i've been workig with this profile since he started it and i've pm ben manytimes bothering him....as a result i can tell all of you that if you're not getting the mail to the right toons then it's in your settings. i am allience and i have all the settings correct now, the only problem that i have run into is the fact that in the prospecting profile, my toon still tries to make more rings after bags are full. if i start and stop the profile it will then mail rings to the disenchanter but not with out stopping it first. other than that everything else now works perfectly, as for me, i have 3 farming accounts that run 10 hrs at a time so i don't have the problem of the farmer mailing to the banker, a suggestion as to your one account farmers don't equip all your bags. look at the what is farmed in the time period of your farming, set just enough bags to hold less than that and you'll not have to change any settings. Like ben said, read the quick tips...i was very frustarted after messing with each profile about 3 to 4 hours each getting the mail thing right...i finally deleted everything, reinstalled the professionbuddy bot, and his profiles, printed out his original post and followed each step by step, and worked perfectly, you may have to start over cause of changes you have made and not changed back...just my 2 cents...but it worked for me.