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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

In BGs after a fight it just stands still for about 10-20 seconds until moving to the next.

Chatlog says moving to X reason=fight/battle. But often it changes moving to Y reason=battle/fight. Shouldnt it be able to continue running like always? Or not have any delay between actions. Also, in combat it doesnt move between spells, i think thats a pretty obvious bot alert.
That is the result after following your directions. I have messaged you several times seeking support regarding this issue. As stated, the routines show up under my purchases in the buddy store but never show up in the bot, what do I do to fix this?

View attachment 150910

Looks like you have 2x Buddy Auth accounts. The log file shows Demonic loading, but that screenshot doesn't have Demonic in there. You'll need to find the details for the 2 accounts and contact [email protected] to have the keys merged into the correct account.


Having an issue with fire and arcane. With fire it just puts living bomb on everything then sits there. No fireball no anything. With arcane all it does is drop rune of power and stands there. I've tried disabling all addons and resetting to defaults but it just wont work. I'm using enyo and Portal Premium. Frost seems to work just fine.

View attachment 150927

Can you try restarting your PC please, looks like some memory read errors.

Hey everyone! Very nice CR btw. Just wanted to report an apparent bug with Frost spec at level 100. Sometimes it simply refuses to cast frost bomb at 2 charges of frost fingers (and then using those charges). Instead, it continues casting Frostbolt for ever. This happens sometimes during the fight, and pausing the routine and casting some spells manually usually fixes it, but it is a bit annoying, especially since it's very unpredictable. Then there are fights where it performs well.

Also, when having 2 procs of frost fingers and brain freeze procs, isn't it best to prioritize using the frost fingers first? I believe Brain Freeze has a chance of giving you another frost finger proc, which means it would be wasted. At the moment it seems to prioritize the Brain Freeze proc when this happens.


Hey - Could you post a log file from where this has happened please? I'll take a look. I pushed a few changes last night for level 100 stuff so it may be resolved now.

I'll add some code in to help better prioritise IL and FFB when 2 stacks to prevent wastage.

Is there a way to make the CR cast on Mount ? cuz of the Nagrand skill?

No plans to implement support for this. 1.5 levels questing in Nagrand just isn't worth the effort required to add support (it's not a quick job).

When i get lv 100...i see how Arcane Power, no working more, i put to use in CD and never use, always i need pulse to activated, and lv 100 talentos and ussefull,

Edit : My raid leader confirm that all mages must go Frost for first raid, i never play frost, always Fire or Arcane, so i need some tips. Can anybody give me a best settings for Mage Frost?

I need for 5 man dungeon ( normal and heroic) and for first raid.


I'll have a look at Arcane Power and see what's up. *Edit* will be fixed in next build.

No suggestions on settings at the moment, will update all default files over the coming week(s).
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In BGs after a fight it just stands still for about 10-20 seconds until moving to the next.

Chatlog says moving to X reason=fight/battle. But often it changes moving to Y reason=battle/fight. Shouldnt it be able to continue running like always? Or not have any delay between actions. Also, in combat it doesnt move between spells, i think thats a pretty obvious bot alert.

Hey - That's an issue with BGBuddy I'm afraid. All of those issues don't occur with BGFarmer (you can trial it via the store to see..).
hey it keeps spamming slow fall on party members and itself when it is out of combat , eventhough the slowfall is not checked, is there anyway to fix it ?
hey it keeps spamming slow fall on party members and itself when it is out of combat , eventhough the slowfall is not checked, is there anyway to fix it ?

You must have toggled the hotkey on. Toggle it off again :)
I've already paid before wod, but i don't find how to download the last version. Must I pay again? If no, how can I download the last version. Thanks in advance
Its probably that we have a bug with Frost?

I see how CC prefer cast 5 or 6 frostbolt until that renew frost bomb...is normal in rotation in frost? ( i dont know the good rotation for frost more behind that icy vens )
Hello Millz , have a question please , i have all ur CR paid version , and ur the best as i always tell u , but for some reason i can't see lvl 100 talent supported , so am i missing anything ? please let me know, thanks <3
Anyone got some experience in arena or rated bg with if yes may u can share ur settings? Thanks in advance
I've already paid before wod, but i don't find how to download the last version. Must I pay again? If no, how can I download the last version. Thanks in advance


Its probably that we have a bug with Frost?

I see how CC prefer cast 5 or 6 frostbolt until that renew frost bomb...is normal in rotation in frost? ( i dont know the good rotation for frost more behind that icy vens )

Post a log file please - It only refreshes Frost Bomb once you've got 2 stacks of FoF.

Hello Millz , have a question please , i have all ur CR paid version , and ur the best as i always tell u , but for some reason i can't see lvl 100 talent supported , so am i missing anything ? please let me know, thanks <3

They are supported.

why does frost just stand there and cast nothing

Post a log file if you're having issues please
Is there any reason my character spams living bomb on all targets instead of simply spreading it? I tried reinstalling HB.
Is this going to be fixed or is there a solution for it?

Just a quick question Millz. While leveling and earning the "improved" spells like improved water elemental and improved frostbolt, do you think this would affect the routine rotation? Improved water elemental has the new spell that causes you to gain FoF meaning you get FoF more frequently as it is casting its water jet thing.
hey thanks millz for answering , but if it's working why icant see them in the talent , + some talanets like boms not working , dunno if am using something wrong, plz let me know :)
It only refreshes Frost Bomb once you've got 2 stacks of FoF.

Frost Mage DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (WoD 6.0.3) - Icy Veins

The rotation of a Frost Mage consists in the following priority list, assuming you have taken Frost Bomb Icon Frost Bomb as a Tier 5 talent. The most important thing about Frost Bomb is that you are not required to keep it up at all times, but only when you can make use of it (i.e., when you are certain to be able to cast at least 2 Ice Lance Icon Ice Lance with Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost). See below the list for other talent options.

Apply Frost Bomb Icon Frost Bomb or refresh it (if it is about to expire), but only if one of the following condition holds (let it drop otherwise):
you have 2 charges of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost or;

Frozen Orb Icon Frozen Orb is about to come off cooldown;

Water Jet Icon Water Jet is about to come off cooldown.

Cast Frozen Orb Icon Frozen Orb on cooldown (unless you want to save it for an upcoming AoE phase).

Cast Freeze Icon Freeze from your Water Elemental (never use it while Frozen Orb Icon Frozen Orb is active, though).

Bosses are immune to Freeze, so only cast it if there are adds you can root. Doing so will give you 1 charge of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost (2 if it hits more than 1 enemy).

Cast Ice Lance Icon Ice Lance when Frost Bomb Icon Frost Bomb is up and you have 1 or 2 charges of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost. Otherwise, let Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost build up until you have 2 charges, so that you can apply Frost Bomb, before consuming your charges. Only cast Ice Lance without Frost Bomb, if you have 1 charge of Fingers of Frost and it is about to expire.

Cast Frostfire Bolt Icon Frostfire Bolt when Brain Freeze Icon Brain Freeze procs (you can have up to 2 charges). Frostfire Bolt can give you a charge of Fingers of Frost, so avoid casting it if you already have 2 charges.
Cast Water Jet Icon Water Jet from your Water Elemental.

Your goal is to cast Frostbolt Icon Frostbolt twice while Water Jet is being channeled to generate charges of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost (see our Water Jet section for more information).

Never use Water Jet while Frozen Orb Icon Frozen Orb is active.

Spend your charges of Fingers of Frost Icon Fingers of Frost before using Water Jet.

Cast Frostbolt Icon Frostbolt as a filler spell.

Water Jet Icon Water Jet and Freeze Icon Freeze share a cooldown. In a raiding environment, you should always give priority to Water Jet, unless you need the root effect or you can get a good Shatter Icon Shatter off on a number of adds before using Ice Nova Icon Ice Nova on them (if talented).