Another thing I forgot to put in the OP originally that you should all read:
I released these profiles because I've gotten to the point where I just click 1 button on ARelog every few days and I get crazy gold as all of my accounts run - meaning I'm personally set on gold income. I'll continue to update these profiles to fit my needs, but that does not mean that should limit the HB community. By all means, take this code, add your own spin to it, make it do completely different things - please just give me credit if you used a significant portion of what I wrote. I posted this code on the forum to benefit the community. PB (and HB) is an absolutely amazing tool that does not get enough attention in the community, partially, I believe, because people don't know what it can do for them. My hope with posting this code was to change that - everyone reading this can make some serious gold with no residual effort, just put in some time and learn to code PB scripts. Hell, with this code, you can add in some logic that will buy raw mats from the auction house and really pillage an economy - the options are endless. With that, enjoy!
- Ben