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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

It'll show what your combustion values are at and what the routine is recommending to set it as.

Oh, a recommendation is in the log too? Any tag/word to search for in the log file(s)?

Edit: Oh ok, there is it...

[Portal ~ Debug] [Ignite] Current: 8027 - 90th Percentile: 4934 - Max: 8699 - Average: 2616.3
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Oh, a recommendation is in the log too? Any tag/word to search for in the log file(s)?

Edit: Oh ok, there is it...

[Portal ~ Debug] [Ignite] Current: 8027 - 90th Percentile: 4934 - Max: 8699 - Average: 2616.3

Where i can find this informations in my logs?
Works quite nicely at the moment, rushed mythic in 2h - best encounter was 26k @ Nazgrim (did not do any adds/cleave), 20k @ Thok and an overall 3rd. (DK on 1, Warri on 2) place when we were done with the whole raid.

A few hicups though, all related to incoming damage. When I got hit by a sawblade @ Iron Juggernaut for the 1st time, WoW/bot/cr froze for about 1-2 seconds and I had to manually cast a few spells, till the routine/bot took over again. Same thing happened during the encounter vs. Malkorok when I got hit by a seismic slam - bot/routine did not cast slow fall and took another few seconds to recover and take over again.

@crowns: How much of that 20k @ Garrosh myth. do we have to substract to get the real figures? We had 4 mages in our grp, everyone geared at 585-589, all around 15-16k ;) Or did you focus on add bombing to push dps?

I use Skada meters I ended the fight at 20k as fire I use my combustion with 5k+ ignites on my burst I hit a 8k ignite and got up to 92k at start I also run my routine at 60FPS hard and soft lock ill be going this week as arcane I will post my results! also i'm 586
Any word on changes to Supernova in Arcane spec for manual control or x units in range option?
Also, I noticed today that Amplify Magic is still casting randomly despite the checkbox being unchecked.
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just bought premium version. hope its worth it. send me some pointers if you like millz and thank you
Why are people paying for something unproven now and bound to change for weeks.
IMHO don't pay.
Ok if you do it will encourage top programmers to write routines because there is money in it.
This site is about mates helping each other, not money making.

It reminds me of football. I was in a good side and we were promoted to a semi professional league.

I played 2 more games as top guys came in because of the pay.

Guys, believe me, this $$$ move is gonna hurt.
You realize a free combat routine comes with Honorbuddy right? We also have a pile of people that help each other on this forum still, too. So... what are you saying exactly? Something about football?
Why are people paying for something unproven now and bound to change for weeks.
IMHO don't pay.
Ok if you do it will encourage top programmers to write routines because there is money in it.
This site is about mates helping each other, not money making.

It reminds me of football. I was in a good side and we were promoted to a semi professional league.

I played 2 more games as top guys came in because of the pay.

Guys, believe me, this $$$ move is gonna hurt.

I hear what you say, but I couldn't disagree more. I understand you're comparison with the football league a d kinda sounds like you have issues with that more than you have them with guys like milz. I'm paying the guy for a service he delivers and the time he needs to put in there. I could program a CC myself but I can't be arsed to spend days on it and then more days with every bloody change that comes with a patch. If you dont think its worth it then dont buy it. In the end it all comes down to supply and demand. Im looking for well written and performing CC and hes asking a couple of euro's in return....
Any way to get a trial of the premium? I'm very interested but I want to test it to see if it's good in pvp or not.
Mine does that on Frost and Fire. Yet on Arcane it stays pretty consistent single target damage. If you find something with his, let us know, will ya? At 575 I shouldnt be doing 13k dps

SimulationCraft says 13.5k for your gear in frost spec, so 13k sounds okay. Slightly under but it's just about there.

Hi, i just bought this but i am a bit struggeling. I mainly use it for PVP and cant get it to work properly .. :/ if you could send ur settings for PVP then that would be awesome.

Post a log / explain your issue a little more please :)

Your routine is still casting Frost Nova when I have it selected "Off." Also, if you see anything I have on or off that would increase DPS for any Mage spec, please let me know. Ive finished testing arcane, and all three specs are low damage. Ive been changing gems and enchants each time.

View attachment 149149

(Character profile sent to you just in case)

Checked through the code but can't find why Frost Nova would be going off. Did you change talents or anything that the bot just didn't detect? Is it always doing this? I'll need to look into it further.

Hey Millz

Earlier in this thread you solved an issue with fire due to ring of frost being enabled (Only tried the routine once since then which was 2 days ago), but now the bot just runs the path of my frog grinding profile while mounted without actually attacking anything, and the only thing I've changed is disabling the ring of frost:(
Grinding profile works flawlessly on my priest, so it must be routine related.

Any words of wisdom on how to fix this?

Post a log file please - You could try enabling force combat on the General tab.

This is my log with the Kill of Garrosh Mitic, 579 mage fire

View attachment 149445

If anybody can analizing and say me whats is the best ignite number i must put for combustion i will be grateful

You've got combustion set to use on cooldown rather than on ignite value over x value.

4000 for < 1min seems fine, but I'd increase the after 1min value to 3000. 2000 is too low for you.

SimulationCraft says 13.5k for your gear in frost spec, so 13k sounds okay. Slightly under but it's just about there.

Post a log / explain your issue a little more please :)

Checked through the code but can't find why Frost Nova would be going off. Did you change talents or anything that the bot just didn't detect? Is it always doing this? I'll need to look into it further.

Post a log file please - You could try enabling force combat on the General tab.

You've got combustion set to use on cooldown rather than on ignite value over x value.

4000 for < 1min seems fine, but I'd increase the after 1min value to 3000. 2000 is too low for you.


Thanks for tips. I try this week
Any word on changes to Supernova in Arcane spec for manual control or x units in range option?
Also, I noticed today that Amplify Magic is still casting randomly despite the checkbox being unchecked.

Need a log for Amplify Magic. Had a quick check of the code and it looks okay.

Supernova currently casts on:
- 2 charges
- more than 1 unit in range
- we have arcane power
- Have a tracked trinket, and that trinket is currently active.

Why are people paying for something unproven now and bound to change for weeks.
IMHO don't pay.
Ok if you do it will encourage top programmers to write routines because there is money in it.
This site is about mates helping each other, not money making.

It reminds me of football. I was in a good side and we were promoted to a semi professional league.

I played 2 more games as top guys came in because of the pay.

Guys, believe me, this $$$ move is gonna hurt.

Unproven? Portal has been around for over a year, and is used by a lot of people.

The money is good motivation. I spend more hours working on my routines and helping people via support stuff than what the hours I put into my full time job. It seems expensive for a routine on the face of it, but if you saw how much work goes into them, then you'd think it was nothing.
Milzz i really love your job, but today i try arcane for start WOD and first raids until tiers, and i read the guides for noxxic and icy vines and the rotation no its the same that bot make :

Arcane Mage DPS Rotation & Cooldowns | PvE Guide | WoW 6.0.3

Arcane Mage DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (WoD 6.0.3) - Icy Veins

Do you have a any profile settings with this configurations? Arcane are updated for 6.0.3?

Kind regards,


It is updated to the latest patch. Disregard Noxxic because it's never very good. I've compared the rotation to Icy Veins guide, and it's doing the same rotation, but there's a condition in Portal that may make missiles cast earlier than required. I'll change that in the next build and we'll see how it goes.