I will just toss this in here, as I like this thread
I'm trying to run a five-man team in Timewalking dungeons is really rough.. Grim Batol seems pretty much impossible, as the bot is not able to kill
Forgemaster Throngus. My tank (Brewmaster), Healer (Discipline) and my three DPS (Beastmaster) are all completely ignoring the mechanics so especially his
Flaming Shield obliterates the entire team.
The Vortex Pinnacle kinda works until the last boss, but on
Assad the team is way too slow when they are supposed to react to the
Unstable Grounding Field so half the team end up dead. And on the second time he is doing the spell the entire team will be dead 99% of the time. The tank might survive longer, but doesn't really help when everyone end is dead on the first or the second time the boss uses the ability.
But things move really slowly due to the bot getting stuck on unkillable mobs though-out the dungeon..
Should I just drop this entire idea? Was really hoping to be able to farm Timewalking with my team, then I could get lots of badges on my alt account which could be used for getting my heirlooms upgraded which again is account-wide so even if that account gets banned all my other accounts benefits from it.
But as the current rate, it does look rather grim..
My team is at about ilevel 670-ish on each toon. They are pretty much farming heroics for gold at the moment. Is Random Heroics the best way to go? Or should I put them to use elsewhere?
I'm also not that certain on what settings are the optimal for efficiency. Should I have TuanHA CC do the movement, or use movement in Dungeonbuddy? How about the follower range? I'm currently using 15 as they bot seems to lagging behind and get stuck outside boss encounters at times etc on 25.
I'm rather lousy with the settings, so everything is pretty much on default with the standard TuanHA "dungeon" preset..