Why isnt my mage using any frostbolts and other single target spells on its target? the bot is atm only using flamestrike and other aoe attacks. Is this a bug in the script or am I doing something wrong? Would love to buy it ( using free now ) but want to make sure I spend it on a great profile!
how can i enable /disable the bot while in combat., can i key binding that?
I can't find the option to turn off/on the use of blink by the bot. I prefer to do this manually.
Also it seems to be stuck on using an aoe rotation sometimes even if there is only one target.
Is there a hotkey or something that makes it switch between single target and aoe? If so, what is it? I can't find it in the settings either.
is the premium one worth the money? It is getting updates and improvements?
It's dotted 3.
[18:23:40.857 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 97.2] [Heating Up: False] [Pyro: False] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
[18:23:41.914 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98.6] [Heating Up: False] [Pyro: False] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 1.0] [Id: 46647]
[18:23:42.975 N] [Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 98.5] [Heating Up: False] [Pyro: False] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m] [Id: 31146]
Say 3, but really is a refresh for one dot....i try other time in second boss of SoO and only put 2....its strange
It DoTs the 3 targets. Check on the target dummies in shrine - you'll see it DoT 3 of the 4 dummies.
Test it and only put 2 in dummies [emoji37]
I'll have to look into it. I know that code hasn't changed in a long time, and it used to work fine though.
If you need i can upload video or screenshot
Is the Frost rotation working as it should? If so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. My mage is 565 now and usually only pulls about 150 - 170k dps on a single target and about 300k on groups. I get killed by other frost mages that are pulling 250+ on single and 800+ on groups.
You asked for a log file. Here is a log of a raid I joined @ thok. I was kicked after 1 attempt because of low dps, I was pulling around 145 as a frost mage ilvl 565.
View attachment 139852
- Disable auto burst mode - it's aimed at PvP not PvE.
- Disable auto ring of frost - use hotkeys if needed in PvE - it's just wasting GCDs/time on auto.
- Switch to the buddy store version: www.millz.biz/claim/
- Force Combat is enabled -> change this to disabled. You don't want it auto pulling mobs in a raid.
Make those changes and see how you get on. You should be doing much higher DPS than that at 565.
Ok, I made those changes, is it also advisable to disable all talents that I am not using? I will try it tonight in raids when I get home from work. I thought "Force combat" would make it do the same as tuanha, where as soon as I target a mob that we have aggro on, that it will start casting. When I first started with demonic I had to target the mob then start the casting myself.
Hey Millz how can i add my portal to my buddy account. I brought it from you awhile back
Milz how i can configure that portal refresh more better Living bomb? I detected and CC some times, only put bomb in focus and no put in others enemys or dummy near.... whit PR no have this problem
Millz I purchased the portal premium about 12 hours ago and still haven't gotten an email with a link or password for the download. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you