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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

530 ilvl in pvp, counter spell is set to target and healing and i did another few rbg after and it rocked those got 17 killing blows and 3-5 deaths and spell stealing worked like a charm.
but I do think there are times when it just get confused.

Bty does your bgfarmer work in arena, I wanna afk to cap so I can complete my gearing

Hmm at 530 it should be doing pretty good. Most people in BGs at the moment are between 520-540 though. You'll get good and bad games, it depends what the opposing team are like. Turn screenshots on and you'll see what it's like over time. I've had a few games where it's been like 12-0 etc. Also depends on how many healers are on your team. No healers means you'll die a lot more often than having 3 or 4.

BGFarmer doesn't work in arenas. Bossland doesn't want Honorbuddy to work in arenas. Combat routines work (thanks to some workarounds), but I personally think it's nice that there's no afk bots in arenas. I don't want to be the person who enables that to happen. It would take a significant amount of work to make it run in an arena correctly, and the success rate would be poor. You'd only ever really win against other bots.

Great work Millz, I am a huge fan of this routine! I am currently enjoying the premium version of Portal and my mage cant be stopped! Hopefully I'll be able to see what your other premium routines have to offer in the near future.

Keep up the great work,

cc is acting odd its trying to cast damage ability on myself and other faction team members scared to post log since it also has my char name in it im alliance

[Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [BF: False] [FoF: 0] [Casting: Living Bomb] [On: Lvl 90 Alliance Warrior (flagged: False)'s pet @
Hey, Millz, I noticed that, using the free version of Portal, the routine seems to get stuck in a loop while using Blizzard for AoE, when FoF and BF pops. It'll cancel the Blizzard cast because it's got FoF or BF, but then it tries to go back to casting Blizzard again, and then interrupts it again because of the procs. Is this a problem only in the Free version, because I'm considering getting the premium version, but this problem is really annoying.

P.S. I'd already updated the version to revision 4, and it's still happening...
Can you make it so you don't attack a Monk when they have touch of Karma on htem?

Ok, wrote that post in a hurry last night between arena queue's.

Touch of Karma on a Monk is deadly to my team mates. As I don't pay attention to their buffs/debuffs, I am usually the one that is killing my own team mate when a Monk puts on Touch of Karma. I know that my mage will not cast onto a Hunter who has deterrence up, or a DK that has anti-magic shield up, or a Paladin that is bubbled. This should be more important for a Monk as my damage is transferred to who ever the monk targeted for touch of karma.

To be honest, I don't know if it is even possible as Tuanha's routines don't stop attacking at that point either. If it can be done, I think it should be top priority on your list to fix. I'm tired of being yelled at for killing my team mates lol.
Uhm Sir... I am new to botting, but Am I supposed to put the SVN in a new folder inside HOnorbuddy/plugins ? Or how am I supposed to install this. Thank you!
Uhm Sir... I am new to botting, but Am I supposed to put the SVN in a new folder inside HOnorbuddy/plugins ? Or how am I supposed to install this. Thank you!

Create a folder inside of the Honorbuddy/Routines folder. Name the newly created folder Portal. Then, use SVN to checkout into the Portal folder you just created.
So.. its rotation is rly slow and it barely casts any spells at all except ice barrier. And It doesnt move with dungeonbuddy? Isnt that supposed to be a automatic bot? Thank you for answer and if u can give me a solution.. I got free version btw
cc needs some real love atm for me this cc is very buggy and lowish dps love the lock cc from u though.
Ok, a couple of improvements to the free version (not sure if they're relevant to the premium) that I made for Frost Mages...

First thing's first, to stop trying to cast Blizzard while we have FoF and/or BF procs, I changed

Spell.PreventDoubleCastOnGround("Blizzard", 0.5, loc => Me.CurrentTarget.Location, ret => !Me.IsMoving() && Me.CurrentTarget != null),


Spell.PreventDoubleCastOnGround("Blizzard", 0.5, loc => Me.CurrentTarget.Location, ret => !Me.IsMoving() && !HaveBrainFreeze && !HaveFingersOfFrost && Me.CurrentTarget != null),

Next, I noticed that even though we use the GUI's setting to see whether we should AoE, the HandleBlizzardCancel() portion doesn't so I changed

if (_blizzardMobCount <= 4)


if (_blizzardMobCount < Settings.Frost_AoEUnitCount)

That way, whatever value you put in the GUI settings, the routine will use to determine if it should cancel Blizzard. Also, I noticed that, due to the way the code is written, there's a conflict between the CR trying to cast Blizzard, but cancel it at the same time.

The code is written such that, as an example, the minimum number of mobs needed to start AoE is 4, and there are currently only 4 mobs to attack. So, the CR starts to AoE. However, after it casts Blizzard, it tries to see if it should cancel Blizzard, by running through

if (_blizzardMobCount <= 4)
    // Less than 4 units, cancel..
    Log.Debug("Units under blizzard is now [{0} (Need 5)] - Cancelling", _blizzardMobCount);

Now, it sees that it meets the condition to cancel, and so cancels Blizzard. However, on the next iteration, it casts Blizzard again, because there are 4 enemies, but cancels it as well, resulting in a loop that chews through your mana fairly quickly. To change that, I simply removed the "=" sign from the "<=".

Also, there might be situations where you do not want to cancel Blizzard even for FoF and/or BF procs, so you can simply comment out the relevant sections of the code, namely like this:

if (HaveBrainFreeze)
    Log.Debug("Brain Freeze - Cancelling");

if (HaveFingersOfFrost)
    Log.Debug("Fingers of Frost - Cancelling");

One other thing that I noticed is that if you picked the Invocation tier 6 talent, the CR will not cast Evocation until your buff runs out, even if you are desperately low on mana. To change that, I simply changed

Spell.PreventDoubleCast("Evocation", 4, ret => !Me.IsMoving() &&  NeedInvocation),


Spell.PreventDoubleCast("Evocation", 4, ret => !Me.IsMoving() && (NeedInvocation || NeedEvocation)),

Anyway, That's about all the changes I made to the FREE version of the CR. Hope some of you found it useful!


Looking through the code for Blizzard, I also found that while HandleBlizzardCancel() uses the amount of enemies around your target's location to determine if it should cancel, actually casting Blizzard uses the number of enemies around you. As such, if there are enough enemies around you, it will try to cast Blizzard, but if you're targeting a lone enemy in the distance, it'll cancel the Blizzard, resulting in a loop as well. Anyway to fix this?
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having a lot of issue with this atm in pvp.

1: ring of frost is never placed in time. keeping getting pounded on buy warriors and it's just useless at using this talent.
2: switched to ice ward thinking it would keep it up all the time but nope, no i cannot understand this since ice ward has a 30 sec duration and 20 sec cooldown so no reason why it is not keeping this up 100% of the time unless mounted ofc. example was running across to join a fight, go charged by warrior ofc no ice ward up= dead :/
3: incanters ward set to 1 person targeting me and use on my health 99% never goes off in time esp when getting raped.

got a feeling all these spells are far to low on the priority list or something. hating this routine for pvp tbh end up playing myself and I cant play pvp and I last longer!!

View attachment 6312 2014-05-24 14.14.txt
Warum gibt es derzeit keine Settings für Polymorph? Ich sehe nur bei pom die Möglichkeit es in Verbindung mit poly auf Healer zu casten.
where is mills he at its been 5days since a reply is he ok?

Yeah still around. It's a holiday weekend here in the UK so just been having a bit of a break. Will read back on all of the stuff I've missed (and the /masses/ of PMs) over the next couple of days :)
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Yeah still around. It's a holiday weekend here in the UK so just been having a bit of a break. Will read back on all of the stuff I've missed (and the /masses/ of PMs) over the next couple of days :)

Then I'll brighten your bank holiday by letting you how amazing your work is. I have all your Routines and BGFarmer. Brilliant packages. If you'd like any of your products translated into German, let me know and I'd be happy to help!
As of today, the bot has began casting Frostfire Bolt in PvP as frost spec. Why would this be?
My source repo login details keep changing.. Cant figure them out now. About to raid, how do I get them back??
is there any way to use the routine the way that it only applies the dots(living bomb,nether tempest) on targets, and does nothing else? for fire spec (mage) since the rotation it does seems to ignore the trinket procs , which for fire mage is fatal though the doting system is awesome