New Strategy Guide for talents/rotations for Patch 6.1:
I won't be going into as much detail here, but simply outlining what spec's to use and what rotations from Millz to use on all HM and BRF fights I have completed on heroic difficulty. There are also certain fights where it's better to run a mixture of CoP Lite/Standard/DoTWeave, I will not be going into that much detail here, if you are semi-intelligent and willing to do the work, it's pretty obvious when you should be toggling through different rotations.
This will likely be the last update from me as I'm swapping to my warlock for full time progression starting on Sunday. Look for me to perhaps drop a few suggestions in that thread though if you play a lock also once I'm comfortable and have had a chance to play around with it.
Kargath Bladefist: CoP DoT Weave, Insanity, Twist of Fate (if you have a haste proc trinket, Power Infusion without)
Butcher: CoP DoT Weave, Insanity, Twist of Fate (if you have a haste proc trinket, Power Infusion without)
Brackenspore: Auspicious Spirits, Insanity, Twist of Fate
Tectus: Auspicious Spirits, Insanity, Twist of Fate
Twin Ogron: CoP Lite or Auspicious Spirits depending on your stats, Surge of Darkness, Twist of Fate (if you have a haste proc trinket, Power Infusion without)
Ko'ragh: CoP Standard or CoP DoT Weave, Insanity, Twist of Fate.
Imperator: CoP Standard toggling to CoP Lite for Warmages and Reaver, CoP Lite if you find yourself not operating perfectly under standard due to high movement. Insanity, Twist of Fate.
Blackrock Foundry:
Gruul: CoP DoT Weave/CoP Standard (some have had higher performance with CoP Lite due to movement). Insanity, Twist of Fate (if you have a haste proc trinket, Power Infusion without)
Oregorger: CoP Lite, swapping to CoP Standard for box burning phases. Insanity, Twist of Fate (if you have a haste proc trinket, Power Infusion without)
Blast Furance: Auspicious Spirits, Insanity, Twist of Fate
Beastlord Darmac: Auspicious Spirits, Insanity, Twist of Fate
Operator Thogar: Auspicious Spirits, Insanity, Twist of Fate
Iron Maidens: Auspicious Spirits, Insanity, Twist of Fate
Hans and Franz: CoP Lite, Insanity or Surge of Darkness depending on your comfort level with the fight, Twist of Fate (if you have a haste proc trinket, Power Infusion without)
Flamebender: CoP Lite, Insanity, Twist of Fate
Kromog: CoP Standard or CoP DoT Weave, Insanity, Twist of Fate (if you have a haste proc trinket, Power Infusion without)