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put this in just above all the Runto lines.. it will wait about 2 mins at the beginning of each run... (you can raise or lower that number as you see fit)
great profile ,problem i have is that i die, for some reason it pulls 2 or 3 packs sometimes and i die, the death flight plan doesn't work either so i just sit there dead running around the spire on griffin , have used multiple cc but all die, i am a ret pally with 398 gearscore , any help would be hawt!
the problem i am having with this new release is that even with the wait timer it doesnt seem to wait at all and i end up getting DC'd because it just sits there and runs into the instance over and over while getting the error message "you have entered too many instances recently" each time i run this at night and i get back on the next day my bags are never full maybe only half full. Still no luck on the hilt tho
I've been monitoring the bot for a while and I've found if you set your pull distance to 20-25 it will make it much easier so you don't pull a lot. Especially as a blood DK using the Singular CC, I use to have problems being that I am only 385 equip ilvl but I changed out my raid finder indomitable pride for my raid finder resolve of the undying trinket and things are going much smoother. I'm also edited the wait time since 15000 is too short it seems. Lots of greens and BOP epics + cloth but no hilt...
Also wtf is up with it running out of the instance going outside on the walk way and just sitting still for no reason...?????
**UPDATE** After about twelve hours of straight farming, and having changed the wait timer to 115000 so I don't get stuck with the lock out I have FINALLY got a hilt!! YAY I've also made a good sum of gold just from the grinding. Went from about 2-3k to about 5k in those twelve hours. Not to mention having looted about 50 stacks of frostweave cloth and BOP dungeon epics to sell.
Good work I appreciate the time you've spent to make this profile work. Which I would have thought of this idea
**UPDATE 2** : Got two more from last nights grinding so 3 total and already sold my first one for 25k on AH so i got about 23k from it, not bad not bad. Plus selling all of the frostweave cloth stacks, making them into bolts, and occasionally imbued bolts has made me over 5k already.
I'm Pretty sure this isn't anything to do with the profile but I noticed the bot Won't use flying mount to goto repair and move along the edge of the platform with ground mount, amusing but not very effective. I will check my mount settings again.
I put <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" Type="Flying" />but no change.
ret for dodda and frost dk for amputations =)
Im running this on a enh chaman 392 singular CC and never drop from 80% life even getting 2 pulls at the same time
Hi Zikke , i hope u read this , ive got engineer, and ive got MOLL-E the mobile mailbox u can have as an engineer, i want to use it in the instance every 1 hour cooldown, i saw in ur xml profile theres a space between ( <Mailboxes>
</Mailboxes> ) how do i put in my mobile mailbox , can u write it for me ? i want to use my mobile mailbox or is there a plugin?