The problem occurs when framelock turns itself off, which it Always does eventually.
This is odd though. Gatherbuddy now needs framelock to determine if it's getting stuck (sic) and to alter movement and other arcane tasks, sic.
I just don't know what would be removing the framelock, unless HB is forgetting the previous login settings or a relogger is used to reset the conditions.
If it were questing related, maybe idk.
How do you choose or change profiles?
help on where to start?
1) level 3 pets to 25.
2) get battle stones.
As for starting pet battles from scratch, follow the Battle pet quest chain in your capital city, until you get to level 5-7. It takes about an hour, including travel time, and a few pet battles at low level, until you get the third pet slot, and the 8 minute cooldown.
Several guides exist for this part, but it is simple enough to find the quest givers and hit 1, over and over. (just like an arms warrior or mage)
From here, you can level pets at an appropriate level using pokehbuddy , i.e the slow way, and use the relative pet level setting in the pet swapper. This is just to make levelling more efficient, and reduce downtime.
Pokehbuddy at this point is the most confusing to use, because you need to train a handful of pets by hand, and it is not intuitive to edit pet logic.
What you do, is place 3 pets in the battle slots in the game, and then switch to pokehbuddy config, and open up the editor window. In the list on the right, choose a pet slot and load the pet list. If the pet is already in the database, it will show up here. If not, you will need to create (or customise) a pet logic.
This requires some experience to get working well, but essentially, a pet logic does this.
Swap the pet if the health drops below 30, (or 80 if the pet is a low level)
Skip a turn if the pet is stunned,
Use the 3rd ability if the enemy pet isn't already affected, and we can use the ability.
Use the 2nd ability if you can.
Use the 1st ability.
The logic system goes to each line, sees if it should run each line, then chooses the last option in the list if each line is not applicable.
What you want to do, is find out what the pet does in a battle for each option. Eg, does the 2nd/3rd ability stun, heal, put up a shield, dive for cover, etc.
Then you want to create a line in the logic where that ability will go.
For example, if the pet has a damage over time explost and a heal, or shield effect, (aquatic pets/turtles), you would want to only use the 2nd ability when the DoT has finished the damage over time explosion, and refresh the shield when it drops off.
The shield is more important, so it goes first, and replaces the 'ability 3' section. Start a battle, and swap to the pet you are editing.
In the editor, refresh the list of auras on the player, and note the number that appears. Go back to the game, and apply the shield effect, then swap back and refresh the auras list. You should now have a new number appear, that is how the logic will know if the shield has dropped or been removed. Choose the cast 3 ability, choose mypetaura (??) and put the number there.
If 2 extra numbers appear, one is for the family type, or an enemy debuff. You will need to wait for one to fall off and scan again. Or guess.
Then add your new line, move the position if needed to place it after the stuns list, and remove the old line from the list. Then save the logic. Done.
For the 2nd ability, you do the same thing, but scan the enemy pet aura, or the enemy group aura for debuffs and DoT effects.
For healing, you would put this option first, and use it when below 70 percent health, or 50 percent if it's a large heal.
For stuns, you'll have to go through a few battles to get the pet to stun.
For weather, this gets tricky, but you can get a list of the weather types if you require it, only a handful of pets use weather to really create havoc.
If an ability only works well on one pet type, you can create a 2nd command that will use the heavy attack in preference, to run that option ahead of another line in the logic,
or swap out if their health is below 90% to avoid taking heavy damage.
As for the rest, that comes with experience.
Battle pets gain the 3rd ability at level 4, so it's handy to get all of the pets at level 4 before beginning the logic editing (you have plenty of time to customise the logic).
And you only need to edit a few of your favourites, one at a time. The rest is automatic.
The best way to level the first to 25, is to swap areas every hour or so, and stay in the early levelling zones, until one pet is above the average of the area. If PetArea worked, it would essentially do this for you.
You can minimise the numbers of pets to level by setting up a few favourite pets in the game, or buying rare pets from the AH and using those to get ahead.
If you want to find the best pets to level, or purchase, there's a celestial tournament guide on wowhead which lists some of the 30-40 most effective pets you need to have, to complete the achievement on Timeless Isle. The tournament is largely rigged, and so are the favourites used to win. Of the 600 or so pets in the game, 20-50 are able to compete.
If you want to collect battle stones, it's a numbers game. Pets have a 2% to 0.1% chance to drop the stone while you gain xp from winning a game. You can get around 15 games or battles an hour, sometimes more, so it is purely inefficient gathering, and it comes down to levelling pets in the same area for speed. Places where critters and battle pets swarm are ideal.
However, you'll probably find some battle pet stones after 7 hours, eventually.
That is, until patch 6.0 comes out and HB takes a week or so to adjust and test the pre-wod changes. that might be 3 weeks or 7 weeks from now, depending on the PTR progress.