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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

Personally, I would not have let HB stream my routine that I am charging people for. At least not for a while. Once they get "used" to using the system, I may have thought about doing it that way to make it easier on myself. But then again, I wouldn't want my customers to wait on an issue that was out of my control. For the time being, I would request that you go back to the way things were and wait for them to fix their system, or at least become more knowledgeable about it. Either way, it's going to take them some time and quite frankly, I'm sure I'm not the only person who is upset about this.
My question is this...

Do I still need to keep the Portal SVN folder inside the routines folder? Or should I delete it?

My thoughts on this is simple. Why change something that already works? I mean, you put in the "Auto update from SVN" tick box and it was fine. Now we have to wait on the Buddystore if there are issues with them, which apparently there already are.

I think you need to put in some instructions on the forum or something that explains how people need to convert to the new system. Took me an hour to figure out what I did and honestly, I don't know if it is all done right. I finnaly got my keys sorted out, and I believe I enabled the streaming of the routines. But since there are issues with the buddystore, I have no way of knowing.

You can delete the SVN folder once you've got the store version setup.

The store is still a bit buggy. Remember this has only been out for 1.5 days, there will be some teething issues.

Any software "behind bars" is bad software (Steam, Origin...). Had I known the distribution of the bot addons/routines would change to this laggy Buddy Store %§$"!, I would not have bought either HB nor the 3 routines I picked up so far.

As above - it's still very new, only just been created. There will be some issues for a couple of days until it's all ironed out.
Heya! havent used this routine for almost a year now (havent played), but it seems it work as good as Before, or better. But cant get hotkeys to work at all. Kinda handicapped without being able to toggle burst and cooldowns. :)

SOLVED! Not a routine issue, just a brain issue.
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Thanks for your patience with this, the store was indeed the issue, teething problems there. I don't understand why the free profiles are in the store, I can understand paid profiles but not free ones... Anyway I digress.

The the routine is good for leveling because it does all of the right things. Only issue I have had so far is that the routine likes to attack friendly NPC's, have you had any experiences with that before?

Thanks again,

Please fix so i can download the Free version again, whenever i log on to that shit store and click the free version it tells me THAT I ALREADY HAVE OBTAINED IT ! which i havn't. fucking shit site -______________-


Found the URL on my GF's comp if anybody is having the same issue with downloading the free version from shit store


I know this isnt your fault MIllz, keep being you bruh and make badass routines
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you indeed have obtained it, watch the my purchases tab of the store. If you see it there and the streaming box is green/enabled Hb 746 will offer it when you start hb next time. You do not need to download manually
I see, that's how it works. But this is only for the routines already in HB store? tuanh and such you still have to do manually?

thanks for clarification
I think the Pause for manual cast detection is broken. it detects manual casts but doesn't pause for 500 ms it pauses indefinitely

heres a log

View attachment 44132 2014-08-24 21.29.txt

edit: ive tried this on tyeral, combatbot, and raidbot

never mind, i noticed it said my home button was down so i pressed it and it works.
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Fire seems to be totally screwed right now, since the latest "fix"...
Combustion/PoM isn't even used once when Alter Time isn't ready/up and even when it is, I had once the bug, that combustion still fails at stacking on an high amount of ignite or after the whole AT/PoM burst it's just not being used xD had an 120k ignite stack and it just faded after 2-3sek to 40k without any usage of combustion.. it just skipped it and used it 3mins later together with the combo... and still some combustions at about 20-30k ignite ticks. Something really weird is going on there =/
Combustion is only at about 1-4% of my total damage... ^^

There's absolutely not any single situation where it should not use combustion for 1,5m when AT/PoM are on CD..

I also realized, that evocation is sometimes timed really bad.. any possibility to make it check for about 10sec before it fades out, to refresh it when proccs etc. are bad atm? would also be a gread dmg increase i think
Same with refreshing living bomb.. i'm sure this gcd is a big waste during a "combo" ;)

I would really appreciate if you could give a deeper look onto fire :)
I'm on 45% crit (selfbuffed) so I don't think my stats are the problem here

Here my log at about 140m damage on the boss...


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Is the Frost rotation working as it should? If so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. My mage is 565 now and usually only pulls about 150 - 170k dps on a single target and about 300k on groups. I get killed by other frost mages that are pulling 250+ on single and 800+ on groups.

Thanks for your patience with this, the store was indeed the issue, teething problems there. I don't understand why the free profiles are in the store, I can understand paid profiles but not free ones... Anyway I digress.

The the routine is good for leveling because it does all of the right things. Only issue I have had so far is that the routine likes to attack friendly NPC's, have you had any experiences with that before?

Thanks again,


It just makes it easier having them in the store. People can just click obtain and it's loaded into their client. No messing around with SVNs.

Attacking NPCs - Post a log please.

Fire seems to be totally screwed right now, since the latest "fix"...
Combustion/PoM isn't even used once when Alter Time isn't ready/up and even when it is, I had once the bug, that combustion still fails at stacking on an high amount of ignite or after the whole AT/PoM burst it's just not being used xD had an 120k ignite stack and it just faded after 2-3sek to 40k without any usage of combustion.. it just skipped it and used it 3mins later together with the combo... and still some combustions at about 20-30k ignite ticks. Something really weird is going on there =/
Combustion is only at about 1-4% of my total damage... ^^

There's absolutely not any single situation where it should not use combustion for 1,5m when AT/PoM are on CD..

I also realized, that evocation is sometimes timed really bad.. any possibility to make it check for about 10sec before it fades out, to refresh it when proccs etc. are bad atm? would also be a gread dmg increase i think
Same with refreshing living bomb.. i'm sure this gcd is a big waste during a "combo" ;)

I would really appreciate if you could give a deeper look onto fire :)
I'm on 45% crit (selfbuffed) so I don't think my stats are the problem here

Here my log at about 140m damage on the boss...

Hmm. Seems it's being used correctly with Alter Time, but just not in between casts. I've added it onto my to-do list to check out what's going on. Getting hammered with 100+ PM's a day at the moment, but will look into it as soon as I can.

Evocation just refreshes when it drops. You don't want to start doing it 10s early as you'd be casting it lots more times over the course of the fight - wasting cast time. Living bomb doesn't refresh during alter time combo I believe.

Would you mind to add for it to use Dalaren Brilliance also/instead. :cool:

There's no difference to using arcane brilliance, it's not worth adding in.

Is the Frost rotation working as it should? If so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. My mage is 565 now and usually only pulls about 150 - 170k dps on a single target and about 300k on groups. I get killed by other frost mages that are pulling 250+ on single and 800+ on groups.

Post a log please. Have you loaded the default PvE settings files as a minimum?
hey millz

what was the last update you push for premium? I am at 204 is that correct I though I seen updates pushed since then.
I detected that mage fire only puts 2 bombs and no 3 when i have many enemys in range to dot...how i can change it?

Premium user

P.D : Any have a good profile for Heroic mode?