I really need an option to let me use Prismatic Crustal manually and also a hotkey for it! it's too annoying when CC uses it when an add is about to die, and it makes me to keep pausing the cc and doing the rotation manually.
and also is there anyway to fix the pet, I use the /petattack macro but if there would be a away that the pet could follow my target except the time i'm attacking Prismatic crystal, coz it seems water elemntal can not attack it(though this is a minor problem which is not a big deal)
and also a question about frost bomb, I know the first rule of 2FOF then cast it, but does the cc also cast bomb when:
Frozen Orb is about to come off cooldown;
Water Jet Icon Water Jet is about to come off cooldown.
I tried to find it out but I think sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
An awesome job like always, my gear is 630. and I think it does a decent dmg, eventhough I don't have the best trinkets atm. thanks again
From the posts above it seems u have already fixed the stuff I told u about crystal thing, and I didn't notice, and the server is down atm and I can't check it, if that's true then ignore this post