00:15:45.830 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-645.4955, -121.6663, 526.7281> (Mender of Wreckage) D: 5.541237
[00:15:46.080 N] [FlightNav] Navigation reached current destination. Within 5.294662
[00:15:46.138 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 401 from <-646.2932, -122.0411, 526.5724> to <-649.9777, -123.7722, 525.8538>
[00:15:46.154 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
[00:15:46.154 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <-649.9777, -123.7722, 525.8538> using 2 hops in 00:00:00.0157683 ms
[00:15:46.224 N] [FlightMover] Started Landing Task
[00:15:46.283 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] d9e5ea6b-4435-4488-ade5-16f39484d0d2
[00:15:46.284 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to NPCRepairTag: NpcId: 1011948, XYZ: <0, 0, 0>, DialogOption: 4, Threshhold: 0, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 261, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: null, .
[00:15:46.284 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
[00:15:46.295 D] [POI Set] Type: Vendor, Name: Mender of Wreckage, ObjectId: 58ACB7, NpcId: 1011948, Location: <-650.1412, -123.7568, 525.9631>
[00:15:46.355 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 401 from <-647.3279, -122.63, 526.3706> to <-650.1412, -123.7568, 525.9631>
[00:15:46.355 N] [FlightNav] Found existing path to <-650.1412, -123.7568, 525.9631> using 2 hops in 00:00:00.0001047 ms
[00:15:46.358 N] [FlightMover] Landing cancelled after 00:00:00.1346062 ms. New destination requested.
[00:15:46.414 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:16:06.648 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:16:26.773 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:16:46.987 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:17:07.220 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:17:27.358 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:17:47.508 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:18:07.713 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:18:27.768 D] Interacting with Mender of Wreckage 0x114EBBA0
[00:18:42.564 D] Removed hook [TreeStart] d9e5ea6b-4435-4488-ade5-16f39484d0d2
[00:18:42.564 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TeleportTo: ZoneId: 0, AetheryteId: 75, Name: Idyllshire, Force: False, Aetheryte: null, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 268, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[00:18:42.564 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 98774fce-f422-43ff-889b-bc7e06e58565
[00:18:43.089 D] Teleporting to Idyllshire
[00:18:50.614 N] [FlightMover] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
[00:18:53.792 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to RunCode: LineNumber: 270, Name: Reduction, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[00:18:53.792 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 84745636-8fe8-4122-9ed4-f6f941df4b4f
[00:18:53.860 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to LogMessageTag: IsDone: False, Message: Heading out for Illuminati Perch fishing 9pm-8am. If weather allows, fishing Dravanian Bass from 12am-7am. Hello blue scripts and possible water clusters!, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 272, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[00:18:53.860 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 07c70cec-d69a-47db-875d-f9f6f4f47cb0
[00:18:53.860 N] Heading out for Illuminati Perch fishing 9pm-8am. If weather allows, fishing Dravanian Bass from 12am-7am. Hello blue scripts and possible water clusters!
[00:18:53.923 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: XYZ: <77.83993, 209.25, -20.27446>, Name: Aethereyte Touchpoint, Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 273, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[00:18:53.923 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] fcb14cb7-583d-4919-980c-741df33eec78
[00:18:53.923 D] Requesting path on 478 from <63.6634, 207.29, -30.31119> to <77.83993, 209.25, -20.27446>
[00:18:54.174 D] Generated path to <77.83993, 209.25, -20.27446> in 00:00:00.2509210 ms
[00:18:57.493 D] Moving to next hop: <80.61576, 207.9906, -20.37871> (Aethereyte Touchpoint) D: 2.053424
[00:18:57.739 D] Moving to next hop: <77.83993, 209.25, -20.27446> (Aethereyte Touchpoint) D: 3.377639
[00:18:58.925 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to RunCode: LineNumber: 274, Name: Aethernet, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[00:18:58.925 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b6955211-6b6d-46b3-b9b3-8c8a7ef9ceee
[00:18:58.926 D] Interacting with aetheryte 0x1151C270
[00:19:04.739 N] [FlightMover] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
[00:19:08.088 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExFishTag: { Baits: [Bait: { Name: Brute Leech }, Bait: { Name: Goblin Jig }, Bait: { Name: Stonefly Nymph }], Keepers: [Keeper: { Name: Illuminati Perch }, Keeper: { Name: Sweetfish }, Keeper: { Name: Hinterlands Perch }], Collectables: [Collectable: { Name: Illuminati Perch, Value: 826 }], FishSpots: [FishSpot: { Heading: 4.25, Location: <-147.2918, 100.4702, -170.7708> }], MoochLevel: 1, MinimumFishPerSpot: 25, MaximumFishPerSpot: 35, Condition: IsTimeBetween(20.5,24), SitRate: 0.75, Patience: Patience, PatienceTugs: [PatienceTug: { TugType: Light }, PatienceTug: { }, PatienceTug: { MoochLevel: 1 }], LineNumber: 290 }.
[00:19:08.088 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8621fe38-f29d-40be-bf2f-2a9b03ff8d86
[00:19:10.484 D] DoAction Spell 299 0x101F62C2
[00:19:13.136 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to LogMessageTag: IsDone: False, Message: Skywatcher reporting weather isn't optimal for Dravanian Bass at this time., HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 354, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[00:19:13.136 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d65d3aa3-3e66-4c8d-835f-dadadb19ab21
[00:19:13.136 N] Skywatcher reporting weather isn't optimal for Dravanian Bass at this time.
[00:19:13.194 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to LogMessageTag: IsDone: False, Message: Will fish for Illuminati Perch until 7am in Dravanian Hinterlands., HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 355, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[00:19:13.194 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 105398b6-a1b9-49db-83fd-d75311ace252
[00:19:13.194 N] Will fish for Illuminati Perch until 7am in Dravanian Hinterlands.
[00:19:13.263 N] [ExFish v3.1.0.1511190] Shuffled fish spots
[00:19:13.265 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExFishTag: { Baits: [Bait: { Name: Brute Leech }, Bait: { Name: Goblin Jig }, Bait: { Name: Stonefly Nymph }], Keepers: [Keeper: { Name: Illuminati Perch }, Keeper: { Name: Sweetfish }, Keeper: { Name: Hinterlands Perch }], Collectables: [Collectable: { Name: Illuminati Perch, Value: 826 }], FishSpots: [FishSpot: { Heading: 4.56, Location: <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756> }], MoochLevel: 1, MinimumFishPerSpot: 35, MaximumFishPerSpot: 45, Condition: IsTimeBetween(0,7), Shuffle: True, SitRate: 0.75, Patience: Patience, PatienceTugs: [PatienceTug: { TugType: Light }, PatienceTug: { }, PatienceTug: { MoochLevel: 1 }], LineNumber: 368 }.
[00:19:13.265 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 19cffeaf-ef8d-4afd-b637-bf721a48d492
[00:19:13.266 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
[00:19:14.852 D] Requesting path on 399 from <-223.2231, 104.4055, -599.0979> to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756>
[00:19:15.107 D] Generated path to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756> in 00:00:00.2547307 ms
[00:19:15.157 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 399 from <-223.2231, 104.4055, -599.0979> to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756>
[00:19:15.177 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756> using 63 hops in 00:00:00.0199151 ms
[00:19:15.236 N] [FlightMover] Started Takeoff Task
[00:19:15.236 V] [FlightMover] Created new Takeoff Coroutine
[00:19:15.236 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
[00:19:15.980 N] [FlightMover] Takeoff took 00:00:00.7439120 ms or less
[00:19:16.669 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-220.7122, 112.8148, -585.7226> D: 8.017897
[00:19:17.077 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-219.4567, 116.993, -579.0349> D: 7.759647
[00:19:17.431 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-218.2013, 121.1393, -572.3473> D: 8.652751
[00:19:17.849 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-216.9458, 125.2434, -565.6596> D: 8.234174
[00:19:18.274 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-215.6903, 129.2949, -558.972> D: 7.649335
[00:19:18.625 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-214.4349, 133.2836, -552.2843> D: 8.535893
[00:19:19.038 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-213.1794, 137.1994, -545.5967> D: 8.126343
[00:19:19.449 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-211.924, 141.0324, -538.909> D: 7.720294
[00:19:19.803 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-210.6685, 144.7729, -532.2213> D: 8.405537
[00:19:20.223 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-209.4131, 148.4114, -525.5337> D: 7.715765
[00:19:20.574 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-208.1576, 151.9389, -518.846> D: 8.345183
[00:19:20.969 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-206.9021, 155.3462, -512.1584> D: 8.201495
[00:19:21.393 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-205.6467, 158.6248, -505.4707> D: 7.168733
[00:19:21.759 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-204.3912, 161.7665, -498.7831> D: 7.358013
[00:19:22.113 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-203.1358, 164.7631, -492.0954> D: 7.678399
[00:19:22.468 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-201.8803, 167.6072, -485.4077> D: 7.958226
[00:19:22.888 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-200.6248, 170.2914, -478.7201> D: 7.017132
[00:19:23.253 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-199.3694, 172.809, -472.0324> D: 6.856634
[00:19:23.609 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-198.1139, 175.1535, -465.3448> D: 6.909409
[00:19:23.979 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-196.8585, 177.319, -458.6571> D: 6.655027
[00:19:24.274 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-195.603, 179.2998, -451.9695> D: 7.827611
[00:19:24.630 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-194.3475, 181.091, -445.2818> D: 7.758491
[00:19:24.987 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-193.0921, 182.6879, -438.5942> D: 7.632091
[00:19:25.367 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-191.8366, 184.0863, -431.9065> D: 6.955815
[00:19:25.678 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-190.5812, 185.2828, -425.2189> D: 7.662747
[00:19:26.042 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-189.3257, 186.274, -418.5312> D: 7.250049
[00:19:26.399 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-188.0703, 187.0574, -411.8436> D: 6.917846
[00:19:26.664 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-186.8148, 187.6309, -405.1559> D: 7.624715
[00:19:27.018 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-185.5593, 187.9929, -398.4682> D: 7.377489
[00:19:27.348 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-184.3039, 188.1424, -391.7806> D: 7.542437
[00:19:27.690 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-183.0484, 188.0787, -385.0929> D: 7.505615
[00:19:28.089 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-181.793, 187.802, -378.4053> D: 7.19107
[00:19:28.448 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-180.5375, 187.3127, -371.7176> D: 6.838099
[00:19:28.807 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-179.282, 186.6119, -365.03> D: 6.52574
[00:19:29.107 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-178.0266, 185.7012, -358.3423> D: 7.416461
[00:19:29.464 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-176.7711, 184.5827, -351.6546> D: 7.117013
[00:19:29.819 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-175.5157, 183.259, -344.967> D: 6.973953
[00:19:30.173 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-174.2602, 181.7332, -338.2793> D: 6.850975
[00:19:30.476 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-173.0047, 180.009, -331.5917> D: 7.805921
[00:19:30.835 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-171.7493, 178.0906, -324.904> D: 7.714534
[00:19:31.188 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-170.4938, 175.9824, -318.2164> D: 7.750194
[00:19:31.545 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-169.2384, 173.6897, -311.5287> D: 7.79193
[00:19:31.900 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-167.9829, 171.2179, -304.8411> D: 7.962851
[00:19:32.316 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-166.7274, 168.573, -298.1534> D: 6.917645
[00:19:32.667 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-165.472, 165.7615, -291.4657> D: 7.245134
[00:19:33.024 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-164.2165, 162.7901, -284.7781> D: 7.564999
[00:19:33.381 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-162.9611, 159.6662, -278.0904> D: 7.889524
[00:19:33.790 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-161.7056, 156.3973, -271.4028> D: 7.242736
[00:19:34.140 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-160.4502, 152.9914, -264.7151> D: 7.85703
[00:19:34.551 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-159.1947, 149.4568, -258.0275> D: 7.312184
[00:19:34.911 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-157.9392, 145.8021, -251.3398> D: 7.843578
[00:19:35.321 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-156.6838, 142.0362, -244.6522> D: 7.424872
[00:19:35.671 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-155.4283, 138.1684, -237.9645> D: 8.226789
[00:19:36.051 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-154.1729, 134.2081, -231.2769> D: 8.524403
[00:19:36.481 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-152.9174, 130.1651, -224.5892> D: 7.799018
[00:19:36.832 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-151.662, 126.0491, -217.9015> D: 8.751237
[00:19:37.246 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-150.4065, 121.8703, -211.2139> D: 8.45033
[00:19:37.653 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-149.151, 117.6389, -204.5262> D: 8.319702
[00:19:38.080 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-147.8956, 113.3653, -197.8386> D: 7.978957
[00:19:38.434 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-146.6401, 109.0599, -191.1509> D: 8.786052
[00:19:38.844 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-145.3846, 104.7332, -184.4633> D: 8.652205
[00:19:38.902 N] [FlightNav] Collision detected! Generating new path!
[00:19:38.961 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 399 from <-146.3704, 108.1291, -189.7141> to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756>
[00:19:38.962 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
[00:19:38.964 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardRight
[00:19:38.964 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756> using 5 hops in 00:00:00.0035608 ms
[00:19:39.599 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-145.2991, 111.6065, -184.0074> D: 8.598022
[00:19:40.030 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-144.9091, 107.8697, -181.9302> D: 4.270129
[00:19:40.212 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-144.5192, 104.1328, -179.8529> D: 5.08158
[00:19:40.443 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <-144.1292, 101.396, -177.7756> D: 3.753482
[00:19:40.569 N] [FlightMover] Started Landing Task
[00:19:40.629 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[00:19:41.743 N] [FlightMover] Landing cancelled after 00:00:01.1745525 ms. New destination requested.
[00:20:38.600 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[00:20:40.651 D] Requesting path on 399 from <-142.9066, 100.6351, -177.471> to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756>
[00:20:40.901 D] Generated path to <-144.1292, 100.396, -177.7756> in 00:00:00.2503934 ms
[00:20:40.913 D] Moving to next hop: <-144.0711, 100.4839, -177.7704> () D: 1.211921
[00:20:41.065 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[00:20:42.086 N] [ExFish v3.1.0.1511190] Will fish for 43 fish before moving again.