do you get the same amout of xp if the 85 isnt raffed with the 2 other accounts that have RAF?
using this profile and its fantastic however i have a minor issue that maybe you could help with,
when going to vendor greys etc from my bags it basically goes on the ground and attacks every mob in reach, is there a way to make sure it goes to flight form/mounts flying mount and flys to blast thunderbomb rather than all that combat?
oh im running it with combatlooter.cs if thats any help?
Level 20How high can trial/free accounts go before they have to be upgraded? I'm considering recruiting a new account linked to my main and getting myself a load of level 60 chars so I don't have to buy a key, then questing past there. Would this work or is there a level cap on those starter accounts on trial?
i have a Main Account wich is merged with RAF to another account.
When i do this, what the chars do?
How long i need to 80?
Can someone describes it, what it makes?