Burst: 18-25kwhat burst dps do you get with frost-> tier 6 crystal and this cc premium?
Just a quick question Millz. While leveling and earning the "improved" spells like improved water elemental and improved frostbolt, do you think this would affect the routine rotation? Improved water elemental has the new spell that causes you to gain FoF meaning you get FoF more frequently as it is casting its water jet thing.
Hey, here is the log that frost i do nothing the counterspells are manually cast from me
View attachment 151824
log for frost doing nothing
Is there a way to add prismatic crystal to a hotkey or only on boss because its kind of annoying when the CR use it in the last trash before a boss an its on cd in the fight. And what about support for water Jet. Thanks a lot!
Burst: 18-25k
Regular: 9-13k
ilvl: 620
hey millz,
the next build sounds really great. I hope it´s coming soon :OO
@all : didn´t played very often with this cc and crystal. But when i tested it yesterday, the cc switcht to the crystal an after 10 seconds its disappeared. But the cc didnt target the last target. Could auto target "turned off" be my problem? Do you play with auto target in pve?
- [Frost] Added support for Water Jet.
- [Frost] Added >= 2 units setting to Pet Freeze.
Did you added in the crystal "logic" , that the cc is only using crystal, when its ready AND atleast the pet spells are ready too ( for proccs ) OR you are lucky and got all proccs AND frozen orb is rdy?
it´s really important, that frozen orb hits the crystal. Maybe its even better , when you only cast frozen orb, when crystal is rdy.
All that together is a huge DPS burst and push
I've already paid before wod, but i don't find how to download the last version. Must I pay again? If no, how can I download the last version. Thanks in advance
Just a quick question Millz. While leveling and earning the "improved" spells like improved water elemental and improved frostbolt, do you think this would affect the routine rotation? Improved water elemental has the new spell that causes you to gain FoF meaning you get FoF more frequently as it is casting its water jet thing.
Yeah but that's the thing, we're not supposed to give up on fire. Millz' routines have always been great, but currently fire is simply underperforming.
I am being outDPSed by 2 other fire mages, and I can even do more DPS manually than I do with the bot, and I have tried many settings and reinstalled many times. Giving up on a spec you like should not be the way to go imho.
I hope fire receives a little more attention soon.
disabled frame log anti lag 1 and 2.
frost does nothing.
heres log
I really love fire, but at this moment, Blizzard prefer Frots how best spec for first raid.
Only you need see the last simulationcraft or profesional mages Method or Winter
Even so, that does not change the fact that I am being outDpsed by other FIRE mages.