What you'll need:
1x Level 85 Blood DK/Prot Pala (Works best) on Account #1.
1x Level 10 (Level 1 works as well, but 1-10 is slow) on Account #2. (Works with more than one of course)
I was under the impression you needed to be withinn 4 lvls of one and another to gain the 3x XP bonus, so wouldnt you need 3 accounts for this ?
tell me how well this would work, what other classes may work well? I have a level 70+ hunter on same realm but on a different account. but I also have a level 85 mage, pally,warrior,shaman, sadly the only epic one is my mage, the rest are in greens, as in when I dinged I logged off and not played them again... I have 85 dk as well but sadly isn't on the same realm.
These are elite mobs, that rule doesn't apply. One 85 Grinder and 1-4 lowbie's work just fine.
should i do ret pally or prot pally and singular class or what custom class?
btw how long does it take roughly for each 1-80