Hello all!!
I am looking for pet logic config files, I looked through about 30 pages here and found one. There has to be more.
I kinda get the basics of editing the logic, but there are so many pets. Has someone compiled a master file, or set of files? If so can you/they attach it here. The buddy forum search feature does not work very well.
It's a good question.
The short answer is no.
The (always) long answer is,
At the moment, the database is able to be edited, which will help you with getting someone else's pet logic by bringing their db over the top of your own.
A willing person could also create a spreadsheet version of their database so people could import the logic for each pet by name, and omit their identifiers, a sqlite script could be built to facilitate this, with a cdf format sheet linking the pet number to the logic, then creating the name to the number in a separate table.
But it is highly not recommended, and sharing is just as difficult as importing. An incorrect edit to the db would likely crash HB or create an exception crash.
/shrug. It is possible, but it would be costly to achieve. It also means trusting that the other person actually used and knew what they were doing when creating the logic.
There are often no perfect strategies with loadout or logic. People would disagree.
The GUI has some function and placeholders for importing pets from the xml files, but no easy export and import for hundreds of pets.
However, and I'd have to check if this is still the case, you would need to merge the logic, and your own pet IDs, to the pet in question using a sqlite database editor, without creating any odd encoding errors.
Not difficult for a database query and sort in access or mysql (if you know how to write a sql query), but certainly more advanced and time costly.
From memory of a year ago, a quick starter logic was planned to go along with the PB logic editor, but most of the problems came down to the complexity of having ~6 loadout options for each type of pet, and supporting that while levelling /boosting or using PvP settings and team specific logic.
I believe it would pre-fill the logic for the pet family if it matched the attacks, and try to make a logic by creating a line for each attack type, all 900 or so attacks used in each loadout.
Unfortunately it would still require a test and confirm for every build, and human intervention as well.
I.e where you might swap your pet while the enemy is stunned, in levelling, the new pet may end up being the noob/lowbie. Or it might try to stun instead of heal, etc.
A more streamlined import/export process may come along, but for now, editing logic once or twice isn't a huge burden once you get used to it. It's a sure fire way to kill 4 hours, as is the auction house, fishing, etc. But unlike the AH or fishing, you only have to get it right the first time.