They dont get hit so much but who do you think pissed blizz off first out of all these botters. Do you see soap going to court against blizz i dont so soap doesnt get hit half as much but now blizz has opened all the flood gates to catching bots and sniffing them out. I have botted for a long time and it has never been this bad. Blizz is out to make a statement to all of us. You can say anything you want but the reason blizz started the whole gold for game time was to reduce the amount of gold selling out there and to get there hands on some of it and put more time into there game less time searching for those gold sellers that they have no control over and cant find ways to catch people buying or selling. So all the ones who bought massive amounts of accounts and farmed the shit out of dungeons and bg's ruined it for all us casual users that really did enjoy the game just wanted to enjoy it at our terms. Do you need any more in depth answer id be glad to keep going to prove my point.
- Except Soap got hit more times than HB.
- Afaik first banwave started with PRQ, again an only rotation cheat designed for raids/arena.
- Exactly, a statement to all of us, not just the gold farmers.
- Nice to hear you have inside information about why blizz started selling subs for gold. I and many others believe they just wanted a "slice of the cake" after D3's RMAH made them realize how much money can be made.
- A few years ago when blizzard started banning a lot more, I believe it was somewhere around end of cata, people like you were blaming the people running CRs in arena's for making us a target. It seems every once in a while it switches lol.