You guys should consider this:
A lot of other *****s make you buy another version of the ***** when you get banned.
1. We're lucky Blizzard is greedy enough to just ban the accounts (because they know more people will just buy more accounts).
2. We're lucky the HB team isn't the same way, in that they allow you to buy a subscription - and most profile and such are only one-time charges.
I just got 10-year account suspended for 6 months for botting. I've already got another account running, and I have been running the bot on that one. The only reason to keep a 10-year account is to stroke your e-peen (look at all my achievements, etc, etc.) Besides that, nothing is really any different than having a new account.
I love Warcraft, and it's still fun - but some of the grinding aspects of the game just aren't fun at all. I don't have 12 hours a day to play the game, grinding whatever, just to get a small reward at the end. This is what this game has turned into after 10+ years of being online. They need a new design for one. I love Honorbuddy because it allows me to play as efficiently as possible. Some people just don't have the time to research endless websites about their class(es) just so they can get new gear because the difficulty curve for casual is basically hardcore now.
Will I get banned again? Probably, but I had some fun on the way there - that's what matters - and I hate to say it, but there is no other MMORPG out there that is even close to Warcraft right now, and there likely will never be. This is also one of the reasons I continue playing it.
So thanks to the team for being awesome!
Everyone else that complains about getting banned: ask yourself who really cares if you had an account since launch day with every mount, pet, and achievement that ever was. No one cares but you, just get over yourself and stop working so much - have some fun. That's what games are made for.