haste is useless for disc(extra PoH during SS is only remotely usable in 25man, renew is useless althogether), 40% unbuffed crit(unachievable on 550 sadly) is what you want to aim at. most priests run around with 8-9k spirit or so, but for CR even 12k won't be enough probably.
Yes this CR works just fine with 8k spirit. I have literally taken gear off to get this low in spirit to see how the routine performs.
Thanks for quick response guys, so basically I want to stack as much crit as possible and hover near 8-9k spirit? And just want to make sure its Oracle you guys are using at higher levels, I did a heroic garrosh as a warlock and our disc priest did 350khps, granted they are BiS everywhere but I think I should be able to top heal a 25m normal.....also in settings smite is disabled---is that correct or should I be using smite
Anyone have a settings file they are using for SoO disc priest they can share? Bot seems to wanna oom itself at 550 ilvl and 70k hps
I will get a setting file over to wulf that is a little different that I use with our 10m heroic team. Full heroic clear on disc two healing everything with a druid as second healer. It may be another day or two as he just pushed a lot of updates for disc and changed a bunch of settings around.
I promise though that people who are saying this routine cannot do something you do not have it set up correctly then. There are so many options in this routine that it will just overwhelm you. There are also so many logging options that you can see how it is performing, why it chose that target and why it casted that spell.
Once again I will say that this routine is not for the feint of heart. It is not an out of the box ROFLstomp meter routine as it is not intended to do that, it will do that but it is not designed to just overheal like crazy and top every meter to lengthen your epeen. As a healer your job is to keep people alive, as a tank to not let people die and as a dps to top meters. If the routine is letting people die or not keeping them healed enough and they are doing the mechanics correctly then we have a problem.
Sorry for the lengthy post just want everyone to know that if you have an issue or something it wrong or you think it is wrong. Post a helpful comment, what, where, when, and why it is not working and include a logfile. Myself and Wulf cannot do anything to help you without a logfile.
On another side note, if I have time this weekend I will do a little video on setting up oracle for disc priest or at least a lengthy post with pictures. I will also more than likely do a post/video with doing PG with Oracle 2 as disc as well.
All's well that Heals well,