So I have it set to ignore anything other than stacks of 20, or so I thought, but it will post a stack of thorium bars undercutting the cheapest stack of 20, but then when it scans for undercuts, it cancels the auction because there's a stack of lets say 5 or 7 thorium bars for cheaper. Isn't the "Ignore stacks less than" option supposed to prevent that?
Can you post one of your
SellItemOnAhAction lines from from your file that this is happening to, so we can check it?
viknixx said:
And what is about multibotting with 3 -6 Bots?
different servers are different prices ... this i cant make!
I would like: that the Bot alway be the cheapest in the AH
For multiple servers, you can make multiple different files. Just rename them to AHBuddy_ServerName_Faction.xml where ServerName is the name of one of the servers and Faction is Horde or Alliance on that server. Repeat for each applicable.
If you want the bot to always be the cheapest in the AH, the easy solution is to open the AHBuddy.xml file find all instances of
MinBuyout="0g0s0c" and replace with
MinBuyout="0g0s1c", this will make it so that every item you have set-up in the file will keep undercutting until it reaches one copper. Of course your profit will be thrown out the window as at one copper that's cheaper than selling to vendors, not to mention you might re-list something several thousand times costing you a deposit each re-list until you're broke.
If you don't like that, it may be time to remind people that AHBuddy gives results that are reflective of the time and effort put into it's setup. It's something that can be continually added upon, you can increase the feature-set or manipulate it's contents with a third party application. I've been using it for weeks now, have added several features which make it suit my goals when it comes to the AH and making gold. I've also written a basic application that'll take pricing data from a Undermine Journal CSV output, calculate pricing for each item based upon a formula I was happy with and replaces the prices inside the AHBuddy.xml file. I'm also working on a straight AHFlip profile that's generated through a PHP-Driven website and can be generated daily with the most up-to date prices, I'm on about my seventh real attempt with this and started on a new server managed to get 50g from people in Stormwind and ran it a few times a day for the last week or so and it's already made over 5,700g which is pretty good for starting with just 50g!
As I say, you get what you give. Put a little more effort in, spend some more time reading and thinking and you'll see the rewards.