I do not know much about coding so I do not know exactly what to add, do you know what might help? I have a current 5 man group so I can test it for you if needed.
Could u share how you fixed that problem yet? I've been looking into it yet I can't figure out what to do.
I found 4 solutions, though their effects vary. Only needs to be used on the group's leader:
1. Use plugin called Botterhelper
https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=3121 which can be configured to leave group after a certain amount of time. (does NOT work well, since you pretty much end up with a constant deserter's debuff unless you put the timer on like 1-2 hours ++. the plugin is not free, so is better to use another solution).
2. Use HBrelog's tasks to set up an hourly relog, include an idle task for about 6 min so your character is logged out and removed from group (mediocre results, as it will relog every hour, or whatever time you set it to. Is still better than 8 hours of afking though).
3. Use the plugin Logmeout
https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=1571 (not on sale anymore?) to set a logout after being in combat for about 5 minutes. Results were poor, as it seems to be random if your character is out of combat on the relog. Worked well the first time, second time it was stuck for about an hour with relogs every 5 min, but still wasnt able to requeue after relogging.
4. WINNER: Use same plugin as in nr 3, but configure it to use night elf racial Shadowmeld before logging out after being in combat for 5 min. This removes the combat flag, and is now able to requeue when it logs back in. Suppose hunter's feign death will do the same trick, Vanish for rogue etc.
The same plugin can be configured to use a LUA code, so I guess you could write something that forces a requeue. If only I had a clue about coding...