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[Plugin] Parrot's Paranoia Plugin

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Community Developer
Feb 5, 2012
Update: 15/5/2015: Download removed, see last post for reasons.

Update 14/4/2015: This plugin is dead and while it should still be working Im considering taking it down in the near future. if youre using this you may want to keep a backup around.

To any potential new users. Please be aware that this plugin will interfere with other plugins/routines/botbases while "pausing" bot operations. If you're having problems with those or the bot in general, try deactivating this plugin before requesting support.

Parrot's Paranoia Plugin (PPP)

What it does:

Will stop the character and pretend to be AFK when other players are nearby. If they hang around for to long it will shutdown the world of warcraft client.

Why it does it.

I figured that if nobody sees you bot then you won't get reported. I am a bit paranoid when running the bot and like to monitor it to the point where running it at all seems pointless.
Glider used to have this functionality and coming from there it's something i missed having.


  • Audible warning when a player is nearby
  • Can Ignore players in cities
  • Can ignore afk flagged players
  • Can use various stealth skills on trigger.
  • Can cast user specified spell on trigger.
  • Settings gui
  • Player white list
  • Flight hover
  • User customized safe zones and areas.
  • Some other configurable settings

Known Problems

  • Not compatible with honorbuddys Framelock option.
  • While pretending to be afk no other plugins will be able to run. This means that for _example_ if a player comes by while you're under water Anti Drown won't save you. If you get a whisper, LogMeOut wont logout or alert you until after the waiting cycle has finished. After well over 50 hours of monitored testing I haven't observed any serious problems caused by it but its worth being aware of.
  • Will not trigger if stuck in combat.

Upcoming (ideas) :

  • Defend only during npc combat.

Extract the PPP folder into your Plugins directory. It is important that you do not change the name of the folders. In HB highlight the plugin and click on Settings to configure it.
Go to Settings & tools in honorbuddy and untick the "use Framelock" option.

In order to not lose your custom safe zones, do not overwrite the "default.sz" file when updating the plugin.

  • ZenLulz (provided code to kill the wow client)
  • Honorbuddy team for providing the styx library.
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0.3.5 experimental.

* You can now change the alert sound in the settings form.
* Now prints a warning in the log if framelock is enabled

[U]Changes and improvements[/U]

* Updated the plugin to work with the new version of honorbuddy.

[U]Bug fixes:[/U]

* Fixed a minor bug with safezones.

0.3 experimental (has only had minor testing, expect bugs).

*Safe zones: Add full zones or subzones such as quest hubs where you dont want the plugin to trigger.

[U]Changes and improvements[/U]

*Hover: height can now be specified.
*Hover: no longer uses hardcoded keypresses.
*Hover: now uses click to move when landing. (looks less robotic).
*"Ignore players in cities" has been replaced with safe zones.

[U]Bug fixes:[/U]

*A change in honorbuddy caused the plugin to not stop properly - fixed.

0.26(testers build)
*Flight hover: If able it will mount up and fly 50yrds up in the air. 
*Defend if attacked: Will abort the waiting cycle if attacked. 
*Custom range: can reduce the triggering range. By default I don't check the range but it should be somewhere around 100yrds. The range check is done in 2D for now (Will not reduce height).
*Ignore non flying players: Will only trigger on flying players.

[U]Bug fixes:[/U]
*Fixed debug trigger reset logspam.
*Possibly some other stuff, dont recall.



*Player names can now be whitelisted and ignored.
*Trigger can now be delayed.
*Custom cast. The plugin can now be set to cast any spell on trigger.
*Shadowmeld support
*Rogue stealth support.
*Toggle map support (open/close map on trigger).

[U]Bug fixes:[/U]

*Will no longer release aquatic form if already active.
*Will no longer trigger if on flightpath/taxi.


*Reworked the GUI.
*Removed easter egg



[U]Bug fixes:[/U]

*Updated the plugin to accommodate a minor change in the hb api. It will no longer fail to compile.


[U]Bug fixes:[/U]

*Updated the plugin to accommodate a  minor change in the hb api. It will no longer fail to compile.




*Can now be set to ignore AFK flagged players (Experimental).


*Updated the plugin to work with the changes introduced in the new Honorbuddy version for MoP. 


[U]Bug fixes:[/U]

* Fixed a bug with an abort timer which could theoretically cause an infinite loop in very rare scenarios.
* Eliminated CPU load issues during the waiting cycle.


* Improved form switching and prowl for druids.


*Ignore players in cities. Plugin can be set to ignore players in the following cities: 
Stormwind, Ogrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar, Undercity, Dalaran,
Silvermoon city, Shattrath city. 

[U]Bug fixes:[/U]

*Casting prowl should now be a lot more reliable. 
*Fixed an issue with Autoangler. Should no longer fail to cast prowl and will explicitly stop casting.
(Thanks NopiSoul for bringing this to my attention).


*The alert sound will no longer wait for combat to finish before playing.
*The alert sound will now play right before shutdown as well.

*Can be set to play a sound to alert you when it starts the waiting cycle.

*Should no longer fight back if attacked during the waiting cycle. 

Public alpha release
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Nice idea. Now if there was one to log you out where HB runs into rocks and trees continuously or tries to unstuck itself 433 times all would be good with AFK botting and I wouldn't be paranoid.

Nice idea! Gonna try this out this afternoon, gotta go fetch my gf at the airport and do some shopping will be skinning in Uldum with PPP enabled during that.

Starting it now (15:16) and will check on it when I get back home (probably around 18-19ish)
Thanks for the replies :)

I would recommend people to familiarize themselves with the settings and monitor it for a little bit to make sure its working right before considering an afk run. I havent had anybody else test it so im interested in any feedback you might have for me.

Nice idea! Gonna try this out this afternoon, gotta go fetch my gf at the airport and do some shopping will be skinning in Uldum with PPP enabled during that.

Starting it now (15:16) and will check on it when I get back home (probably around 18-19ish)

Thanks, let me know how it went :)
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Going to try this while farming Cenarion Expedition Rep with Kickz Profiles.
Will supervise 80% so will check if someone comes by and it reacts =].
If it does, i'll use it for afk botting.

PS: Using a iLvl 400 PvE Feral Kitty.
Nice, i hope you get some use out of it :) Ive never seen it fail to trigger during testing (except while in combat which is intentional). If it for some reason didn't trigger i would really like to know about it. Ive tested the core functionality quite thoroughly but the prowl and especially aquatic form actions have only had minor testing.
Nice, i hope you get some use out of it :) Ive never seen it fail to trigger during testing (except while in combat which is intentional). If it for some reason didn't trigger i would really like to know about it. Ive tested the core functionality quite thoroughly but the prowl and especially aquatic form actions have only had minor testing.

Prowl seems to be working great,
Had to disable it though as my profiles mostly go to city's to repair and my char gets " Paranoia" and keeps prowling/standing still because of the people.
Other then that it works great when grinding rep =]
I can see this working rather nicely along with ARelog! :)

Gonna try it out later tonight.
Prowl seems to be working great,
Had to disable it though as my profiles mostly go to city's to repair and my char gets " Paranoia" and keeps prowling/standing still because of the people.
Other then that it works great when grinding rep =]

Ok, good to know. Im going to look into adding an option to ignore players within capital cities.
I can see this working rather nicely along with ARelog! :)

Gonna try it out later tonight.

Nice, did it work? ive never used a relogger myself but it could indeed be a good combo.

On a side note I am planning on rewriting the plugin before any major updates. I need to structure it better to allow for easier additions.
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Comment on version 0.23:

First of all i would like to thank everyone who has contacted me about this plugin, liked the thread or sent me some rep etc. I am very flattered :)

Now I would like to say a few things about this new release.

1. It is a little bit rushed.
Ive gotten a few requests for the ignore players in cities feature so that was my main focus this time. However whats been done in this release is not what I envisioned.
I have exams coming up soon and i really wanted to get this thing done before that. So, what i have done is code a scaled down temporary implementation of what i had originally planned. Right now you can either choose to ignore players in all the listed (see changelog) cities or none. If you want to remove a city (or add a zone) it will have to be done in the source code (ppp.cs, line 75). I am planning on adding a lot more customization next time.

2. This version and all subsequent ones will not receive as rigorous testing as earlier versions. I ran the old code base for several weeks before i decided to release it. This does not equal no testing of course but i cant test out every possible scenario thats why its important for you to report bugs or they might never get fixed ;)

parrot - you can copy / paste (most or all of) anti-drown into your plugin

if me is in water && less than 40% breath - swim to surface

just put it at a higher priority

I didn't look at your code, but I assume it is just a - player is nearby, sleep - ?
parrot - you can copy / paste (most or all of) anti-drown into your plugin

if me is in water && less than 40% breath - swim to surface

just put it at a higher priority

I didn't look at your code, but I assume it is just a - player is nearby, sleep - ?

Yup, I basically just sleep the thread while players are nearby. keeping the pulse alive by chugging a loop.
I'll go ahead and add it to the plugin :)
would be awesome if you could add a spell to cast just before stopping, i.e. rouge - vanish

I really like this plugin, and i have gave it some testing.
My findings; this plugin does just that what is promised and as such it's just beatiful.
But i miss a few options that will make this plugin more realistic and effective (while using gatherbuddy). Theres 2 major things that i would like to see optional (tickable)
first :

[x] Finish gather/fight, mount up and move to next hotspot before going afk.
motivation : personnally when farming i never just go afk while on the ground, just in case of respawns, even when theres instant need for me to leave my pc, i manage to quickly mount up and wait in a safe spot.

[x] After <x> minutes of waiting while a player is detected move on to next <x> hotspot(s) and go afk untill default afk procedure is complete.
Motivation : Most of the afk's are caused by farmers and in that way the plugin delivers a solid job but in the case of fishing players, afk/players just haning around or players using the same addon the plugin becomes destructive to my operation. I would like to see this option just to probe if the detected player is stationary or really interested in me.

Admitted, these options do affect paranoia levels, but having both options can greatly customise the plugin to my personal paranoia level ;)

I hope you consider these, but if declined i still be using this plugin..thats just because it's so good allready! Loving it!
I really like this plugin, and i have gave it some testing.
My findings; this plugin does just that what is promised and as such it's just beatiful.
But i miss a few options that will make this plugin more realistic and effective (while using gatherbuddy). Theres 2 major things that i would like to see optional (tickable)
first :

[x] Finish gather/fight, mount up and move to next hotspot before going afk.
motivation : personnally when farming i never just go afk while on the ground, just in case of respawns, even when theres instant need for me to leave my pc, i manage to quickly mount up and wait in a safe spot.

[x] After <x> minutes of waiting while a player is detected move on to next <x> hotspot(s) and go afk untill default afk procedure is complete.
Motivation : Most of the afk's are caused by farmers and in that way the plugin delivers a solid job but in the case of fishing players, afk/players just haning around or players using the same addon the plugin becomes destructive to my operation. I would like to see this option just to probe if the detected player is stationary or really interested in me.

Admitted, these options do affect paranoia levels, but having both options can greatly customise the plugin to my personal paranoia level ;)

I hope you consider these, but if declined i still be using this plugin..thats just because it's so good allready! Loving it!

Those are both really good ideas, yea both players waiting at the same node would be hilarious!
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