Hi there,
Trying to figure out some things and I appreciate any help:
1 - How to NOT SWAP pets at all? Working on pvp profiles and I want them to die instead of swap. I set the pet to Cast spell 1 when less than 300 HP (its a go first spell) but instead, it swaps.
2 - How make the pet cast spell #3 if the enemy doesnt have debuff 154. Could not figure out this myself. I know, stupid ha? NVM. Figured it out.
3 - The "Pet Rotation" option is not enable to me, so I cant click it. Wanted to decide which pets come first, second etc instead of letting the plugin decide that.
Thanks in advance.
#1 is very easy. take out the first line that checks your health. it will then fight to die,
when a normal player would swap, it will not.
if you want to swap on conditions such as ... the opposite team has darkness, a pet has overdrive, a shield, is buried, is healing, can crit for 1100, etc.
you will have to intervene, or set up testing conditions for each pet, so it can avoid or block things.
there are no shortcuts. it is all logic and counters after this point.
here be math.
#2 is similar to #1, set up counters to other pets, keep a list of the big hitting abilities so you can counter them, then import/export them into a series of PvP profiles, so it knows to pass or swap out when certain pets arrive, etc.
however, for speed, keep the number of options down to the big counters, or base it off health percentages, speed, etc. 10-20 lines makes parsing the logic easier. speed isn't so important, it's just making sure you put them in descending order properly and handle any inconsistencies if they come up.
PvP hides some of the details needed to make a PvP profile better, such as reading opponent cooldowns so you can DoT or kill a mob in between shield/overdrive/life exchanges, but i'm sure you can think of more ideas than i can.
#3, i don't know if it's implemented yet.
there are/were/is a way to swap to a certain pet ??
usually it's a score system, based off health/level/attack/defense. the first panel has an advanced option for pet layout, not sure if it's coded or not and how to use it.
you can alter the first round choice by changing the advanced sliders, change level to 5, health to 5, and attack/defense to 20 each.
you'll have to save this as a preference, and remember to apply it, but it will score a aquatic vs flying enemy choice and move the pet in and out accordingly.
if you've attempted lvl25 pvp before, people often swap a buffer pet to blow your first cooldown, and it will group heal or suicide (valkyr, some undead) to ruin your heavy hitting pet or first round pet, whichever is harder to kill.
you'll probably lose 100,200 battles easily. you can counter this in the logic, but you need to be fighting the first few pvp battles manually
(to annoy the other competitors as you take 30 seconds to take a turn)
but also to pencil down the debuffs & rounds, so you can plan out strategies and pets to counter said strategy & automate most of the PvP battles later on as people build "uber" teams.
YMMVG. at least it's relatively anonymous, and there's loads of dragonkin/undead/humanoid/mechanical teams out there.