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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

Millz, I think mage routine needs a complete new routine make, after testing for several days i just feel it isn't doing to well on dps. If you do AOE only does blizzard and it's like.... AWKWARD i'm being lazy..
I have to agree that this definitely needs some tweaking.

Current version of HonorBuddy, the CR will just stand there a lot of times. When it does decide to take action, sometimes there is a rotation issue where there are a lot of mobs, and then some far away targets. (take it for a spin using DungeonBuddy > Classic > Stratholme to get a better idea on how it flows ). On low level mobs, it casts the maximum and slowest casting spells even though there is a swarm headed my way. Arcane explosion setting seems to be ignored completely. Stratholme speed runs are a great example on where "arcane explosion while walking" setting is failing.

I did not use Frost in stratholme, however i did try in other areas and it seems a bit better than arcane. Using frost in stratholme would just be silly as that would risk killing the Baron using my pet in a single shot -- and thus no loot. Similar to hunter. (this has happened already).

Definitely Arcane needs some real love as it's a great farming spec -- obviously (insta-cast instant AoE decent damage on low level mobs). I imagine thats why you put that setting there :)
Seriusly the people dont love this CC?

Yesterday i clean 3 of 4 halls of SOO in Mystic, always top 3 on my skada recount and few times rank 1.

With the last changes and settings that Milz give me for Fire, i can secure that at this moment is the best CC for Fire ( i have KingMage, Singular, etc..), so i only can say Thanks for your job.

Today was my last day in Fire, because in WOD the best spec for first raid are Frost or Arcane ( i prefer arcane ) and i must change spec, and only can wish that Arcane spec configurations have the same quality.

Kind regards,

Hey millz.
Have seen a arkan Rotation bug few days ago.. tried some Settings, but its still there.
If the fight starts against more than 3, the cc use frostnova.
I unselected it, but hes still doing it. And.. normally its not that bad, but it is doing it out of range.. so.. if we build a range camp and start the fight, i use frostnove at first... my mates like: huh? why are you doing that... sry misclicked ^^... ( everytime -.- )

Post a log file if you're having issues please :)

Millz, I think mage routine needs a complete new routine make, after testing for several days i just feel it isn't doing to well on dps. If you do AOE only does blizzard and it's like.... AWKWARD i'm being lazy..

The frost rotation is coded well - in line with icy veins guides and simulation craft etc. It's just the nature of the spec that it's very RNG. Need to remember the specs are balanced for level 100 at the moment, and we're using it at level 90. A lot of this will be fixed once we're all level 100.

I have to agree that this definitely needs some tweaking.

Current version of HonorBuddy, the CR will just stand there a lot of times. When it does decide to take action, sometimes there is a rotation issue where there are a lot of mobs, and then some far away targets. (take it for a spin using DungeonBuddy > Classic > Stratholme to get a better idea on how it flows ). On low level mobs, it casts the maximum and slowest casting spells even though there is a swarm headed my way. Arcane explosion setting seems to be ignored completely. Stratholme speed runs are a great example on where "arcane explosion while walking" setting is failing.

I did not use Frost in stratholme, however i did try in other areas and it seems a bit better than arcane. Using frost in stratholme would just be silly as that would risk killing the Baron using my pet in a single shot -- and thus no loot. Similar to hunter. (this has happened already).

Definitely Arcane needs some real love as it's a great farming spec -- obviously (insta-cast instant AoE decent damage on low level mobs). I imagine thats why you put that setting there :)

With Dungeonbuddy, if it's not engaging very quick, chances are the bot base just isn't telling it to engage yet. Can't really debug anything like that. If it wasn't engaging instantly with Enyo then it would be a different story.

Arcane Explosion when moving is only cast when you have >= 1 arcane charge - to stop it from dropping. I'll change the conditions to remove the charge requirement - it should cast more frequently then when moving.
Arcane got much better after the fix, thx Millz !

Sweet, glad it's performing better :)

Seriusly the people dont love this CC?

Yesterday i clean 3 of 4 halls of SOO in Mystic, always top 3 on my skada recount and few times rank 1.

With the last changes and settings that Milz give me for Fire, i can secure that at this moment is the best CC for Fire ( i have KingMage, Singular, etc..), so i only can say Thanks for your job.

Today was my last day in Fire, because in WOD the best spec for first raid are Frost or Arcane ( i prefer arcane ) and i must change spec, and only can wish that Arcane spec configurations have the same quality.

Kind regards,


Glad you're having success/enjoying the routine :)
Originally Posted by tightytighty Hey millz.
Have seen a arkan Rotation bug few days ago.. tried some Settings, but its still there.
If the fight starts against more than 3, the cc use frostnova.
I unselected it, but hes still doing it. And.. normally its not that bad, but it is doing it out of range.. so.. if we build a range camp and start the fight, i use frostnove at first... my mates like: huh? why are you doing that... sry misclicked ^^... ( everytime -.- )

Post a log file if you're having issues please :)

here it is. : View attachment 7132 2014-11-05 23.25.txt
Suggestion: Disable every skill and every perk, racial etc. in the default config - so that every user has to ENable anything he want's to use, instead of having to disable most/all skills in the 2 speccs he is not using anyway. ... I'm just complaining because I keep saving my settings in Honorbuddys folder and have to redo them every time a new update is released - and since there's nothing else to be complained about, since you maintain that routine so well ;)
Can someone please upload a photo of their current settings being using for Frost & Arcane spec please.
Just want to see against mine which i might be doing wrong. Cheers
I used the 2 days free trial, try all possible configs and reinstall : doesn't work, just auto attack. Any advice ?
Milz i have a question for you.

I try this weekend arcane for start in WOD and see some guides and have a dude :

The standart rotation are :

The rotation of an Arcane Mage consists in the following priority list. The idea is to remain close to 100% Mana for most of the fight.

The rotation of an Arcane Mage consists in the following priority list. The idea is to remain close to 100% Mana for most of the fight.

Put your Rune of Power Icon Rune of Power down and try to stay within 8 yards of it.
If you chose Nether Tempest Icon Nether Tempest as your Tier 5 talent, apply it with 4 stacks of Arcane Charge Icon Arcane Charge or refresh it with 4 stacks of Arcane Charge Icon Arcane Charge before it drops (refreshing it with less than 3.6 seconds left will not cause you to waste ticks).
If you chose Supernova Icon Supernova as your Tier 5 talent, try to cast it on cooldown or let it recharge, so that you can cast it twice in a row for burst damage (preferably during a trinket proc).
Cast Arcane Missiles Icon Arcane Missiles, if you have 4 stacks of Arcane Charge Icon Arcane Charge and 3 charges of Arcane Missiles.
Cast Arcane Blast Icon Arcane Blast, if you are above 93% Mana before your start casting (or 91% with the Tier 16 2-piece bonus).
Cast Arcane Missiles Icon Arcane Missiles at 4 stacks of Arcane Charge Icon Arcane Charge.
Cast Arcane Barrage Icon Arcane Barrage at 4 stacks of Arcane Charge Icon Arcane Charge.
Cast Arcane Blast Icon Arcane Blast.

But in arcane settings i see :

If mana below 85%, number of arcane....

This conditions its not incluide in any rotation guide that i see, but i cant configure the condition " Cast Arcane Blast, if you are above 93% Mana before your start casting (or 91% with the Tier 16 2-piece bonus).".

Please can you explain me? and add this condition?
i simulated a 5 min fight as a arcane mage in simcraft.
the priority list said the same :
arcane_blast,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&mana.pct>93 .
I dont undesrtand what your getting at.......are you doing oess dps then sim'd? A few percent difference in setting file i dont see making that big of an impact in your dps.
you are right. But a amazing cc , like millz´s, Needed every Piece of
"A few percent difference in setting file"
to get so far.
maybe it´s just 50dps. But it could be the key, for being number 1 in your recount/skada.

Edit: Words are good, facts are better:

Simcraft with 93% = 20809 DPS
Simcraft with 85% = 20680 DPS
Last edited:
Hey guys , when to use :Combustion ? there are 2 option , 1st is always , 2nd is with 2 values , any of u can tell me the best values for that please?
thanks alot <3
Suggestion: Disable every skill and every perk, racial etc. in the default config - so that every user has to ENable anything he want's to use, instead of having to disable most/all skills in the 2 speccs he is not using anyway. ... I'm just complaining because I keep saving my settings in Honorbuddys folder and have to redo them every time a new update is released - and since there's nothing else to be complained about, since you maintain that routine so well ;)

Sure, will do this.

I used the 2 days free trial, try all possible configs and reinstall : doesn't work, just auto attack. Any advice ?

Post a log file please :)

Milz i have a question for you.

I try this weekend arcane for start in WOD and see some guides and have a dude :

The standart rotation are :

The rotation of an Arcane Mage consists in the following priority list. The idea is to remain close to 100% Mana for most of the fight.

But in arcane settings i see :

If mana below 85%, number of arcane....

This conditions its not incluide in any rotation guide that i see, but i cant configure the condition " Cast Arcane Blast, if you are above 93% Mana before your start casting (or 91% with the Tier 16 2-piece bonus).".

Please can you explain me? and add this condition?

It does the 93% mana check. The 85% stuff doesn't really apply any more in WoD as the mana regen is faster. I'll remove the setting completely, it's just adding to confusion at the moment.
Sure, will do this.

Post a log file please :)

It does the 93% mana check. The 85% stuff doesn't really apply any more in WoD as the mana regen is faster. I'll remove the setting completely, it's just adding to confusion at the moment.

Ok thanks
Millz i have a question plz , when i use ur CR , i used to see chat output for my hotkeys , like turn aoe off and on etc . now i can't see it anymore , you know the reason ? thanks again <3