yeah probably with cata gear but remember hilt doesnt drop in normal, idk if you even get it possible to farm normal mode for reputation as 79 twinked dk,warrior or rogue? bis cata geared of course
Well you could get a tailor to make items and DE them and sell the mats for profit or make frostweave bags.Is there any way to make it sell Frostweave, i have over 900 stacks and dont need it anymore.
Really mronic question, how do i change the difficulty from Normal to heroic?
No, you cant change it because you already entered it. You change difficulty outside of the dungeon.Thanks.
I entered pit of saron, but i don't see from the drop down menu the option to change diff to heroic. Do i need to beat it on normal to unlock it?
Or do i need to be in a group?