83-85: I have an issue with the portals in Stormwind going to Deepholm and Uldum.
I was checking the bot. My toon was lvl 83 and it was just standing in the middle of the portal-platform in SW doing nothing. The bot said compiling quests for deepholm but didn't do anything for minutes (10+). So I took the Portal to DH by hand and then it said: abandoning Boat Quest... and started questing in Deepholm.
when I checked back later it was again standing there in SW. I restarted the bot (it was loading v2) and my toon was mounting and flying off to some coordinates in the eastern kingdom where it got stuck in a tree and went from one point to another and back again.
So I activated the 83-85 Uldum profil by hand but still had to manualy pick the portal to Uldum (because it was again just standing on the platform). Then it started again questing there and when hitting 85 hearthed to SW and went off to Pandaria.
It may have worked in Uldum becaus the toon already was 84,6 or so and KeepOnMoving didn't hearth back to SW. Otherwise it would have ended up at the platform again...
Other than that the profil-pack is awesome.
Darf arms warrior.
From 1-80 (ca. 50h /played) went smooth. From 80-85 I needed 40h because of various stucks and idle issues. Let's see how Pandaria works