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Still botting.
Didn't get hit by ban wave and had been botting every day before the wave.
Didn't get hit by ban wave and had been botting every day before the wave.
Fraud? What are you rambling about. If you pay for a service that is not delivered in full, you can ofc ask for a refund.
Edit: I see there are different rules applies for different countries. Blizz also mentions this in their Eula, saying local law applies for warrantie issues.
In Norway, where I live, the rules are pro consumers.
"Uppon cacellation of agreement, buyer returns product, seller returns money in full or settled"
Asking for a refund and doing a chargeback are not the same.
Well - you get your money back because what you paid for, is not delivered, or not avilable any longer. Has nothing to do with scamming.
If Blizzard disagrees - they have the option to answer the claim.
This isn't really true either for several reasons:
1. You haven't lost your pre-order for Legion. You'll still have it as soon as your account goes off suspension. Furthermore, the big reason for upgrading to Legion was to get the level 100 character. If you used that level 100 character, the goods were delivered.
2. Going directly to Paypal and doing a chargeback without ever even attempting to contact Blizzard is suspect at best. You're right, Blizz does have the option to answer the claim. And if they find in Blizzard's favor against your claim, you're going to have your Paypal account suspended at best and closed at worst. If you have any money stored in Paypal, you'll find out just how unfair it can be to try and deal with them. They will not give your money back for any reason you come up with.
1. Delivered - but not able to use it.
2. Wrong. Paypal will not suspend your account for using their tools for what they are intended to do. A non bias third party to settle economic disputes
1. Once again, it was delivered. You got to use your level 100 character. Additionally, your account was upgraded to Legion. So yes, the goods were delivered. Once again, Legion wasn't taken away from you. You got access to the main reason for pre-ordering. The status page clearly says your account is upgraded to legion..if you could access it.
2 Paypal most definitely will suspend your account if a seller disputes your chargeback. Paypal's good about siding on the side of the buyer until the seller chimes in. Then you'll get a taste of why Paypal is one of the most hated companies in the world.
1. It was delivered, but you have no access to what you bought. They cant hold your money for 6-18 months. That is illegal. If they want, they can remove the patch and the lvl 100 (they should).
2. I have been doing this since Cata, and ofc blizz has done their dance every now and then - but no problems. Local laws apply - and from what you are writing, your country has less consumer protection than where I live.
1. When did you pre-order? You do know that pre-orders started on Jan 19th. That's longer than 6 months until the release of Legion. Additionally, as I seem I need to repeat myself over and over, they weren't and didn't hold your money. They provided you access to your level 100 that was boosted with the pre-order. Additionally, I'd love for you to point out the law where a company can't take pre-orders for a product that won't be out for half a year. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you'll never be able to find said law since one doesn't exist.
2. You keep talking of local laws like you seem to actually know them. From what you've written, you don't. If you can point out some lawsuits won by people from your country where their paypal account has been frozen and they were able to successfully sue and get the account unlocked, I'd be happy to read them.
I paid for Legion through paypal, promised release august about two months ago. Then they close my account - while still having tapped money from my account. I do not get legion on 30. august, my account is gone until november, and I am entitled (through local consumer law) to get my money back. Late delivery by itself is cause for cancellation - in Norway.
2. I do not know what you are talking about. It is you that claim paypal will close my account if i choose to dispute a transaction. I have never had a paypal account closed, and i have allmost every time gotten my money back - due to local norwegian consumer laws. Lawsuits? No - we don`t do that in Norway, since we have a consumer organization called "Forbrukerrådet" who sets the rules and handles the cases. And this case is just a matter of a customer paying for something that is not delivered according to agreement.
This rule of conduct is not exclusive for paypal. If you pay by Mastercard or Visa in Norway, you have the same means of getting your money back for goods not delivered as per agreement.
How many times do I need to repeat myself? THEY DID NOT CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT. You had access for the 100 boost for 2 months. You aren't getting a late delivery. The game has already been delivered to your account. It doesn't matter if you get access to the game in August or November, you haven't lost anything. There's loopholes like this all over the world.
I haven't once said you would lose your Paypal account. I very, very, VERY clearly said you have the potential to lose your Paypal account.
You can sit and argue over and over that the game was not delivered. I'm going to continue to tell you the same thing over and over as well...The game was delivered, you had full access and you took advantage of the benefits of said delivery of the game, and you'll continue to have access to both the game and their benefits...It doesn't matter if it's August 30 or November 30...You haven't lost anything.
As long as i don`t have access to my account - they can not hold my money - period. Feel free to diagree - but such is the rules where I live, and that is why I get my money back.Once I do, ofc they should remove the 100 and the expansion, it is completely up to Blizzrd to do so.
Do you realize how little sense that makes? Why would your country allows pre-orders for ANYTHING if that was case? That's all a pre-order is...A holding of money until something is released.
Normal preorder is never invoiced before murchendise is delivered in FULL. But you are missing the point. Release date is 30/08 - my account is still unavailable at that point, and I will not get what I have ordered before november. Another account got 18 months. Any how - I can`t be bothered discussing this more. I got my money back this time for both accounts, just like last time. All is good, and new expansions are bought.Do you realize how little sense that makes? Why would your country allows pre-orders for ANYTHING if that was case? That's all a pre-order is...A holding of money until something is released.
Normal preorder is never invoiced before murchendise is delivered in FULL. But you are missing the point. Release date is 30/08 - my account is still unavailable at that point, and I will not get what I have ordered before november. Another account got 18 months. Any how - I can`t be bothered discussing this more. I got my money back this time for both accounts, just like last time. All is good, and new expansions are bought.
Normal pre-order? What does that even mean...Are you saying that Blizzard is somehow breaking Norwegian law by taking your money up front? Yeah, ok...Why don't you go ahead and contact your consumer protection agency and let them know why you lost your accounts in the first place...Lets see if they still side with you.
People like you make me sick. You get banned, throw a fit when you can't access your account, say how Blizz is violating consumer laws....AND THEN YOU PRE-ORDER AGAIN!! Seriously man, what is wrong with you?