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[Post in progress] My new 5 men team with the WoD Bchest

very good, 1m!
I am 5 Accounts Team Run Dungeons !!
It Began day 5 July!
Gold acquired so far: 476k

You mean June 5th, right? :)

By the way, if the WOD dungeons still buggy and HC gear is hard to obtain, why don't you freeze your XP @ LVL 90 and do the 5-man LVL 90 dungeon staff as before?
Did they decrease the gold earned or is there any other obvious reason i'm missing?
You mean June 5th, right? :)

By the way, if the WOD dungeons still buggy and HC gear is hard to obtain, why don't you freeze your XP @ LVL 90 and do the 5-man LVL 90 dungeon staff as before?
Did they decrease the gold earned or is there any other obvious reason i'm missing?

June 5th, sorry for the mistake!
yes I'm XP frozen in 90!
About 2 weeks in of pure farming gold, at 680k gold.

So, after tokens are bought for all 5, I'll probably have around 500k after a month of farming.

A bit disappointing really, if it werent for UBRS bugging out with the requeue not working sometimes, it would probably be almost double. Been way too many mornings after sleep, and afternoons after work where I found my team afking at end of ubrs for 7-8 hours.
Gonna need to experiment with HBrelogs tasks to set an hourly relog or something to counter that shit.
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Are you only running heroics? 24/7? What ilevel har your team? How did you gear them?


When it comes to UBRS I'm tempted to try addig a line into the dungeon script that tells the bot to simply consider it done after the fourth boss. You get less gold as you won't finish, but it's better than gettings stuck after the last boss for hours on end without any re-queuing.
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yeh wod heroics, pretty much with only like 10 min breaks after i wake up in the morning, and after getting home from work. Running non-stop, but man, they have been afking a lot while I've been gone. They should be raking in around 4.5k an hour if everything is smooth, and with my botting that should be 90k a day. But what it's been is more like 40-50k.

Setting an hourly relog on the leader in hbrelog seems to take care of the worst of it though.

Geared through battlegrounds, 701 ilvl.
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Instead of complaining for UBRS, why not simply add a line in the default script to leave group once dungeon is complete, even if in combat.

Not having full 5man group subscribed currently, so cannot test it on my own.
If only I had any clue on how to script anything. I tried to simply remove the whole Zela portion of the script in hopes that the bot would simply consider the dungeon complete after Ragewind. That ended up with messing up Dungeonbuddy entirely.
About 2 weeks in of pure farming gold, at 680k gold.

So, after tokens are bought for all 5, I'll probably have around 500k after a month of farming.

A bit disappointing really, if it werent for UBRS bugging out with the requeue not working sometimes, it would probably be almost double. Been way too many mornings after sleep, and afternoons after work where I found my team afking at end of ubrs for 7-8 hours.
Gonna need to experiment with HBrelogs tasks to set an hourly relog or something to counter that shit.

Honestly you could have fixed that yourself using plugins. Wtg not thinking outside the box.
Instead of complaining for UBRS, why not simply add a line in the default script to leave group once dungeon is complete, even if in combat.

Not having full 5man group subscribed currently, so cannot test it on my own.

I use honorbuddy because I am NOT a coder, or anything even remotely like that. I have no idea about anything like what you're suggesting.

Honestly you could have fixed that yourself using plugins. Wtg not thinking outside the box.

I already solved it, thanks for not sharing your solution outside the box though. That was really helpful.
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Instead of complaining for UBRS, why not simply add a line in the default script to leave group once dungeon is complete, even if in combat.

Not having full 5man group subscribed currently, so cannot test it on my own.

Or how about the devs take the 2 seconds it apparently would take to do this themselves and fix the root of the problem.

I don't see why they drag their feet for weeks on things when they could kill the complaints with the simple fix you offered here.
Or how about the devs take the 2 seconds it apparently would take to do this themselves and fix the root of the problem.

I don't see why they drag their feet for weeks on things when they could kill the complaints with the simple fix you offered here.
Sometimes their 2 seconds are more valuable than our 10min for fixing such issues. (Keep in mind, its not Honorbuddy or Dungeonbuddy script issue/fault, that WoW was staying in combat after boss is defeated).
Instead of complaining for UBRS, why not simply add a line in the default script to leave group once dungeon is complete, even if in combat.

Not having full 5man group subscribed currently, so cannot test it on my own.

I do not know much about coding so I do not know exactly what to add, do you know what might help? I have a current 5 man group so I can test it for you if needed.

I already solved it, thanks for not sharing your solution outside the box though. That was really helpful.

Could u share how you fixed that problem yet? I've been looking into it yet I can't figure out what to do.
I do not know much about coding so I do not know exactly what to add, do you know what might help? I have a current 5 man group so I can test it for you if needed.

Could u share how you fixed that problem yet? I've been looking into it yet I can't figure out what to do.

I found 4 solutions, though their effects vary. Only needs to be used on the group's leader:

1. Use plugin called Botterhelper https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=3121 which can be configured to leave group after a certain amount of time. (does NOT work well, since you pretty much end up with a constant deserter's debuff unless you put the timer on like 1-2 hours ++. the plugin is not free, so is better to use another solution).
2. Use HBrelog's tasks to set up an hourly relog, include an idle task for about 6 min so your character is logged out and removed from group (mediocre results, as it will relog every hour, or whatever time you set it to. Is still better than 8 hours of afking though).
3. Use the plugin Logmeout https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=1571 (not on sale anymore?) to set a logout after being in combat for about 5 minutes. Results were poor, as it seems to be random if your character is out of combat on the relog. Worked well the first time, second time it was stuck for about an hour with relogs every 5 min, but still wasnt able to requeue after relogging.

4. WINNER: Use same plugin as in nr 3, but configure it to use night elf racial Shadowmeld before logging out after being in combat for 5 min. This removes the combat flag, and is now able to requeue when it logs back in. Suppose hunter's feign death will do the same trick, Vanish for rogue etc.

The same plugin can be configured to use a LUA code, so I guess you could write something that forces a requeue. If only I had a clue about coding...
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Hey I am trucking along thanks to your advice what pets would you use for this set up also.. Do you vendor all your items or AH them?
Personally I vendor all my items and I'm currently using a Nether Ray (for Bloodlust but TuanHA doesnt automatically use it on bosses, so im about to get a new pet)