What's the issues you're having in PvP? You need to control certain stuff manually in PvP, like frost nova, blink, polymorph etc if you want it to be successful. Fully automated mage PvP just doesn't work.
Okay so maybe it would be better for me to ask, what should I control and what should the routine control. Currently I control, spell steal, poly, ROF. I let the bot control my burst on a hotkey for arenas and in BG's I let the routine use the auto burst. Anyways say I start controlling my pets feeze which actually is good for CC but it is also a good thing to use to get some procs to start my burst. How does the routine handle the burst, does it know when I have my trinket procked etc? I guess im just confused on how much faith im putting into the routine. Really do not know what it is capable of in PvP. Maybe if you could explain it a bit, it may make more sense what this routine can actually do. It says its can do PvP but ideally what can it really do in PvP. It seems as the prismatic crystal is best in PvP at the moment, hows the rotation for PvP coded.Sorry for throwing alot at you but answer what you can/ understand what I asked. What I REALLY want to know is what is the PvP routine capable of and what should I control and what should the routine control. Idk if I knew logically how the bot was thinking it would make more sense. Im a programmer as well so, what is the routines mindset in a sense.
P.S. I private messaged you a really good PvP mage rotation.
1. I am using stop casting macros for my pet freeze as well as my prismatic crystal and the routine wont let me get either down it keeps trying to cast something else. Why is this? I am going to see if its because I dont have "stop for manual button press" checked but stopcasting macros should override the routines cast and instead the routine fights back until it gets what it wants casted. Theirs alot of variables on the table. It may be helpful to me and other PvPers that would enjoy using this for PvP, if you could post images of each tab of the routine panel showing what is "Ideal" to be checked when pvping, whether its arenas or bgs, that would be very helpful im sure.
2. For some odd reason, the bot still tries to cast when im trying to run away, say im trying to run around a pillar because im close to death, my run gets slowed down because the bot is trying to cast.I am sure you know what im saying, you essentialy look like a broken bot lol, I am not specced into icy flow. nor do I have cast Ice lance when moving. My mages hands stay blue because its trying to cast and it keeps saying I cannot target that, I cannot target that(red spam WoW simulation in the top middle of the screen), I also have targeting off. I do th targeting manually.
3. Also prismatic crystal for some reason is not getting placed on burst enabled, in result frozen orb is thrown at the target without the crystal there, resulting in a big chunk of burst lost due to dmg loss and procs not getting procced to than continue on bursting.
I will post a log tomorrow after I try and configure this routine more and try and get it working better. It just does feel as enjoyable as other routines in PvP. I would be more than happy to help out to the best of my ability.
I think a pretty good solution to all this was stated before, just post an image or text of how the routine will get the best dps in PvP, so just letting the PvP community who do use this or want to potentially use this can use it and excel in PvP. So what should be checked absolutely and what should not be checked. Yes I know their is a guide on the post for PvP but that is significantly out of date.
I will post a log tomorrow, not trying to bitch and complain, but the sole purpose I bought this was for PvP , I can PvE on my own but with PvP you need reaction time and thats where the bot can excel over any human.(should excel). Like I said I would be more than happy to help. I did check this routine out in PvE its good work, love your work and hopefully you will be able to assist me and vice versa.