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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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heres the log

PB 1.540: Loading profile AHBuddy.xml
PB 1.540: HighVoltz.Composites.PutItemInBankAction->SubCategory appears to be unused
PB 1.540: HighVoltz.Composites.PutItemInBankAction->SubCategory appears to be unused
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Cooking
PB 1.540: Checking for new version
PB 1.540: No updates found
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill First Aid
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Jewelcrafting
Cancel Undercut Auctions: True
Post to the Auction House: True
Check Mail: True
CycleWait: False
DepositGoldInGbank: False
BuyOut Threshold: 1000 Gold
Current Gold: 28 Gold
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Mining
PB 1.540: Done Loading Tradeskills.
PB 1.540: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Requires atleast 1000 Gold to buy from the auction house.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.540: Selling Cobalt Ore for 2g49s99c. Competition is at 2g50s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Heavenly Shard since lowest buyout:4g24s13c is below my MinBuyout:30g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Water since lowest buyout:1g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:1g75s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Eternal Earth since lowest buyout:14g95s0c is below my MinBuyout:44g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Earth since lowest buyout:2g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:4g0s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Requires atleast 1000 Gold to buy from the auction house.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.540: Skipping Heavenly Shard since lowest buyout:4g24s13c is below my MinBuyout:30g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Water since lowest buyout:1g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:1g75s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Eternal Earth since lowest buyout:14g95s0c is below my MinBuyout:44g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Earth since lowest buyout:2g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:4g0s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
Cancel Undercut Auctions: True
Post to the Auction House: True
Check Mail: True
CycleWait: False
DepositGoldInGbank: False
BuyOut Threshold: 1000 Gold
Current Gold: 23 Gold
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
PB 1.540: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.540: Selling Cobalt Ore for 2g49s99c. Competition is at 2g50s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Heavenly Shard since lowest buyout:4g24s13c is below my MinBuyout:30g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Water since lowest buyout:1g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:1g75s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Eternal Earth since lowest buyout:14g95s0c is below my MinBuyout:44g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Earth since lowest buyout:2g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:4g0s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.540: Selling Cobalt Ore for 2g49s99c. Competition is at 2g50s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Heavenly Shard since lowest buyout:4g24s13c is below my MinBuyout:30g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Water since lowest buyout:1g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:1g75s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Eternal Earth since lowest buyout:14g95s0c is below my MinBuyout:44g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Earth since lowest buyout:2g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:4g0s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.540: Selling Cobalt Ore for 2g49s99c. Competition is at 2g50s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Heavenly Shard since lowest buyout:4g24s13c is below my MinBuyout:30g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Water since lowest buyout:1g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:1g75s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Eternal Earth since lowest buyout:14g95s0c is below my MinBuyout:44g0s0c
PB 1.540: Skipping Crystallized Earth since lowest buyout:2g0s0c is below my MinBuyout:4g0s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
What 'bot' do I start this as? I've tried Quest and Gatherbuddy and neither work.
Please help it just keeps posting to AH then it buys right back spending all my gold.

It shouldn't be buying stuff at all since:
AHBuddy: Requires atleast 1000 Gold to buy from the auction house.
And you only had 23g or something?

Sounds more like you're being undercut and it's re-listing over and over.

Could be a few things, but try these steps.
1) Let it post auctions and then 'Stop' HB.
2) Wait two-to-five minutes and manually check the AH to see if you're the cheapest listing.
3) 'Start' HB again, if you're still the cheapest option and the ore is your only listing then you shouldn't get any 'undercut' items in your mail box.

But if you do..

4) Close HB, restart and re-load the profile.
5) Make sure you close and re-load HB each time you make a change to the profile.

Also in the default AHBuddy.xml
<!--Cobalt Ore-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="36909" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="20" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />
(Be Aware: MinBuyout is the lowest buy-out you'll sell it for, or rather the amount you will continue to under-cut to until you reach that value. MaxBuyout is the most you'll list it for if there are no other listings.)

Is just the settings when selling the ore, you may also want to add it to the 'buying' section. Open the XML file and look for "<!--Ore-->" you should see:
    <If Condition="(bool)Settings[&quot;BuyOre&quot;] &amp;&amp; (int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
      <CustomAction Code="Log(Colors.Crimson,&quot;AHBuddy: &quot;,Colors.BlanchedAlmond,&quot;Scanning auctions for Ore to buy.&quot;);" />
      <!--Ghost Iron Ore-->
      <If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
        <BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72092" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" Amount="600" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />
      <If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
        <BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72093" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" Amount="2000" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />
      <!--Black Trillium Ore-->
      <If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
        <BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72094" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" Amount="600" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />
      <!--White Trillium Ore-->
      <If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
        <BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72103" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" Amount="600" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />

So you can throw this in the end, before the last "</If>" of the section.
      <!--Cobalt Ore-->
      <If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
        <BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="36909" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" Amount="600" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />
(Be Aware: MaxBuyout is the most you will pay for a current listing of ore that is not your own.)

If TUJ says the ore is worth 3g78s2c (average) then I personally would set the buying MaxBuyOut to about 80% of that, so 3g2s5c as this leaves you a space to cover AH Cut and listing fees before it becomes too unprofitable. So then you just need to know what the cheapest is you should sell it for, that's pretty easy as you know how much you'll pay for it at it's most expensive before you have no profit, so you take that amount and add about 5-7% and thats your selling MinBuyout, in your case about 3g23s19c. This would be playing it 'safe' and you shouldn't loose too much gold, even set yo buy 600 units. 600 x 3g2s5 is what, about 1800g so even if you get stuck with it it's not a heck of a lot. On the flip side if the margins are so small you can only sell it for that 7% more than you're paying you'll only turn about 30g profit after the AH takes it's cut.

Note: Maths my not be exact, but pretty close.

Edit: Typos.
Last edited:
Its not posting the ore now...
PB 1.540: Skipping Cobalt Ore since lowest buyout:2g45s0c is below my MinBuyout:3g0s0c
Its not posting the ore now...
PB 1.540: Skipping Cobalt Ore since lowest buyout:2g45s0c is below my MinBuyout:3g0s0c

That's saying that someone else has it listed for 2g45s0c, and you have it set to not post below 3g0s0c, double check your file/prices/settings.
I Dont get this it just keeps posting then canceling. this is what I have it set to...
!--Cobalt Ore-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="36909" MinBuyout="2g35s0c" MaxBuyout="3g2s5c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="20" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />
So should I set my min to 2g45s0c?

Well that depends, if you're flipping it then you want to sell it for more than you paid for it. And don't forget the AH takes a 5% cut. If you paid 3g for it, and you sell it for 2g45s then you're loosing money.

If you just want to get rid of it, set your MinBuyout to whatever you feel is an OK price (above vendor price obviously).

For each item you have that you want to AH you want to know a few things about them, like "What is the cheapest you want to sell the item for?"

I answer this question with 'The market Average' according to in-game addons or TUJ.

If you're hoping AHBuddy will get you rich quick, you'd be better off spending time grinding mobs and vendoring all items. Or running dailies / unfinished quests / farming instances.
these are items that I farmed so I wont be losing anything. can you just use my example and put what you would put the min and max?
these are items that I farmed so I wont be losing anything. can you just use my example and put what you would put the min and max?

Honestly if you just want to get rid of the ore, set your Minbuyout to something like 5x the vendor price. Just don't come back and complain when it's all been sold for next-to-nothing after all your hard work in farming it. But keep in mind it's an old-world mat/item so there may not be as many people after Cobalt Ore as there are after Ghost Iron Ore.
SO I basically need to set the min to slightly under the min of what other people are selling it for?
SO I basically need to set the min to slightly under the min of what other people are selling it for?

Kind of, but keep in mind people will likely start selling cheaper than you also. So you need to determine a price that you're happy with. If you want the money fast, but less of it, then set it to cheap. If you don't mind waiting for a bit more money, set it closer to the market average and wait a few hours/days/weeks for it to sell.

Think of AHBuddy as a workshop filled with all the tools to build anything you want. It's all there, all you have to do is decide what to build, something rushed together with a hammer and nails or a nice set of cupboards with fine dovetail joints.

Results may vary.
but if I set it wrong it just cancels the auctions and restarts them wasting even more gold.

It shouldn't cancel unless you've been undercut. As I said earlier, I'd suggest letting the bot post the items then hit 'Stop' once posting is done and manually check in five minutes or so and see if you're still the cheapest auction. If you are then there is Something wrong somewhere that I cannot see, and could only suggest a fresh HB-install and a fresh AHBuddy-profile.
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