Hey, sorry for the rage just the heat of the moment. I've been trying to adjust things in options to my prefference but I just made it worse really so i'll just try to explain whats going wrong.
"Rejuvenation on xxx at 100.0% to Blanket" is a massive waste of mana and just adds up to the overhealing pool, its keeping this on 3 targets up constantly. Had this turned off completely
Then, Swiftmend should be used as a mini cooldown to get people up quickly. Had this set to 1 - 40% with Glyph of Efflorescence beeing quite op atm but i just cannot get it to work properly, it keeps using mushrooms when the entire raid is still full hp even though i've set ignore players above 95% and etc.
For example when the big aoe dmg phases start on garrosh instead of spamming rejuv and wild growth i get this
[19:25:27.996 N] [OracleII]: Casting Healing Touch on Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight at 33.9 yds at 33.5% [Calculated]
[19:25:30.352 N] [OracleII]: Casting Healing Touch on Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight at 33.9 yds at 56.4% [Calculated]
[19:25:32.559 N] [OracleII]: Casting Healing Touch on Lvl 90 Horde DeathKnight at 33.9 yds at 44.6% [Calculated]