Yep Akraen is a great guy, he was(till he moved with half his guild) on my server, really fun to chat with the debate "magery" with. As to your question, short answer Yes, Long answer, you can see under Talents where you set the Min HP for the Mage bombs to be applied there is a % of additional power setting as well, this works very similar as Affdots Mage does, basically keeping an eye on your stats Int/Haste/Mastery etc.. and as they increase due to short term buffs/procs etc... the % goes up, you set what % to reapply it at. There is also some additional logic for alot of buffs are about to fall off and your bombs a close to expiring so it "reapplies early". BUT (again this is to my knowledge) it doesn't go the extra mile to add in the formula of how many ticks are left vs how many ticks would be left under the new gained or lost haste, vs how it would effect the overall dmg output vs the lost GCD for reapplying it. At the moment I dont know of any addon that does, not even Affdots does this. Basically it gives you a good snapshot, but won't be perfect.
TLDR: put the setting to where you feel is best depending on your gear/trinkets/procs available, and balance the strength of the reapply vs lost GCDs, perhaps 35% as a starting number, and go from there.