price setting is per unit, so if it buys a stack you're telling it to spend up to 300g. If you want to get it for no more than 15g per stack you'd need to have 0g75s0c.
I may be wrong but I don't believe the IgnoreStackSizeBelow setting works with the BuyItemFromAhAction action, but you set the Amount you'd like to buy, so as-long as you reach that amount does it really matter if it buys in stacks or not?
Like, four stacks of 20 items 80 items.. 80 stacks of one, is still 80 items..?