That value is checked only after bot found a map boss and there are no mobs left in TrackMobTask. So, until that requirements are met, bot will explore.Hi @ExVault,i changed PercentToCheck value to 80 but bot still explore maps as much as it wants,any idea why?This was working before 2.4 thanks
use a portal scroll noobi mean only when enter boss room..often getting killed when the bot casting portal.
back to the same old, same old. reading and comprehending, unfortunately it's not something most people are able to do latelyJust because it worked X amount of time does not mean it's supported.
Ok guys, I tried to read topic, but old problems not related to current situiation. I dont have currency tab.
[MapBuddy][SellMapTask] No map group for sale was found.
[FindProperMap] Total maps (non unique) amount: 3
[FindMap][Advanced] Map amount to check: 0
[TakeMapTask] Fail to find a proper map in entire stash.
[Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
This.. But, if I reaload EB, it works just fine for a few runs, look what happens:
[MapBuddy][SellMapTask] Map groups for sale found: 1
[MapBuddy][MinMapAmountCheck] Current map count: 17.
[MapBuddy][SellMapTask] Min map amount reached.
[FindProperMap] Total maps (non unique) amount: 17
[FindMap][Advanced] Map amount to check: 4
[LatencyWait] Now sleeping 26 ms.
[TakeMapTask] Map of choice is "Jungle Valley Map" (1).
Sorry if I fucked up and missed something, I am really new to botting.
What happens when u dont have any maps left?
Does it go for Old grind bot then?
And why doesnt it upgrade maps? It seems that it sets the Upgrade to: to normal by itself... after i set it to Magic for some rason.
quick annoying question. can maprunner run all maps even if the buddy version of tormiasz cant? sorry since i atleast annoy 1 of you guys with this ^.^