<!--Windwool Cloth-->
<If Condition="(int)Me.Gold >= (int)Settings["BuyOut Threshold"]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72988" MaxBuyout="1g20s0c" Amount="500" BuyAdditively="True" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />
Hey i got some problem with the AHBuddy
here my xml: <!--Golden Lotus-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72238" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="9000" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />
It does 4 things fucking wrong:
1. Selling Golden Lotus for 10g0s0c. Competition is at 27g59s99c.
2. Its post Golden Lotus in stack of amount 20...instead of 1.
3. Selling Golden Lotus for 0g0s0c. Competition is at 22g50s0c
4. Selling Green Tea Herb for 10g0s0c. There is no Competition (ofc there was)
5. There is no Sha-Touched in list.
Can anyone help me out?
Thanks for every help!
I also keep getting :
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
But nothing gets posted.
Got the latest HB & ProfessionBuddy.
Any hints?