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[Post in progress] My new 5 men team with the WoD Bchest

So Far, I have 1 team fully ready and going pretty solid and starting a new team tonight/tomorrow

First Team consists of
Prot Paladin - 668
Disc Priest - 667
Feral Druid - 672
Fury Warrior - 672
BM Hunter - 673
Been about 12~ days, about 3-4 of those days I didn't bot them hard / did some small stuff to gear them more a bit. Averaging 500-600 gph but getting bugged in UBRS is pretty tough. Lately been getting stuck in corners on Auchidon as well.

Gold made - 270k~

My New Team is going to consist of...
Prot Warrior - RIP
Restro Druid - RIP
BM Hunt - RIP
BM Hunt - RIP
Enh Shaman - RIP

RIP Team 2 got banned before hitting 100. Got to 91, finally geared for Dungeons and bam banned.

Going to try to mix and test using different CR and such.
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Just a suggestion, depending on the feedback ill spend some time looking into the code for that instance and upload a v2.0 file for UBRS that you all can have free of charge. I just need to know the major issue and someone to test the validity of it for me since all of my accounts have been banned.
Major issue is just being stuck in combat after last boss in UBRS due to the flying dragons that spawn during the boss fight.
So a simple check for "alive or dead" of last boss would be enough of a trigger at the end of the script to make it run to the entrance or somewhere far enough away to drop aggro and then re queue or would you all like to have it drop group and reform after since the dungeonbuddy bot will automatically do that if they all leave group instantly.
Dropping the instance group and requing might end up being alot more consistent and time efficient than making it run back to the beginning and hope to drop agro.
would also highly appreciate a corrected version for UBRS...

By the way, my new 5man team just hit LVL 85 and i'm still unsure what to do with them...
Go the easy way and just run MOP heroics with XP freeze at lvl90 or let them level up to 100, equip them this week during the BG week and let them do the lvl 100 HCs...
What do you think gives more GPH?

Noticed the 500-700 gph for WOD HCs, and had a 5 man team doing MOP HC @700-800 a while ago.
So if blizzard did not change the drops the MOP team should be more efficent right?
My advice, take advantage of group queing dread approach with multiple 650-675 toons in same party rolling with potions of luck. The trash pulls are quick, the tiny treasure chests are personal to each toon. 1 leader to join the que, rest on party bot for auto-accept que and following/looting. I'm currently working on optimizing the follow crew to use tiny chests and also vendor when leader bot does.

1/2 so far :) make about 3400-5000 an hour, sometimes more depending on ring from chests.
My advice, take advantage of group queing dread approach with multiple 650-675 toons in same party rolling with potions of luck. The trash pulls are quick, the tiny treasure chests are personal to each toon. 1 leader to join the que, rest on party bot for auto-accept que and following/looting. I'm currently working on optimizing the follow crew to use tiny chests and also vendor when leader bot does.

1/2 so far :) make about 3400-5000 an hour, sometimes more depending on ring from chests.

on another thread they said it's easiest way to get banned sooner than later...
I know it's always suicide, but believe a raid where you've to walk outside is way faster than queing for HC with the tool from your garrison(lvl100 HC) or in OG(lvl90 HC)...
on another thread they said it's easiest way to get banned sooner than later...
I know it's always suicide, but believe a raid where you've to walk outside is way faster than queing for HC with the tool from your garrison(lvl100 HC) or in OG(lvl90 HC)...

Yes, but is it 9 times more likely? Probably not.
When leveling up the bots, I assume you use RAF?
And because it takes awhile for blizz to fully upgrade your 1st account to lift trial, you cannot RAF until then?
RAF yes, I used the battle chest keys from warcraft movie (look around can easily get 5 for 20$ and such) (NA anyways, not sure about EU)
RAF yes, I used the battle chest keys from warcraft movie (look around can easily get 5 for 20$ and such) (NA anyways, not sure about EU)

Thanks for the reply.

What's the best way to deal with the iLVL requirements for LFD and LFR?
from 90-91 just run the questing profiles. you should get close to ur ilvl. (I personally get mine to like 460, buy a few 640 pieces and im generally ok.
When leveling up the bots, I assume you use RAF?
And because it takes awhile for blizz to fully upgrade your 1st account to lift trial, you cannot RAF until then?

Indeed that's an issue... I had to wait like about 3-5 hours before the first account was fully "upgraded" to a paid account.
before i could not sent our the RAF invites due to limitation of trial version.
But as mentioned only 3-5 hours (max 72h as per blizz).
Afterwards i created all the toons and quested them to lvl 16, yeah could have move them through RF at LVL10, but had a lazy day with sun shining outside :D

EU is pretty nice as you can buy yourself the low price russian accounts.
Blizz directly offers them for EUR 7,50 if you create an account, log in as trial, log out and log in a advertising screen will show up and you can buy it for eur 7,50 incl. WOD and 30days playtime.
plati.ru is way cheaper but my credit card doesn't like them any longer, have to fix this sooner than later, there you get gamekeys startig at USD 5,80, also incl. wod and incl. 30days gametime.
all you need is free proxy, i use foxy-proxi and proxy-listen.de for this.
Same for the "main account" gametime is eur 7,50 with russian IP...
If you buy a key and use that for activation, I'm pretty sure it's instant. It's only if you use a credit card it takes up to 72 hours. I've never had it take that long though.
If you buy a key and use that for activation, I'm pretty sure it's instant. It's only if you use a credit card it takes up to 72 hours. I've never had it take that long though.

Can be the reason, at least i can't remember the waiting time when i were able to purchase the game code via plati.ru...
From 90 to 100 it's easier and faster to just do questing bot until you hit level 100. Once you get to level 90 you are far away from the new and rather stupid item level requirement that Blizzard started having in WoD so people could no longer levelled strictly through dungeons (because hey, if that's what players enjoy lets stop them..) and when you hit level 100 you need will most likely be far away from the 610 requirement for starting doing heroics anyway so having your characters do the questing in WoD is not only efficient, but it will get you closer to the item level requirement for heroics as well.

Having a full RAF-team you will go from level 15 to 90 in no time. Unless you get really unlucky (doing it AFK) and some player get stuck on level 69 or 79 while the rest of the team is 70 or 80. Or you get stuck on training dummies in Scarlet Monastery you should hit level 90 within 12-15 hours. If you are unlucky and get stuck due to one player being out of sync level wise for the bot to continue on with it's random dungeon queuing or you get stuck on the training dummies in Scarlet Monastery it all depends on how fast you'll notice and are able to fix it.
tbh, as soon as your 5 man teams gets done reformat your pc or do a timewarp with windows 10 that puts it back to a fresh install recovery to delete all wow keys/install paths since they will have you marked.

One comment... LOL. you no clue what you're talking about.

OP, don't listen to this nutjob.