Millz --
I notice that my AoE settings aren't being taken into account while I'm playing Frost spec. I have Arcane Explosion, which is AoE and doesn't cost a lot of mana, but it's never cast. I have my AoE settings set all the way down to 2 from 5, and my AE isn't cast. I'm sure this is because AE probably isn't part of the Frost rotation, but at lower levels when AE is the only AoE spell you have, it would be worth it to use. As a level 20-30 range mage, my DPS went from ~150 to ~200 with the use of Arcane Explosion in AoE situations.
I'll post a log for you, and if you see any Arcane Explosions being cast, that's me spamming it manually.
Edit: I took a screenshot with recount open to show what spells were used. Frostbolt was #1 and Arcane Explosion was #2. As you can see Arcane Explosion was almost 30% of my damage, while Frostbolt was almost 50% of my damage. I see it only casted Fire Blast once through the whole dungeon, so I don't know what the criteria is for that spell to be cast. But, the ~310 Arcane Explosion casts are all my manual castings.
Do you think you could put it in with some settings to cast it between X and X mobs, or just cast it until the add count is down to a single mob, or something clever? It would be really helpful.