[07:10:48.560 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExLogTag.
[07:10:48.560 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 40207734-0ced-4963-b1ba-6a4e489caae7
[07:10:48.561 N] [Tour Guide] Moving to turn in collectables, buy bait, and tokens if needed.
[07:10:48.595 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TeleportTo: ZoneId: 0, AetheryteId: 75, Name: Idyllshire, Force: False, Aetheryte: null, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 420, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[07:10:48.595 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 131f9caf-3b9e-4ec3-b5cf-abc80915aade
[07:10:48.861 D] Teleporting to Idyllshire
[07:10:56.494 N] [FlightMover] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
[07:11:00.026 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExTurnInCollectablesTag: { Collectables: [CollectableTurnIn: { Name: Illuminati Perch, Value: 826 }], ShopPurchases: [ShopPurchase: { MaxCount: 99, ShopItem: BruteLeech }, ShopPurchase: { MaxCount: 99, ShopItem: CraneFly }, ShopPurchase: { ShopItem: BlueToken }], LineNumber: 421 }.
[07:11:00.026 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 79c4d018-9f31-47c2-b824-fd9d7b8796dc
[07:11:00.027 V] [ExTurnInCollectables v3.1.0.1511270] Attempting to turn in item Illuminati Perch -> 0x13022928
[07:11:00.028 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
[07:11:07.294 D] Requesting path on 478 from <64.0004, 207.3702, -28.86419> to <-16.25085, 211.0222, -0.5036011>
[07:11:07.529 D] Generated path to <-16.25085, 211.0222, -0.5036011> in 00:00:00.2358042 ms
[07:11:11.261 D] Moving to next hop: <32.29921, 211.0959, -3.987005> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 9.954593
[07:11:12.193 D] Moving to next hop: <18.17132, 211.1959, 3.582434> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 16.80819
[07:11:13.993 D] Moving to next hop: <14.10006, 211.0959, 6.489691> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 5.609138
[07:11:14.560 D] Moving to next hop: <5.25662, 211.0959, 13.24305> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 11.64071
[07:11:15.793 D] Moving to next hop: <4.467937, 211.0959, 13.4392> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 1.324696
[07:11:15.860 D] Moving to next hop: <-0.4751182, 211.2959, 13.48028> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 5.62498
[07:11:16.426 D] Moving to next hop: <-7.428682, 211.2959, 9.982437> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 8.235861
[07:11:17.260 D] Moving to next hop: <-15.53354, 211.0959, 4.378756> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 10.5866
[07:11:18.359 D] Moving to next hop: <-15.62868, 211.0959, 3.582443> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 1.355161
[07:11:18.426 D] Moving to next hop: <-16.28224, 211.0959, 3.635982> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 1.188094
[07:11:18.493 D] Moving to next hop: <-16.55606, 211.0959, 2.833746> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 1.342805
[07:11:18.560 D] Moving to next hop: <-16.07868, 211.0959, 2.732434> (Idyllshire NpcId: 1012300) D: 0.721787
[07:11:18.594 D] Interacting with Collectable Appraiser 0x130B81F0
[07:11:20.627 D] Moving to next hop: <-15.04746, 211.0959, 0.9181646> (Idyllshire ShopNpcId: 1012301) D: 2.463332
[07:23:43.363 D] Moving to next hop: <-16.25085, 211.0222, -0.5036011> (Idyllshire ShopNpcId: 1012301) D: 2.282652
[07:23:43.465 D] Targeting Scrip Exchange 0x59BD6C 0x130C2970
[07:23:43.497 D] Interacting with Scrip Exchange 0x130C2970
[07:23:45.630 N] [ExTurnInCollectables v3.1.0.1511270] Purchased item Brute Leech for 60 BlueGatherer scrips at 05/19/2914 11:34:17 ET; Remaining Scrips: 840
[07:23:46.229 N] [ExTurnInCollectables v3.1.0.1511270] Purchased item Brute Leech for 60 BlueGatherer scrips at 05/19/2914 11:34:37 ET; Remaining Scrips: 780
[07:23:48.297 N] [ExTurnInCollectables v3.1.0.1511270] Purchased item Giant Crane Fly for 60 BlueGatherer scrips at 05/19/2914 11:35:18 ET; Remaining Scrips: 720
[07:23:50.365 N] [ExTurnInCollectables v3.1.0.1511270] Purchased item Rowena's Token (Blue Gatherers' Scrip) for 250 BlueGatherer scrips at 05/19/2914 11:35:59 ET; Remaining Scrips: 470
[07:23:50.965 N] [ExTurnInCollectables v3.1.0.1511270] Purchased item Rowena's Token (Blue Gatherers' Scrip) for 250 BlueGatherer scrips at 05/19/2914 11:35:59 ET; Remaining Scrips: 220
[07:23:52.030 N] [ExTurnInCollectables v3.1.0.1511270] Purchases complete.
[07:23:52.163 V] [ExBuddy] Attempting to close the [ShopExchangeCurrency] window
[07:23:52.297 V] [ExBuddy] Waiting 500 ms for [ShopExchangeCurrency] window to close
[07:23:52.363 V] [ExBuddy] The [ShopExchangeCurrency] window has been closed.