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[PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

Got a request: How about making pet freeze mouseover do it on target if I got no mouseover. This is present in Cokx routine. Could be usefull too for RoF.

About polymorph, how about not polymoph focus if it is attacked, focus can have dots but if it is attacked straight on disable it. And about spell reflect, please make so even if I have disable ice lance on moving, it will use ice lance to break it. I feel it's wierd how the routine handles spell reflect, sometimes it just waits until the duration is over.

refresh bomb on frozen target would be nice, calculate shatter into the 40% stronger dot thing. Last thing is a bit more personal setting, make so Deep freeze healer only deep freezes if the healer is not your target. This is a setting used for cc, so it going off when I have healer as target is counterproductive. Off course it should go off on other healers even if I have a healer on target, but using it on the target is not good, and is best saved for the deep freeze target setting.

Btw I LOVE the disable ice lance when moving setting for pvp. Adds way more burst for pvp cuz it tends to save up on icicles.
Got a request: How about making pet freeze mouseover do it on target if I got no mouseover. This is present in Cokx routine. Could be usefull too for RoF.

About polymorph, how about not polymoph focus if it is attacked, focus can have dots but if it is attacked straight on disable it. And about spell reflect, please make so even if I have disable ice lance on moving, it will use ice lance to break it. I feel it's wierd how the routine handles spell reflect, sometimes it just waits until the duration is over.

refresh bomb on frozen target would be nice, calculate shatter into the 40% stronger dot thing. Last thing is a bit more personal setting, make so Deep freeze healer only deep freezes if the healer is not your target. This is a setting used for cc, so it going off when I have healer as target is counterproductive. Off course it should go off on other healers even if I have a healer on target, but using it on the target is not good, and is best saved for the deep freeze target setting.

Btw I LOVE the disable ice lance when moving setting for pvp. Adds way more burst for pvp cuz it tends to save up on icicles.


The pet freeze / RoF on mouseover casts wherever your mouse is.

Polymorph focus -> Use the glyph which clears all DoT effects on cast. Only alternative would be to have huge list of aura IDs to not cast when any of them are present on the target.

Spell reflect -> Yeah i'm not quite sure why it's doing that. Haven't figured it out yet.

Refresh bomb on target frozen is something I'll need to add into the DoTManager as a % modifier. I'll look at this tomorrow.


The pet freeze / RoF on mouseover casts wherever your mouse is.

Polymorph focus -> Use the glyph which clears all DoT effects on cast. Only alternative would be to have huge list of aura IDs to not cast when any of them are present on the target.

Spell reflect -> Yeah i'm not quite sure why it's doing that. Haven't figured it out yet.

Refresh bomb on target frozen is something I'll need to add into the DoTManager as a % modifier. I'll look at this tomorrow.


Maybe a hp check then would work? I attacked this druid today while spam polying a pala on 50% hp getting attacked. I already got glyph. And I think I saw an interupt going off on an aura mastery effect, maybe this can be improved too. It appears also to use frost nova on freedom effects like hunter master's call. And it also happens on immunities such as detterence.
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Ok guys, after hours and hours of trials and trying different options i decided to share my findings here because it's indirectly relevant with portal as well.

First of all i have a great computer with 24 gigs or 2200mhz rams and Core i7 @ 5k with a Gtx 690 Video card so Fps is not an issue for playing wow in ultra modes.

My problem is; My mage is 575 ilvl at the moment arcane spec,(37% haste, 88% mastery 15% hit and 19%crit self buffed) and it can easily hit 800k opener and 400k ender dps. But very interesting, sometimes it does 200 300k hardly opener and finishing the fight with 200k which is really interesting because sometimes it does even more than 400k on single target. This can not be a joke in my opinion.

When i realize this, i also realize a sluttering or kind of lagging between my spells, so clearly there is a delay between spells and they seem they dont hit as usual. I could not clearly find a solution for this.

I basically tried;
Reinstalling the game,
Reinstalling the windows (using 8.1 64 bit pro)
Reinstalling - Removing all addons
Decreasing graphics quality (there is no fps drop in game on ultra settings even)
Tried with portal premium - tried without portal
Disabled dx11 to dx9
Tried with 64 bit wow client

None of those worked for me so far. I did not install windows 7 yet but very tired of trying everything. So awaiting opinions from you guys. MAybe any of you have experienced that kind of thing before.

Thanks in advance
Ok guys, after hours and hours of trials and trying different options i decided to share my findings here because it's indirectly relevant with portal as well.

First of all i have a great computer with 24 gigs or 2200mhz rams and Core i7 @ 5k with a Gtx 690 Video card so Fps is not an issue for playing wow in ultra modes.

My problem is; My mage is 575 ilvl at the moment arcane spec,(37% haste, 88% mastery 15% hit and 19%crit self buffed) and it can easily hit 800k opener and 400k ender dps. But very interesting, sometimes it does 200 300k hardly opener and finishing the fight with 200k which is really interesting because sometimes it does even more than 400k on single target. This can not be a joke in my opinion.

When i realize this, i also realize a sluttering or kind of lagging between my spells, so clearly there is a delay between spells and they seem they dont hit as usual. I could not clearly find a solution for this.

I basically tried;
Reinstalling the game,
Reinstalling the windows (using 8.1 64 bit pro)
Reinstalling - Removing all addons
Decreasing graphics quality (there is no fps drop in game on ultra settings even)
Tried with portal premium - tried without portal
Disabled dx11 to dx9
Tried with 64 bit wow client

None of those worked for me so far. I did not install windows 7 yet but very tired of trying everything. So awaiting opinions from you guys. MAybe any of you have experienced that kind of thing before.

Thanks in advance
Cant speak for the rest of your post but Honorbuddy isnt supporting WoW 64-bit client.
Hey mate I just tried out the experimental Fire routine and it don't seem to change anything to be honest. The profile still fires of pyroblast! as it procs and won't wait for a heating up proc.

So all this time the dot snap shotting has not had shatter included lol.
Remember when you first released this feature I said it didn't seem to be working right well now you know why because snap shotting is borderline with frost/arcane mages and when shatter is not included it would be useless.
But least your getting around to it now.
Maybe a hp check then would work? I attacked this druid today while spam polying a pala on 50% hp getting attacked. I already got glyph. And I think I saw an interupt going off on an aura mastery effect, maybe this can be improved too. It appears also to use frost nova on freedom effects like hunter master's call. And it also happens on immunities such as detterence.

I've added the shatter (50% +crit modifier) into DoTManager's code.

I'll add a check on polymorph to ensure no friendly party members are attacking the target before we try to polymorph them.

Will increase the silence immunity checks before Counterspell.

Ok guys, after hours and hours of trials and trying different options i decided to share my findings here because it's indirectly relevant with portal as well.

First of all i have a great computer with 24 gigs or 2200mhz rams and Core i7 @ 5k with a Gtx 690 Video card so Fps is not an issue for playing wow in ultra modes.

My problem is; My mage is 575 ilvl at the moment arcane spec,(37% haste, 88% mastery 15% hit and 19%crit self buffed) and it can easily hit 800k opener and 400k ender dps. But very interesting, sometimes it does 200 300k hardly opener and finishing the fight with 200k which is really interesting because sometimes it does even more than 400k on single target. This can not be a joke in my opinion.

When i realize this, i also realize a sluttering or kind of lagging between my spells, so clearly there is a delay between spells and they seem they dont hit as usual. I could not clearly find a solution for this.

I basically tried;
Reinstalling the game,
Reinstalling the windows (using 8.1 64 bit pro)
Reinstalling - Removing all addons
Decreasing graphics quality (there is no fps drop in game on ultra settings even)
Tried with portal premium - tried without portal
Disabled dx11 to dx9
Tried with 64 bit wow client

None of those worked for me so far. I did not install windows 7 yet but very tired of trying everything. So awaiting opinions from you guys. MAybe any of you have experienced that kind of thing before.

Thanks in advance

Have you got a log file from where it worked poorly? Be interesting to see what's that's showing.

Hey mate I just tried out the experimental Fire routine and it don't seem to change anything to be honest. The profile still fires of pyroblast! as it procs and won't wait for a heating up proc.


Can you post a log file please? It shows the auras in the logging.
So all this time the dot snap shotting has not had shatter included lol.
Remember when you first released this feature I said it didn't seem to be working right well now you know why because snap shotting is borderline with frost/arcane mages and when shatter is not included it would be useless.
But least your getting around to it now.

I had added it, but it wasn't implemented very good (i.e. aura check and duration remaining as opposed to doing the full stat calculations properly). Especially where frost is concerned, Ice Lance spamming on frozen targets was a higher priority than refreshing the DoT. It'll be working better after this change.
So all this time the dot snap shotting has not had shatter included lol.
Remember when you first released this feature I said it didn't seem to be working right well now you know why because snap shotting is borderline with frost/arcane mages and when shatter is not included it would be useless.
But least your getting around to it now.

I think dot snapping was more intended for pve and it is quite decent for pvp, but by this addition will be azum for pvp too.
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About the mouserover pet freeze, I know yes it will do pet freeze on my mouseover. What is good about Cokx routine is that if I don't have a mouseover, holding both mouse keys down walking, will make it use for my target. Good when trying to kite, and don't have to turn the camera to mouseover a target when he is behind me. Also good when a target is near 40 yard range, since I don't have to mouseover it for it to work, either it will go off, or it will not go off, leading to that I can spam the key, and it goes off when he reaches in range.

Another thing I would like, is that the mouseover pet freeze (or the future more advanced target/mouseover) works while being inviscible, so I can more easily open in arena. Would be azum.

I also encounter lagg while using loving bomb and enabling aoe while playing in battlegrounds. Cokx routine handles this very well, zero lag, and it makes me hit very high on the meters. (Maybe u can disable it to not multidot stampede? Not even cokx does this but it would be nice) One assumption I have is that the multi dotting in this routine is optimized for pve, and therefore will have more performance issues in pvp. For now I disable multidot and it works well, multi dotting is just a way to make me feel good on the meters and not heavily useful, but if I'm in future going to play rbg and take nether tempest instead of living bomb, I will want it to work without performance issues.
About the mouserover pet freeze, I know yes it will do pet freeze on my mouseover. What is good about Cokx routine is that if I don't have a mouseover, holding both mouse keys down walking, will make it use for my target. Good when trying to kite, and don't have to turn the camera to mouseover a target when he is behind me. Also good when a target is near 40 yard range, since I don't have to mouseover it for it to work, either it will go off, or it will not go off, leading to that I can spam the key, and it goes off when he reaches in range.

Another thing I would like, is that the mouseover pet freeze (or the future more advanced target/mouseover) works while being inviscible, so I can more easily open in arena. Would be azum.

I also encounter lagg while using loving bomb and enabling aoe while playing in battlegrounds. Cokx routine handles this very well, zero lag, and it makes me hit very high on the meters. (Maybe u can disable it to not multidot stampede? Not even cokx does this but it would be nice) One assumption I have is that the multi dotting in this routine is optimized for pve, and therefore will have more performance issues in pvp. For now I disable multidot and it works well, multi dotting is just a way to make me feel good on the meters and not heavily useful, but if I'm in future going to play rbg and take nether tempest instead of living bomb, I will want it to work without performance issues.

Target pet freeze -> I'd need to add another setting for that. It's not that difficult to spin the camera around though :p

Pet freeze while invisible -> the routine fully pauses when you go invisible to prevent accidentally breaking the invisibility. That can be done just as easy in game so isn't really required imo.

Lag -> Ensure both anti-lag settings are enabled on the advanced tab, reduce the TPS, enable v-sync in game etc etc. There's loads of ways to get around this. Portal is doing significantly more stuff than Cokx's routine, so naturally will run slightly slower. I don't get any FPS issues with it though. Cokx's routine also has (or had) a hard pause in it, which made the routine run at 6-10 TPS max. Not sure if he's removed that yet, but Portal doesn't have any throttling in at all.
Putting tsp at 10 and enabling all lag settings seems to fix it, but I do notice that it sometimes multi dot sheeped targets. Another thing I can say is that it tends to waste frost nova on targets with any freedom effect, played vs warrior hpala and when warrior walked up to me with freedom it just used it. Third thing I can say is that I have spellsteal on spellstealing important dots and cooldowns, but it doesn't seem to dispel alter time at all, atleast not fast enough for the 8 second duration. Should I put setting on spellsteal all?
Putting tsp at 10 and enabling all lag settings seems to fix it, but I do notice that it sometimes multi dot sheeped targets. Another thing I can say is that it tends to waste frost nova on targets with any freedom effect, played vs warrior hpala and when warrior walked up to me with freedom it just used it. Third thing I can say is that I have spellsteal on spellstealing important dots and cooldowns, but it doesn't seem to dispel alter time at all, atleast not fast enough for the 8 second duration. Should I put setting on spellsteal all?

Will need a log file for DoTing sheeped targets. There's lots of code in to prevent that happening, so it shouldn't be.

Frost nova shouldn't really be used automatically in arenas / RBGs. It's too situational/important to have being used automated.

Alter Time is in the list of spell-stealable cooldowns. The issue is that spell steal will take a random buff from the target, so when Alter Time is active, it may take a few spell steals before it can grab the buff it wants. Spell steal all will give you a better chance of actually grabbing the cooldowns, but you'll probably end up doing quite a lot of spellsteals. If you do enable spellsteal everything, you should consider using the glyph.
I post a log when I see it happening again with the dot thing, it only happened once,. btw I saw multiple times that pom sheep any heal, and counterspell any heal (maybe it was counterspell focus, I had healer on focus), can be used at the same time, so both are used. I don't think PoM sheep healer on target % is working, but maybe I just set it too low. I did like 10 bgs and it never used PoM, and killed plenty of dps.

Btw a setting for interupting any cc would be great!, I guess it would be hard work collecting all the spell ids but totally worth it. A setting for interupting any destructive casts would also be great, (chaos bolt, insanity from shadow preist, lava burst, star surge maybe, arcane thing that arcane mages cast) most important spells would be chaos bolt and lava burst during ascension, I think lava burst have a different spell id during ascendance (shammies big burst cooldown) so it should be possible.
I post a log when I see it happening again with the dot thing, it only happened once,. btw I saw multiple times that pom sheep any heal, and counterspell any heal (maybe it was counterspell focus, I had healer on focus), can be used at the same time, so both are used. I don't think PoM sheep healer on target % is working, but maybe I just set it too low. I did like 10 bgs and it never used PoM, and killed plenty of dps.

Btw a setting for interupting any cc would be great!, I guess it would be hard work collecting all the spell ids but totally worth it. A setting for interupting any destructive casts would also be great, (chaos bolt, insanity from shadow preist, lava burst, star surge maybe, arcane thing that arcane mages cast) most important spells would be chaos bolt and lava burst during ascension, I think lava burst have a different spell id during ascendance (shammies big burst cooldown) so it should be possible.

I'd need logs for the issues (and with PoM stuff).

I can add options to the counterspell stuff - I've got some cast time crowd control spells already - hex, fear, polymorph, and cyclone - what else is there?

Silence on heavy hitting spells -> would need the list of ID's to interrupt. It's probably a better idea than just silencing everything though.
Repentance, turn evil and blinding light and Ring of Frost, frost jaw and dominate mind are casted ccs I think, these are easy to find spell ids to.

Not sure about spell id of ascendance lava burst, either it's the same spell id as ordinary lava burst, or is the same spell id as lightning bolt, or have a different spell id. I've searched some for a spell id for it but can't find.

I noticed that if I don't have focus setting enabled on counterspell, and have interupt any healing on, it wont interupt healing from my focus. Sometimes I have a dps on focus and I don't want to interupt all stuff he does.
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Portal and PVE Fire

My apologies as this may have been discussed before but I cannot find anything other than small mentions when searching this thread. I have been raiding as frost. My ilvl is 570. My dps is adequate but a fire mage in my raid with a lower ilvl it typically 10-20% ahead of me on the meters depending on the fight in heroic SoO. So I am contemplating switching to fire or arcane. Does anyone have a good setup for this or any recommendations? What little I do see on the thread here is mostly people complaining about a dps drop when they went from frost to arcane or fire. As happy as I have been with Portal I can only assume it is something in the setup. Any help or references would be greatly appreciated. I would prefer fire as I generally am just not crazy about arcane.
