I do not think Gate2Shop accepts Skrill
However we have an account there so if needed, PM me for a purchase
make a plugin that fixes itprobably to look more bot like if this havent been fixed for years
I hate this behavior also... I don't know if it will fix it but I think we could change this in FlyToAction.csSo about my question though. Is the bot supposed to be dropping from the sky / dismounting to land on the node? why doesnt it fly or land directly on it first?
protected override RunStatus Run(object context) {
if (!IsDone)
if (ObjectManager.Me.Location.Distance(loc) > 6)
TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Flying to location {0}", loc);
if (Dismount)
Mount.Dismount("Dismounting flying mount");
//Lua.DoString("Dismount() CancelShapeshiftForm()");
IsDone = true;
TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Arrived at location {0}", loc);
return RunStatus.Running;
return RunStatus.Failure;
I hate this behavior also... I don't know if it will fix it but I think we could change this in FlyToAction.cs
PHP:protected override RunStatus Run(object context) { if (!IsDone) { if (ObjectManager.Me.Location.Distance(loc) > 6) { Flightor.MoveTo(loc); TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Flying to location {0}", loc); } else { if (Dismount) Mount.Dismount("Dismounting flying mount"); //Lua.DoString("Dismount() CancelShapeshiftForm()"); IsDone = true; TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Arrived at location {0}", loc); } return RunStatus.Running; } return RunStatus.Failure; }
A direct change of this value (6) didn't help me but I guess I'm on the right way
well dang...Horde is what I play. lol
maybe i'll check into this come January 25th when pirox is over for good.
yes and no. you could enable and option so it would randomly land near the node on the ground and gathered the node. With walls this could lead to some strange resaults .PWith pirox it would land right on the node before gathering... ?
The Horde profiles arn't that bad, i've level an orc Warior to 44 so far and have only ran into about 4 snags so far, and all of them were posted on the forums so i was able to make a quick fix for them even without knowing how the profiles or bot works.