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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

What about for best DPS if computer can handle it?

Curious from other users what Heroic SOO fights they recommend turning AOE off. IE: Is it ok to leave it on for Protectors? Norushen? Garosh? I have a good understanding of what the bot is capable of, but not sure of all the logics going on behind the scene.


Protectors? ON
Norushen? ON but dot value set so it does big adds and not little adds (3.5M is ideal as Unleashed Manifestation of Corruption has 4M HP max (depending on difficulty level and 10/25man). Setting to this will always dot only the big adds and not the little ones. NB, might be lower in LFR but I don't care much about that.
Garosh? ON but see below (15.M 25man and 6.5m 10man will not dot weapons).

in 10 Man normal and heroic

3.5m will dot ph1 big adds, weapons and Embodied Despair but NOT Minion of Y'Shaarj, Embodied Doubt
6.5m will dot ph1 big adds and Embodied Despair but NOT weapons, Minion of Y'Shaarj, Embodied Doubt

in 25 Man normal and heroic

3.5m will dot ph1 big adds, weapons and Embodied Despair but NOT Minion of Y'Shaarj, Embodied Doubt
15.5m will dot ph1 big adds and Embodied Despair but NOT weapons, Minion of Y'Shaarj, Embodied Doubt

Engineers are never dotted with the above settings.

I use 15.5M value.

PS, this is based on info taken from Icy-Veins mob HP values, so if that's wrong the above will be wrong as well!
Hi mate, just got in :) What I do with cooldowns is start with them disabled, I have an addon that tracks my trinkets, as soon as the PBOI (immers) trinket procs I enable them, this means as soon as it's at 4 stack it will run through the cooldowns with the trinket proc'd (somtimes RNG is bad ofc but 90% of time this is best for dps).

I set it on boss/player always. I generally turn it off again after it's cast and then back on when I want it. :)

This is the addon I use ExtraCD - Combat - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

the only gotchya with this is on Galakras where there is no "boss" at the start, just force cooldowns when you want them :)

Thanks for the reply. Do you have some kind of macro that auto turns off CDs on Portal or something? The only way I can turn off CD usage (for "On Boss or Player") is if I manually open class settings in HB and disable it via the drop down menu, which is why I tend to use the "On Burst Enabled" hotkey option. While this works great as Frost, it doesn't take into consideration how many stacks you're at it when you're playing as Arcane so it'll alter time/arcane power even if you're at 0 stacks.

It seems like either Counterspell and Frostjaw, are not interrupting as they should. They seem to be low on priority for some reason (PvP wise)

It seems like either Counterspell and Frostjaw, are not interrupting as they should. They seem to be low on priority for some reason (PvP wise)

My Counter is set to Any casting and Focus (usually healer) nd Frostjaw is set to anyone casting, but they are not going out as much.

Thanks for the reply. Do you have some kind of macro that auto turns off CDs on Portal or something? The only way I can turn off CD usage (for "On Boss or Player") is if I manually open class settings in HB and disable it via the drop down menu, which is why I tend to use the "On Burst Enabled" hotkey option. While this works great as Frost, it doesn't take into consideration how many stacks you're at it when you're playing as Arcane so it'll alter time/arcane power even if you're at 0 stacks.

The Cooldowns can be turned off / on using the alt+"x" options in the "hotkeys" tab, it's just called "cooldowns". This will wait until you have 4 stacks instead of just bursting off the bat, simply start with it disabled, initiate combat, when your trinket proc lights up (the big one) turn it on and it will run when you are at 4 stack again. Obviously RNG can mess this up sometimes but i'd say 9/10 this is optimal rather than just letting it use cooldowns randomly (and letting trinket proc during alter time and then be lost).
The the option of casting Arcane Intellect, it should also read if Dalaran Brilliance is active. It just spams AI if someone is putting up Dalaran Brilliance.
I figure this is as good a place to ask as any...

I'm leveling a new mage with this profile. How should I go about setting up AutoEquip2 as its not really clear for casters?
Millz or anyone that can help,

I am currently using the CR through PVP, I tried to manually configure the Burst to alt + B, for some reason this is not activating upon command though, I have not tested with Poly for target, mo, focus, so I am uncertain if those are also affected. Any solutions?
What about for best DPS if computer can handle it?

Hardlock enabled, TPS between 30 and 60, anti lag #1 disabled.

What % do you guys usually set for refreshing bombs? The default seems high.

Depends on your gear. 40% with 2x good trinkets, meta gem etc is easy to go over.


It seems like either Counterspell and Frostjaw, are not interrupting as they should. They seem to be low on priority for some reason (PvP wise)

Got a log file?

The the option of casting Arcane Intellect, it should also read if Dalaran Brilliance is active. It just spams AI if someone is putting up Dalaran Brilliance.

It's already checking for Dalaran Brilliance, shouldn't be spam buffing. There's a 10 second delay between buffs too.

I figure this is as good a place to ask as any...

I'm leveling a new mage with this profile. How should I go about setting up AutoEquip2 as its not really clear for casters?

I set it to 2H + staff option. You'll get upgraded staffs faster than weapon + OH when leveling.
Having had a look at your dps rotation, there's a few things it's doing wrong:
-the POM, alter time, combustion combo is being done wrong. You should only pull alter time the moment you cast the last fireball, it's going towards your target and both heating up and pyroblast proccs are up. That way, you get the chance for an extra crit, and you also get to use the first POM to continue the chain into the second combo.
-Synapse strings should only be used on in conjunction with major offensive abilities, such as combustion, in order to increase your ignite.
-Rotation should at least wait for 3 continuous pyro crits in order to cast combustion. If it doesn't get that within 10 secs, then just cast whenever possible. Either that, or a set value of ignite, whichever way.

That's all I could see for now, but will let you know more:)

The above post is correct the routine is not great atm at all for fire it's about 100k lower than manual and thats excluding burst damage at the start of a fight.
I'll link a how to guide from Methodwow as just picking out things that are wrong is counter intuitive at this point.
MoP Fire Mage Guide
Suggestion: have Arcane routine auto use mana gem (if available) when it does Arcane Power + Alter Time (use gem before AT). Both the MMO Champ Arcane thread and the Icy Veins guide (in the forum thread) recommend doing this since you'll get the AT benefits for your mana gem extended (due to gem glyph) to offset the increased MP cost of AP.
Hardlock enabled, TPS between 30 and 60, anti lag #1 disabled.

Depends on your gear. 40% with 2x good trinkets, meta gem etc is easy to go over.

Got a log file?

It's already checking for Dalaran Brilliance, shouldn't be spam buffing. There's a 10 second delay between buffs too.

I set it to 2H + staff option. You'll get upgraded staffs faster than weapon + OH when leveling.

Thanks regarding Tyrael settings. Regarding comment about gear, trinkets meta.. are you saying if i have two good trinkets, and the meta, etc that 40% is a good place to leave it or I should lower it to 10,20 etc?
The above post is correct the routine is not great atm at all for fire it's about 100k lower than manual and thats excluding burst damage at the start of a fight.
I'll link a how to guide from Methodwow as just picking out things that are wrong is counter intuitive at this point.
MoP Fire Mage Guide

Can someone else confirm this? I mean - part of the reason I bought this was because I didnt know fire at all and i wanted to try it. I am a heroic raider though - i cant just all of a sudden drop 100K dps....should i hold off using fire for now?
Can someone else confirm this? I mean - part of the reason I bought this was because I didnt know fire at all and i wanted to try it. I am a heroic raider though - i cant just all of a sudden drop 100K dps....should i hold off using fire for now?

I cant say what you are going to loose because your mileage will vary depending on your ilvl/skill. I am ilvl579. I dont use any routine for fire atm it's not just this one. best thing is to try it yourself and maybe control the opening sequence then engage the bot. I feel if millz had the time to read the spec rotation and heating up he could get it pretty close as the biggest headache for programming was setting up the right combustion now that it is a none issue he could prob do something pretty decent.
The above post is correct the routine is not great atm at all for fire it's about 100k lower than manual and thats excluding burst damage at the start of a fight.
I'll link a how to guide from Methodwow as just picking out things that are wrong is counter intuitive at this point.
MoP Fire Mage Guide

Thanks for the link. I'm aware that Fire isn't as strong as it could be. It is on the to-do list. Not hugely concerned about it at the moment, as it still performs decent,but the other 2 specs are both pretty strong, and arcane is the spec of choice for most at the moment. It's a case of weighing things up in priority for what's most important vs the time I have to write the code. I spend about 80-90% of my time replying to PM's and e-mails, and the rest of the time coding/testing code.

Suggestion: have Arcane routine auto use mana gem (if available) when it does Arcane Power + Alter Time (use gem before AT). Both the MMO Champ Arcane thread and the Icy Veins guide (in the forum thread) recommend doing this since you'll get the AT benefits for your mana gem extended (due to gem glyph) to offset the increased MP cost of AP.

I'll add it to the list.
The above post is correct the routine is not great atm at all for fire it's about 100k lower than manual and thats excluding burst damage at the start of a fight.
I'll link a how to guide from Methodwow as just picking out things that are wrong is counter intuitive at this point.
MoP Fire Mage Guide

Thanks for the link. I'm aware that Fire isn't as strong as it could be. It is on the to-do list. Not hugely concerned about it at the moment, as it still performs decent,but the other 2 specs are both pretty strong, and arcane is the spec of choice for most at the moment. It's a case of weighing things up in priority for what's most important vs the time I have to write the code. I spend about 80-90% of my time replying to PM's and e-mails, and the rest of the time coding/testing code.

Suggestion: have Arcane routine auto use mana gem (if available) when it does Arcane Power + Alter Time (use gem before AT). Both the MMO Champ Arcane thread and the Icy Veins guide (in the forum thread) recommend doing this since you'll get the AT benefits for your mana gem extended (due to gem glyph) to offset the increased MP cost of AP.

I'll add it to the list.
Thanks for the link. I'm aware that Fire isn't as strong as it could be. It is on the to-do list. Not hugely concerned about it at the moment, as it still performs decent,but the other 2 specs are both pretty strong, and arcane is the spec of choice for most at the moment. It's a case of weighing things up in priority for what's most important vs the time I have to write the code. I spend about 80-90% of my time replying to PM's and e-mails, and the rest of the time coding/testing code.

I'll add it to the list.

Millz or whomever - when you say Arcane is the spec of choice --- does that go for heroic raiding that has a lot of movement? I have no problem playing Arcane if that is the case. One question on that would be around gearing - is there a way to gear so that Arcane and Frost are both viable?

Can someone who uses Portal for Arcane in H 25man progression please PM me? I have questions about settings for the CR. Like how to manage burst effectively etc.
Millz or whomever - when you say Arcane is the spec of choice --- does that go for heroic raiding that has a lot of movement? I have no problem playing Arcane if that is the case. One question on that would be around gearing - is there a way to gear so that Arcane and Frost are both viable?

Can someone who uses Portal for Arcane in H 25man progression please PM me? I have questions about settings for the CR. Like how to manage burst effectively etc.

Arcane is the not the best choice for raiding heroic it was trade off because you can gem around it and frost so both can be used and thus be competitive on all fights. Frost for heavy movement and arcane for the rest it was not ideal but due to gear level it was the best option to progress, most heroic raiders I know are moving to fire when they get about 570+ ilvl but all 3 spec's are viable but if you need every last ounce of dps fire is the way to go as it performs in all situations.
Arcane is the not the best choice for raiding heroic it was trade off because you can gem around it and frost so both can be used and thus be competitive on all fights. Frost for heavy movement and arcane for the rest it was not ideal but due to gear level it was the best option to progress, most heroic raiders I know are moving to fire when they get about 570+ ilvl but all 3 spec's are viable but if you need every last ounce of dps fire is the way to go as it performs in all situations.

Thats what i figured and this CR under-performs for fire right now. Ah well..