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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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Is it possible to white list sellers? as in you got another account on the server and you don't want to keep undercutting yourself :)

So u would add bank A as my own char, so bank B don'st keep undercutting him?
This is my first time using this, and i'm quite confused on how to set it up. Do i have to go into the settings and individually set up all the prices of the items i want to sell? Is there an option to just take the current AH price and undercut it by a certain percentage or amount? I have a bunch of random things I want to sell and it seems that it's very troublesome to constantly change the prices in settings.
I'd be cautious when selling enchant scrolls. It just sold a stack of 20 Windsong for the price of 1. I wondered why it sold instantly... :-\

I tried to use this Profiel today only for BUYING

I set up like this:

<!--Windwool Cloth-->
<If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;BuyOut Threshold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="72988" MaxBuyout="1g20s0c" Amount="500" BuyAdditively="True" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" />

My thought was: 1g20s per item, so the bot should buy every item for 1g20s, or a stack for 24g or 3 items for 3g 60s. he also should bid on every item for 1g20s or less. But he only bids on items that are extremely low in price (He bid on 30C for example)

Then i set up the max buyout to 24g but them he buys just everything..

Can someone help me, pleas?
Hey i got some problem with the AHBuddy

here my xml: <!--Golden Lotus-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72238" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="9000" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

It does 4 things fucking wrong:

1. Selling Golden Lotus for 10g0s0c. Competition is at 27g59s99c.
2. Its post Golden Lotus in stack of amount 20...instead of 1.
3. Selling Golden Lotus for 0g0s0c. Competition is at 22g50s0c
4. Selling Green Tea Herb for 10g0s0c. There is no Competition (ofc there was)

5. There is no Sha-Touched in list.

Can anyone help me out?
Thanks for every help!
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Hey i got some problem with the AHBuddy

here my xml: <!--Golden Lotus-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72238" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="9000" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

It does 4 things fucking wrong:

1. Selling Golden Lotus for 10g0s0c. Competition is at 27g59s99c.
2. Its post Golden Lotus in stack of amount 20...instead of 1.
3. Selling Golden Lotus for 0g0s0c. Competition is at 22g50s0c
4. Selling Green Tea Herb for 10g0s0c. There is no Competition (ofc there was)

5. There is no Sha-Touched in list.

Can anyone help me out?
Thanks for every help!

I've found that I've had to exit HB, then restart HB and reload the profile before the changes in the XML file took hold. So if you've just adjusted the file on the fly, try reloading everything after you save the XML file.

For anything not in the list just add it by copying an existing line and modify the itam name in the comment and the ItemID in the 'SellItemOnAhAction' line. The ItemID can be found by looking up the item on wowhead and getting the ID out of the URL.
Thats not the point. I restart HB after ever change i make on a profile. As you can see there is a tap for Golden Lotus with ID in my Profile. But thanks for you answer. Anyways it keeps selling Golden Lotus for 10g in 20stack-size...
Sorry I can't help more, I've only just started using it myself. Spent more time making an app to pull data from TUJ and update prices in my AHBuddy XML than I have posting auctions!

If it works as intended I'll post it up in here. Idea is it gets new market data every six hours and updates prices based on that data, so minbuyout if a crafted item is mats+ahcut+minprofitdesired, so it'll very rarely post crafteds under mat cost.

I'm looking to add the buying mats/etc in too as we'll as common popular items that could be flipped pretty easy.
stupid question sorry for that.
I have to start it as gatherbuddy or combat ? have no clue how ;p
i tried today the ahbuddy but i dont understand a thing to set up the settings

I want to buy underpriced items and sell them for more but undercutting others? how to set this up

Any profiles to download for MOP
Wher can we get prices from an online database of a high pop server to get the best prices for all servers.
How do you add an item to the list of items to be sold at AH? I did not find individual Darkmoon cards in the list for example.I also did not find the shoulder enchants.
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So basicly:
- we tell AHBuddy what characters have certain professions
- we setup all prices according to the prices on our server.

And then press start?

* Will AHBuddy know what sell the highest and what's the preferred thing to do with certain mats?
For example, bars give more profit so it logs to my miner and make bars instead of selling ores. or making certain glyphs, disenchanting, ... AHBuddy does this on Autopilot according to our servers prices?

* What's the best way to handle the editing of prices? I wouldn't mind doing this 1by1 if this gives the results im hoping for or can we get this done more easily or automaticaly from our AH data?
any1 fixed this golden lotus ~~ 10g for 1 shit? and so it post it 1 by 1 and not in stacks ^_^
I also keep getting :
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.

But nothing gets posted.
Got the latest HB & ProfessionBuddy.

Any hints?
I also keep getting :
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.

But nothing gets posted.
Got the latest HB & ProfessionBuddy.

Any hints?

Have you changed prices? minBuyout, maxBuyout
am I doing this right?... Say I want to sell Cobalt ore and buy it to undercut...
1)Check the price on this site:https://theunderminejournal.com/item.php?realm=A-Laughing Skull&item=36909 says its worth 3 gold 78 silver 2) edit the file to look like this:
<!--Cobalt Ore-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="36909" MinBuyout="1gs0c" MaxBuyout="3g78s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="20" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />
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