2015-08-04 05:58:57,369 [46] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [SellItemsCoroutine] Waiting for the SellPanel to close.
2015-08-04 05:58:58,384 [46] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [SellItemsCoroutine] Waiting for the SellPanel to close.
2015-08-04 05:58:58,900 [46] INFO CustomLogger (null) - [LatencyTracker] HighestLatency: 67
2015-08-04 05:58:58,900 [46] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [SellItemsCoroutine] Waiting for the SellPanel to close.
2015-08-04 05:58:59,918 [46] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) - [SellItemsCoroutine] Waiting for the SellPanel to close.
this is going on endlessly after selling maps on vendor i have to manualy stop the bot and start it again
View attachment 184285