Fire seems to be totally screwed right now, since the latest "fix"...
Combustion/PoM isn't even used once when Alter Time isn't ready/up and even when it is, I had once the bug, that combustion still fails at stacking on an high amount of ignite or after the whole AT/PoM burst it's just not being used xD had an 120k ignite stack and it just faded after 2-3sek to 40k without any usage of combustion.. it just skipped it and used it 3mins later together with the combo... and still some combustions at about 20-30k ignite ticks. Something really weird is going on there =/
Combustion is only at about 1-4% of my total damage... ^^
There's absolutely not any single situation where it should not use combustion for 1,5m when AT/PoM are on CD..
I also realized, that evocation is sometimes timed really bad.. any possibility to make it check for about 10sec before it fades out, to refresh it when proccs etc. are bad atm? would also be a gread dmg increase i think
Same with refreshing living bomb.. i'm sure this gcd is a big waste during a "combo"
I would really appreciate if you could give a deeper look onto fire

I'm on 45% crit (selfbuffed) so I don't think my stats are the problem here
Here my log at about 140m damage on the boss...